One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 1902

Chapter 1902: Eryan Taichu battle power!

"Properties panel!"

[Name]: Su Lang

[Race]: human

[Qualification Level]: Turbidity

[Realm level]: Yiyan Taichu

[Attack level]: Second Yan Taichu+

[Defensive Level]: Eryan Taichu+

[Shenfa level]: Second Yan Taichu

[Endurance Level]: Second Yan Taichu+

[Spirit Level]: Realm of Broken Nirvana+

[Mastering the exercises]: Infinite Heart Sutra, "Ten Thousand Laws into One: Infinite Profound Meaning" (too elementary, founding)

[Activated system functions]: One-key practice function (level 47), one-key martial arts function (level 47), clone dispatch function (level 46), one-key treasure hunt function (level 46), one-key alchemy function (level 15) ), one-key mixer function (level 15), one-key refinement function (level 15), one-key synthesis function (level 15), one-key empowerment function (level 25), one-key enhancement function (level 7), one-key Decomposition function (no grade)

"Just after breaking through, the combat power has reached the beginning of the Second Yan!"

"Hey, the four original skills of the founding proficiency are awesome!"

"My ten thousand fascinating methods have finally reached the primordial level!"

"And then, I can use nine martial arts villains to practice one exercise together, and the practice speed is absolutely fast!"


Various excitement thoughts arose in Su Lang's heart.


He looked at the four exercises he had just mastered.

"Future Good Fortune Mystery", "Sleeping Heart Sutra", "Moment of Eternity" and "Hengsha Blessed World Record"!

At the beginning level.

The control of time rules is divided into three major stages: present, future and past.

Both "Silent Heart Sutra" and "Moment of Eternity" belong to the practice of the'now' stage.

And "Future Good Fortune Mystery" is a practice that belongs to the "future" stage.

The meaning of it.

Su Lang has understood everything.

It's just that the current realm is too low, and the understanding of the time rules is not thorough enough, and it is necessary to use the cultivation base to continue to improve.


Although he understood those profound meanings, it was difficult to display them smoothly.

Probably the skill is there, but the power is not enough.

Su Lang realized that he can only affect the'now' stage.

The result is that time is still.

Time acceleration involves the ‘future’ phase, and time deceleration involves the ‘past’ phase.

It's not something Su Lang can touch now.

of course.

Time stillness is also a form of time turbulence!

"Senior Zhaoyu who left the place of exile."

"The control of time has definitely reached the point of perfection!"

"Even at the beginning level, only the rules of time are mastered, not the Dao, and Senior Zhaoyu may be involved in the Time Dao!"

"The Avenue of Time, based on the information given by the four primordial exercises currently mastered, that is the characteristic of the Eternal Realm!"

"By controlling the rules of time to the extreme, and condensing the Avenue of Time, you can completely complement your universe and advance to the realm of eternity!"

Su Lang thought in his heart, admiring Senior Zhaoyu who left the place of exile.

After all, he is a strong man who can wrestle with Emperor Yuanmingzhou!

Refers to the realm of eternity.

Su Lang guessed that Emperor Yuanmingzhou was probably a powerhouse in the realm of eternity, mastering the terrifying existence of the Great Dao of Time!

"It's too strong!"

"Although I have broken through to the early beginning level, there is still a long way to go!"

"It must be improved as soon as possible!"


While thinking about it, Su Lang looked at the mysterious black space.

However, the cultivator who had overflowed his original cultivation base has turned white again!

Only a fraction of them remained golden.


"Is the cultivation base required for the breakthrough in the early stage so terrifying?"

"I have saved at least tens of thousands of quasi-primary cultivation bases before!"

Su Lang looked at the white cultivator and couldn't help taking a breath.

But then I thought about it.

Su Lang suddenly understood why he needed so much cultivation.

Because he has more cells!josei

The power of the primordial level is divided according to the number of crystal wall cells in the rule of fusion time.

In general, those who are strong at the beginning have similar body cells.

Therefore, the recognized realm division can be applied to them.

But Su Lang is different.

He has too many cells, a full one hundred and sixty-four!

Probably more than half of the ordinary too junior strong!

"It is probably because of this."

Su Lang touched his chin and analyzed, "I can have the combat power of the second generation!"

Immediately after.

His gaze fell on "The Boundless World Record of Hengsha".

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