One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 2297

Chapter 2297: Eternal weapon, dead universe

"Su Lang!"

"You, how did you do it!?"

"Where did the treasure hunting ancestral glider come from!?"


Emperor Zhou looked at Su Lang and couldn't help but ask with a trembling voice.

"Sorry, no comment!"

Su Lang clicked the corner of his mouth, and immediately called up the attribute panel of Emperor Yuanmingzhou.

[Name]: Kuanghou Yunge

[Race]: the day after tomorrow

[Qualification level]: Absolutely (congenital source of the Ming Dao tire)

[Level of Realm]: Two Universes Eternal

[Attack Level]: Two Universe Eternal+

[Defensive Level]: Two Universe Eternal

[Shenfa Level]: Two Universe Eternal

[Endurance Level]: Two Universe Eternal

[Spirit Level]: Realm of Universality

[Mastering the exercises]: Xiantian Yuanming Heart Sutra (major), Chaos Reverse Refining Anti-True Dao (eternal state, founding) Zhou Yuan Refining True Dao (eternal state, founding), Yuanming Infinite Dao (eternal level, Xiaocheng), Yuan Mingyu Liudao (too elementary, founding)...... (partially omitted)

"Second Eternal Realm!?"

"Unexpectedly, after this situation, Yun Ge would even rise to the next level after breaking through to the eternal state!"

"When you reach the realm of eternal realm, the division of realm is ‘universe’, while the realm of spiritual soul is Huanni!?"

"Human Nirvana? Universe Nirvana? I want to raise my spiritual soul to the level of the universe!"

"Chaos refining anti-truth? This is the technique used by Emperor Yuanmingzhou to refining the origin of the universe and the core origin of the universe!"

"And that Zhou Yuan's cultivation of the true way is probably a technique used to restore the origin of the universe and the core origin of the universe to the original substance!"

"This guy is very strong! No wonder it can sweep nine natural universes, plus the endless universe, there are ten natural universes!"

"The former endless Emperor Zhou also fell into his hands!"

"I don't know if I can kill him after I understand Time Avenue?"


Su Lang looked at Emperor Yuanmingzhou's attribute panel, and thoughts arose in his mind.

No matter how.

Finally, I have a clearer understanding of the strength of Emperor Yuanmingzhou!

Know yourself and the enemy, a hundred battles will never end!

Now that the strength is inadequate, you should avoid the edge and not confront it head-on!


"It's not your opponent now."

"But I can play you around, hehehe!"

A hint of playfulness flashed in Su Lang's eyes, and immediately looked at the treasure hunting ancestral glider again.

Yuanming universe.

Emperor Yuan Mingzhou saw that his attack could not work, and he couldn't accept this fact in disbelief.

He is invincible to ten powerful existences in the natural universe.

"I don't believe I can't kill you!!"

Emperor Yuanmingzhou's eyes were about to split, so angrily he took out his weapon, a...folding fan!

"This is an eternal weapon!!"

"Unexpectedly, Emperor Yuan Ming Zhou had even built the eternal realm weapons!"

"Yes, this guy has plundered ten natural universes, and it is reasonable to create an eternal weapon."

Through the weapon recognition function, Su Lang saw through the bottom of the folding fan, and immediately narrowed his eyes.

The folding fan is called "Dead Universe", and it is a weapon of eternal state!

From the name of the dead universe, you can see how terrifying weapons are!

"The source of the Ming is infinite, and the dead universe is determined to live and die!!"

Emperor Yuan Mingzhou flicked his right hand and opened the folding fan with a scream!

Its fan face is purple and black, exuding an extremely fierce atmosphere!

at this time.

The near-infinite majestic power of Emperor Yuanmingzhou is instilled into the weapon, condensing a super attack that combines the power of countless avenues including the time avenue!


Seeing this scene, the treasure hunting ancestor glider squeaked again.

"Die to me!!"

Emperor Yuan Mingzhou roared and waved his right hand fiercely.

Instant time!josei

A torrent of brilliant purple-black energy fell directly on the treasure hunting ancestor glider!


"We can't handle this aftermath!"

"His Majesty Yuan Mingzhou is too strong, this time he will definitely be able to kill the treasure hunting ancestral glider!!"

"Yes! It must die!"


The half-step eternal strong even the aftermath of the Yuan Mingzhou Emperor's attack was unbearable, and they fled towards the distance.


Seeing such a powerful attack on the treasure hunting ancestral glider, they immediately breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that the treasure hunting ancestral glider would definitely die this time!


next moment!

The shocking thing happened!

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