One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 1946

Chapter 1946: Tianmen Mainland Exchange House Project

See these pills.

Everyone present was stunned! !

Including Jiang Wenzheng and others were all stunned.

Although they knew that Su Lang's alchemy attainments were very superb.

The Qianyuan Jingwu Pill capable of refining perfect quality has reached the level that no one in the Heavenly Continent can rival it.josei

But they never expected it.

Su Lang was able to refine so many primordial perfect-quality pills!

It is necessary to know that the first person of the Heavenly Misty Continent Pill Dao, Jiang Wenzheng, can only refine very ordinary too low-level pill.

The lower grades can at most refine top grades, the higher grades can only refine lower grades or even waste products.

But even if it is a waste product that is too elementary, it is reluctant to lose it.

In their eyes.

Su Lang also couldn't refine a lot of perfect quality too primary pill.

But now, they just saw it!

Those immortals of perfect quality are not ten or a hundred pills, but thousands!

This can no longer be described in large quantities.

In the eyes of Jiang Wenzheng and others, it is simply huge!

"Oh my God!"

"Too much, too much!"

"I have never seen so many perfect quality too low-level pills!"

"Don't say it is a perfect quality pill from the beginning, I have never seen so many medium-grade pill from the beginning!"

"Daoist Su Lang's alchemy skills are so terrifying, it is beyond imagination!"

"Hahahaha, I will always defend Su Lang, the light of hope from the Heavenly Continent!"

"Me too! Only by following Daoist Su Lang can we have a way out!"


Jiang Wenzheng and others talked a lot, and the eyes looking at Su Lang were full of endless reverence and admiration.

Although Su Lang is younger than any of them.

Even Su Lang had just arrived in Tianmen Continent for a day.

But in their view.

Su Lang has fully demonstrated his powerful strength and even more terrifying potential!

Everyone has deeply believed it.

Su Lang was the new leader of the Infinite Realm that the leader of the Infinite Realm had long established.

Is the main force against Emperor Yuan Mingzhou!

These people, all of them must become Su Lang's protectors, and they will give everything to protect him during Su Lang's growth!

At this time.


"Friend Jiang Wenzheng!"

"When I preached, I refined these medicines in the universe of life, and they just have what you need."

"Well, this Nine Apertures Nourishing Essence Returning Heaven Pill is required by many Daoists of Zhuge Formation, and this Seven-Life Storage Element Demon Pill is required by Bi Tongguang..."

While talking, Su Lang took out all the pill that everyone asked him to refine and distributed them to everyone.

For Su Lang.

He has received the deepest recognition from Jiang Wenzheng and others, and the allegiance of Yuwen Xingyuan and others.

Some secrets are exposed, but the problem is not big!

At this moment.

He put one by one the perfect quality too junior pill into the hands of Jiang Wenzheng and others.

It has gained countless gratitude, respect and admiration.


Su Lang distributed all the pills that everyone needed.

Even the pill that everyone gets has far exceeded their expectations.

Suddenly, all the early powerhouses showed overjoyed expressions, and kept saluting Su Lang.

"Friends of Taoism!"

"If you have great talents, you can hand it over to me for alchemy!"

"In addition, I have a set of exchange building models here, which can be promoted in Tianmen Continent!"

"The specific exchange building model is like this...I will arrange Human Race Yanxingxing and others to assist you and build it!"

"In addition, there are the various civilization crystallizations of our Xinghai domain, which will definitely be of great help to the Heavenly Continent!"

"For these things, I will ask Yanxingxing and others to assist you, move them to the Heavenly Continent, and make improvements!"

Su Lang gradually explained the mode of the exchange building to everyone.


One by one the strong at the beginning was shocked again.

No one can think of it.

There can be such a development model that takes such care of low-level warriors in the world!

With a certain amount of low-level items, you can exchange for high-level items with a value much higher than this!

The exchangeable thing contains materials, the four categories of medicine, weapons, and exercises, which is incredible!

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