One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 1971

Chapter 1971: One hundred million crystal wall world

They are all quasi-primary level.josei

The repair base has reached the ceiling.

It is necessary to condense the rules of time to enter the realm of the beginning.

"Yan Hengxing, Xiao Ning, don't worry."

"Soon, I will be able to make you break through to the Primordial Beginning in a few moments."

Su Lang looked at Yan Hingxing and the others, and said with a gentle expression.

This statement came out.

Yan Xingxing and others were shocked and moved.

Since Su Lang returned, they have grown up in the miracle created by Su Lang almost all the time.

At this moment, he could break through to the Primordial Realm very soon.

All this is almost dreamlike.


Jiang Wenzheng, Qin Song and others also thought of the Haikou where Su Lang boasted.

That is to create five hundred powerful masters in one breath!

We must know that there are countless geniuses in the entire Heavenly Misty Continent, and there are not many who can achieve the Primordial Realm!

Since the last World War of the Infinite Universe, the primordial powers of the Infinite Realm have faded away, and only a dozen primordial primaries have appeared in the Tianmen Continent billions of years.

This number is far too few compared to five hundred.

For Jiang Wenzheng and others, the five hundred of Taichu is an astronomical number!

And as soon as I thought of the Heavenly Misty Continent, there would be 500 brand new powerhouses from the beginning.

While everyone was excited, they felt a little pressure.

In my heart, I was determined to make good use of the pill that Su Lang gave me.


Su Lang asked Jiang Wenzheng and the others to go back to practice.

Yanxingxing and others continued to arrange Su Lang's incense statue.

Although there is a spiritual Internet, the incense statue is still quite important.

After all, what Su Lang wanted to collect was the incense aspiration power of the entire Tianmen Continent.

at this time.

Everyone has dispersed.

"The realm has been broken."

"It's time to improve more Crystal Wall world!"

Su Lang looked inside his body for a moment, and immediately decided to raise the crystal wall world around the Yingzhu Universe.

After making a decision.

Su Lang immediately began to operate the Hengsha Infinite Boundary Record.

Cultivate crystal wall cells one by one with countless innate qi.

A large amount of energy poured into a crystal wall cell, and in a blink of an eye it grew to a level comparable to the emperor-level life universe.

time flies.

Su Lang sat on the ground, desperately upgrading his crystal wall cells.

Because of the breakthrough to the second Yan Taichu level.

His innate energy has also been sublimated, and his reserves have become higher.

Therefore, the efficiency of growing crystal wall cells has also been improved.

At the same time.

Before Su Lang only grew 10 million Crystal Wall World.

This time, 20 million crystal wall worlds were created!

And Su Lang did not stop there.

Instead, they constantly absorb the energy of the sun, take restorative pills, and continuously sublimate the crystal wall cells into the crystal wall world.

It persisted until the Dantian universe and the Yinghu universe had 50 million crystal wall worlds at the same time.

Su Lang was sweating profusely, and stopped panting.

"Lying down!"

"This has only completed the number of 100 million!"

"Compared to the number of cells in my entire body, it's insignificant!"

Su Lang sucked in cold air, feeling that this time the sublimation crystal wall cells were simply more tired than fighting with Zhong Biezhu and others.


A world of 100 million crystal walls has brought great benefits to Su Lang!

These crystal wall cells can condense a higher quality and more quantity of twisting power, so that Su Lang can fight across the realm more easily!

In addition.

A world of 100 million crystal walls also means that Su Lang can stuff 100 million life planets into it!

What is this concept?

Equivalent to a billion life universe!

The power of humanity and the power of the world brought by this plus Chengdu will be extremely terrifying!

"I'm really looking forward to it!"

Su Lang clicked the corner of his mouth, then looked at his Dantian universe.

However, around the Dantian universe, the 300,000 crystal wall worlds with living planets have expanded to 320,000!

Among them are more than 10,000 natural life planets in the Qingsheng Dayu.

There are also planets that the clones gather around without stopping.


"The life planet of Zhong Biezhu and others should also be included in the crystal wall world."

Su Lang's eyes suddenly brightened, and his eyes fell on the more than 30 life universes in the storage space.

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