One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 2275

Chapter 2275: Activate the treasure hunting ancestral flying function

"Start the clone replacement function!"

When Su Lang moved in his heart, he directly exchanged positions with the clone.


He left the place of exile and appeared in the extremely remote and lonely void.

Here, it is almost the farthest place from the Tianmen Continent and the Tianxuan Continent.

"Just here!"

Su Lang looked around the empty void, waved his hand to arrange the elements of the gate of the natural universe!

Countless array components have been arranged.

A huge sphere was formed immediately!

The surface of the sphere is composed of countless array parts.

They are connected to each other to form a whole, and the size is larger than ordinary planets!

This is the gate of natural universe refined by Su Lang!

at this time.

Su Lang waved his hand again, instantly throwing out countless superior emperor sources, blending into those formation parts.

The entire gate of the natural universe received sufficient energy, and a faint light suddenly lit up.

The light gradually became brighter and brighter, and finally condensed a strange pattern, like countless shiny silk threads.

But in fact.

These are the rays of light distorted by time and space!

Has not officially opened yet.

This is the vision.

It is enough to see how terrifying the natural universe gate refined by Su Lang is!

at this time.

"The door of the natural universe, open!"

Su Lang's eyes condensed, and countless strength poured into the formation!

It contains a perfect space avenue.

boom! !

An extremely terrifying spatial fluctuation exploded, forming a vast ripple, dispersing in all directions!

In a flash.

This ripple spread over tens of millions of light years, and even continues to spread!

If this is done on the Heavenly Misty Continent, the custody will be sensed by the Emperor Mingzhou of the Heavenly Jade Continent.

Maybe that guy would run out to stop Su Lang.

after all.josei

Su Lang's goal is his lair!

at this time.

After the first terrifying space ripples swayed.

The second, third...Continuous spatial ripples continue to appear, like a tsunami, and become denser!

After a dozen breaths.

The spatial ripples are completely connected.

And at the inner center of the entire planet-shaped political arena, a small black spot appeared!

The immense power of time and space burst out.

The whole formation trembled fiercely! !

Fortunately, Su Lang had already considered the existence of time when refining the formation.

Therefore, he added a huge amount of time rules to the battlefield.

The turbulent flow of the time avenue of the universe channel gathers inside the channel, and only a very small amount of power escapes.

and so.

Su Lang's natural universe channel array has been preserved and continues to operate!


The black spot in the middle of the battlefield gradually expanded.

The light emitted from the array turned into an arc, surrounding the black hole, forming a strange picture scroll.


The black light spot in the altar became a huge hole, and it remained the same without changing.

"The passage has stabilized."

"A place full of turbulence on the Avenue of Time!"

Su Lang looked solemn, took a deep breath, and soon summoned all the treasure hunt flying flying gliders!

A full three trillion flying flying flying flying gliders appeared around Su Lang, densely packed, like endless cosmic dust!


"Start the treasure hunt ancestral flying function!"

With a thought, Su Lang issued instructions to the system.

Instant time!

A total of three quadrillion treasure-hunting flying flying gliders suddenly merged together, forming a treasure hunting flying flying flying flying that has been completely dark and has three golden patterns on its back!

A weird breath radiated from this treasure hunting ancestral glider.

If the rest of you see it, you will definitely get terrified and palpitations.

But in Su Lang's view, the treasure hunting ancestral glider is full of intimacy!


"The treasure hunting ancestral glider of the eternal realm!"

"An existence that can't be killed even in the Eternal Realm!"

"Its speed has reached the realm of a universe of eternity! The general half-step eternity is afraid that even the shadow is hard to find!"

An excited smile appeared at the corner of Su Lang's mouth, "Go, give me the door to the natural universe!"

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