One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 2291

Chapter 2291: A touch of red brightened his eyes

It was also when Su Lang had how many days left for himself to complete the eternal realm's'Shenzhen Tong'.

Yuanming in the universe.

A group of half-step eternal powerhouses have become ants on the hot pot...

"What's the matter? His Majesty Yuan Mingzhou hasn't come back yet!?"

"It stands to reason that His Majesty Yuan Mingzhou must be able to perceive the death of Brother Ying, why hasn't he returned!?"

"Could it be that because only one died, your Majesty thought it was an accident?"

"Ah, this, this, this, this seems to be the truth!"

"Damn it, should we still use death to alert His Majesty Yuan Mingzhou!?"

"I don't want to die, I don't want to die, but seven space-time ports have already been destroyed. Once the nine space-time ports are completely finished, and the nine universes are completely isolated from us, it must be the time when the mysterious force started!"

"That weird black golden flying squirrel is destroying the eighth space-time port. We are running out of time. If the ninth space-time port is over, if His Majesty Yuan Mingzhou does not return, we will all die!"

"So, do we have only one choice? We can only choose to continue to commit suicide and to alert His Majesty Yuan Mingzhou!?"

"Don't be afraid, for Yuanming Universe, we should treat death as home!"

"Then let's stop the lottery, just you!"

"Let's grab lots..."

Twenty-eight half-step eternal powerhouses talked anxiously, and finally came to a desperate conclusion that if Emperor Yuanmingzhou returned as soon as possible, they would have to die!josei

But they broke the head and couldn't think of it.

After the end of the nine time-airports.

There will be no mysterious forces attacking the whole situation and killing them all.

Because from the beginning to the end, there was no powerful mysterious force to invade Yuanming Universe, and it was only Su Lang that was half-step eternal...


The round tripod representing death was placed in front of twenty-eight people.

"Who will come first?"

An old man with a beard asked.

"I come!"

A sturdy red-skinned muscular man said immediately.

The one who gets the ball first has the least chance of touching the red ball!

He doesn't believe that he is as unlucky as a hooked nose!

"Then you come first."

The others looked at each other and took a step back.

In full view.

The red-skinned muscular man put his hand into the round tripod, and then took out a ball very simply.

Instant time!

A touch of red blinded his eyes!

The audience is also frozen in time, becoming deadly silent...

The next moment.

" ball!?"

"How could it be, how could it be a red ball!!"

"I don't believe it, this is fake, it must be fake, how could I be so unlucky!?"


The red-skinned muscular man screamed like crazy, his crazy voice was like a big rock thrown into the lake, making the dead lake surface alive.

"The red ball, it turned out to be a red ball!"

"Oh my god, red skin is so unlucky!"

"The probability of one in twenty-eight is met by him!"

"The key is to catch the red ball directly in the half-step of the first lottery in succession!"

"This, this is too scary!"


The remaining twenty-seven half-step eternal powerhouses saw this scene, their eyes widened in disbelief, and their mouths opened wide!

This **** bad luck is really incredible.

After a horrified discussion.

The scene became dead again.

Because...someone is dying!

"Why, why is it me!"

The red-skinned muscular man murmured sadly, he was unwilling.

"Brother Hongskin, don't worry, we will take care of your wife and daughter."

"Don't worry, His Majesty Yuan Mingzhou will definitely find a way to save you, come and give us the inheritance."


Half a step, the face was eternally sad, and even the body was trembling slightly...

"I will be resurrected, I will definitely be resurrected!"

"You can keep these things for me, and I will come back!"

The red-skinned muscular man gritted his teeth and said, and then left all the legacy he could leave.

The public half-step eternally accepted the inheritance of the red-skinned muscular man, and then turned their faces sadly, as if they did not want to see the tragic scene of the brother going to death.

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