One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 2336

Chapter 2336: Instill a time road for Xiaoyou


"Time Avenue is instilling!"

The system prompt resounded through my mind.

Immediately after.

There was a time avenue that was exactly the same as Su Lang, which was completely instilled into Youtian Sword.


"It hurts!"

A cry of pain came from Youtian Sword, and it was Xiaoyou who was groaning in pain.

As a unique weapon creature.

Her ability comes from the body, which can be said to be innate.

This was the first time Su Lang had instilled other power into her.

Therefore, it is normal to have a little pain.

"Hold on, Xiaoyou."

"When you get used to it, it won't hurt."

Su Lang's heart tightened as he heard Xiaoyou's painful cry, and he calmed down.

"Yeah, master...I listen to you, ah, I hold back..."

Xiaoyou's intermittent voice came from Youtian Sword, sometimes mixed with a bit of pain.



Xiaoyou's painful cry disappeared.

Instead, it was the joyous cheer that was nourished by the new power.


"Master, it is the power of time!"

"Great, Xiaoyou also has the power of time and great power, the master is great!"

When Time Avenue was finished instilling, Xiaoyou suddenly ran out excitedly and hung on Su Lang's body, with a pretty face blushing, extremely excited.


"let me see."

"Well, you have also changed."

"After you have the power of the Time Dao, your power level becomes higher."

"Although it has not yet reached the level of the power of the universe, it can already pose a threat to it."

"Especially when you are held in my hand, you can pose a fatal threat to it!"

Su Lang smiled and rubbed Xiaoyou's hair, with a satisfied smile on his face.

"Yeah~ great, great!"

"I really want to do it again!"

Xiaoyou was praised, and she was immediately happier.

"The Avenue of Time is a terrifying force that surpasses the rest."

"Injecting it into your body will only greatly increase your combat power, and will not affect your original strength."

"If it is the power of the rest of the Great Dao, I am afraid it will affect your characteristics."

"This is also why I always keep only the current characteristics when I evolve for you."

"Your terrifying characteristics, if it is mixed with other elements, becomes impure, and has a deviation, you will lose it."

Su Lang continued to rub Xiaoyou's hair, softly explaining to her.

"That's it."

"Then, master!"

Xiaoyou nodded, and then asked expectantly, "Is there a higher level in Time Avenue? If so, can I instill it in the future?"

"Is the level of Time Avenue?"

"I can faintly feel that Time Avenue really seems to have a higher level."

"If it is true, I will instill it in you after I understand it."

Su Lang touched his chin for a moment, then nodded slightly, rubbing his hand on Xiao You's head twice.

"Really, that's awesome!"

"Master, you must hurry up, Xiaoyou will not wait~"

After hearing Su Lang's words, Xiaoyou's eyes lit up and she was so excited.

"Haha, no hurry, no hurry."

Su Lang smiled slightly, "I will definitely not let you down in the future."

"Yeah, I'm done!"

Xiaoyou nodded seriously, Xuan even returned to his body.


The immortal Emperor Zhou who watched Su Lang instilling the Time Dao in Youtian Sword has completely closed himself.

She looked at Su Lang blankly.josei

I don't know if this man is still a human...

Su Lang glanced faintly at Emperor Zhou, the corner of his mouth twitched.


He continued to use the one-key empowerment function, allowing all four weapons including the Mirror of Reincarnation to master the Avenue of Time.

After mastering the time avenue.

The power of the three weapons, including the Mirror of Reincarnation, has also reached the eternity of a universe, with the kind of time avenue.

The level of the eight-sided shield of the sky is a little weaker than the Youtian Sword, but it is higher than the weapons such as the mirror of reincarnation, belonging to the kind that is approaching the eternity of the two universes.

As for the endless number.

This is a terrorist weapon with 120,000 parts.

The level of each of its parts is no more than Qiyan Primordial Stage at most.

Su Lang tried it.

It was discovered that even the most core central part cannot withstand the power of the time avenue.

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