One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 2083

Chapter 2083: Make trouble, take it all for me


Scenes after scenes appeared before Su Lang's eyes.

It was the scene seen by the clones and the treasure hunting flying gliders.

With Su Lang's strength at this time, checking a large amount of vision at the same time is not a problem at all!

However, I saw countless treasure hunting flying flying gliders and clones who had harmed the five star regions surrounding Tianmi Continent.

In every star field, there are countless treasure hunting flying flying flying flying celestial treasures on the planet of natural life. Wherever they pass, if there is a trace of aura, even the mud will be dug away for you!

The clone is constantly opening the universe of life to accommodate life planets!

They are so fast that they can take a planet in a few seconds.

In a short time.

In these five star regions, a total of more than 50,000 natural life planets were taken away by the clones and passed to Su Lang's crystal wall world.

Otherwise dig.

Su Lang also got a huge population.

These people were the diehard loyalists of Tianmi Buddhism, but in Su Lang's bright world, they suddenly changed their beliefs and began to worship Su Lang.


"Five star regions with more than 50,000 planets, there is no Buddhist strong to stop it?"

"Bliss, Ruohai, you really can hold your breath!"

"However, if you have to bear it, then you have to bear it!"

The corner of Su Lang's mouth clicked, and he kept issuing instructions to the system in his heart to dispatch the treasure hunting flying flying gliders and clones to find the rest of the star field.

Not long.

Another star field appeared in front of Su Lang.

"Give me up!"

"Get everything to me!"

Su Lang laughed, and immediately let the clones and the treasure hunt flying gliders start to work.


Trillions of treasure hunting flying flying flying into the planets.

Several Baiying avatars also began to incorporate natural planets.

The remaining Baiying clones were sent out by Su Lang and continued to search for the remaining star regions.

But at this moment.

"Bold fanatic!!"

"To dare to offend to the head of Tianmi Buddhism, really knows how to live and die!!"

"Today, I am going to kill all of your weird and slippery things!!"

With a roar, a golden light exploded fiercely from the center of the star field, just like a sun burst, extremely dazzling!

At the same time, not only the light that pierced the eyes of the blind, but also a powerful breath of the Primordial Realm!

That is the powerful aura of the Wuyan Primordial Realm!

Bai Lian, Bliss and others knew that Su Lang clone had a strong combat power.

They are not stupid.

Naturally, we will not send weak Buddhas and monks to die.

As long as those who go to fight are all powerful from the primordial stage above the Five Elements Realm!

They are bound to make Su Lang pay the price!


"It seems that I didn't let me mess around, and I called someone to intercept my subordinates and Jerry."

"Unfortunately, the person you called is still too weak. In the early days of Wu Yan, this is for nothing!"

Su Lang looked at the doppelganger's field of vision, with a golden body and an angry face, the too junior monk suddenly sneered.

He stretched out his hand and waved.

The Boundless number suddenly emerged.

The remaining hundreds of Baiying clones and phoenixes and other super-primary beasts immediately moved in.

Immediately after.

Su Lang ruled Jiang Wenzheng and the others again, so that all those who did not retreat immediately put aside what they were doing and stationed in the Infinity!

Because of the existence of the spiritual transmission Internet.

At the beginning, no matter where they were, all the people appeared in front of Su Lang instantly, and without a word, they entered the Infinity.

In a flash.

Su Lang's Boundless has stationed hundreds of veteran Taichu, nearly 400 quadrant combat power clones, and a large number of newly promoted Taichu powerhouses!

Although there are no tens of thousands of Taichu clones stationed.

But the power of Infinity has also reached the Bayan Primordial Stage!

at this time.

Seen in that huge star field.josei

"evil creature!"

"Give me my life!"

The Wuyan Taichu monk put his hands together, his eyes were angry, and he took a step forward.

He appeared in front of one of Su Lang's clone instantly, and the endless lotus-shaped golden flame poured down, filling the void, and he was about to burn Su Lang's clone of Baiying!


next moment.

An extremely large figure appeared in front of the monk of the Wuyan Supreme Beginning Stage.

It was Su Lang who replaced the position with Baiying avatar!

To be precise, it is the boundless number!

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