One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 2458

Chapter 2458: I can ally with yours

"That's it."

"Uh no, what, doppelganger!?"

"How can the clone of the Three Eternal Realm be possible!?"

Ming Wu nodded first, then shocked all over, staring at Su Lang dumbfounded.

The half-step eternal elder next to him was also dumbfounded, his brain blank!


The clone has the Three Eternal Realm!

What a perverted secret technique is necessary to create it!

Looking at Su Lang who was smiling in front of him.

Mingwu feels more autistic!

"do not do that."

"no big deal."

Su Lang smiled slightly, beckoned, and the treasure hunting flying flying glider holding the jade slip in his small paw flew to his hand obediently.

"Inside this jade slip."

"Is the coordinates you gave me?"

Su Lang took the jade slip in his hand and looked at Mingwu.

"Yes, it is."

"They are all selected natural universes, better than those auctioned out."

Mingwu nodded in a daze.

"Thanks a lot then."

"By the way, you don't want me to go to Kongqing Universe because you are afraid that I will be exposed and be known by others?"

Su Lang smiled, secretly saying that he really became a sweet steamed bun.

"Taoist Su Lang has eyes like torches."

"Now, we are thirsty for talent."

"If Fellow Su Lang joins us, he will definitely get a very generous treatment."

Emperor Ming Wu Zhou said sincerely, "At least, the treatment will be many times better than below!"

"I saw your sincerity."

"However, I can't completely let go of my vigilance against you at this time."

"In the end, I am not a man."

Su Lang smiled faintly, "So it is impossible for you to recruit me."

"Ah this..."

Emperor Wu Zhou's complexion changed slightly.

The eternal old man at that half-step is even more incredible.

Originally, he thought Su Lang would agree to it sooner or later.

after all.

That's a solicitation from the high-level Doudu Universe.

How many four universes are eternal, and if you want to enter the Doudu universe, you don't have that opportunity.


Su Lang refused so simply!

But at this moment.


The corner of Su Lang's mouth tick, and the words turn.

"But what?"

Emperor Ming Wu Zhou changed his expression and asked hurriedly.

The half-step eternal old man also quickly put up his ears and listened.


"I can form an alliance with yours."

"Sit on an equal footing with the masters of your forces!"

Su Lang looked straight, "And this is the most basic requirement."

This statement came out.

Emperor Ming Wu Zhou and the half-step eternal old man were even more stunned, their eyeballs and chin were about to fall at the same time!

An eternal realm of four universes.

Want to form an alliance with high-level cosmic forces! ?

And to be on an equal footing with the Lord of Power!

This is just like a madman's babbling, it's completely a fantasy, foolish dreams!

After a terrible shock.

A trace of anger and dissatisfaction appeared in Emperor Mingwu Zhou's heart.

"Friend Su Lang!"

"In the Doudu universe, the Four Eternal Realms have as many as four digits."

"And the lord of our forces has a noble status and an incomparably powerful strength, and the Seven Eternal Realms all bow their heads."

"Even if you are very strange, fellow Taoist, far surpassing the same level, but your words are too arrogant!"

Emperor Mingwu Zhou frowned and said in a cold voice.

He can swear that he has lived for more than 100 billion years, and he doesn't know how many crazy people have met.

But this is the first time I have seen someone as crazy as Su Lang!

"Friend Mingwu Daoist needn't be so angry."josei

"I just said what I wanted, and didn't mean anything else."

Su Lang shook his head indifferently, "If you can't accept this request, you do not agree."

"Friend Su Lang."

"I will truthfully report your words."

"I can bear it, and if they can bear it, I don't know!"

Emperor Ming Wu Zhou's eyes were slightly cold, and he made a cold snort and turned to leave.

"Thank you for the coordinates."

"Even if the alliance fails."

"For the sake of your sincerity, I will help you with any minor difficulties in the future."

Su Lang raised his hands, hugged Emperor Mingwu Zhou, and said sincerely.

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