One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 2484

Chapter 2484: Booked

"Hi, Su Lang child, are you crazy or stupid?"

"Don't you know where you are now!?"

"Your life has been squeezed in my hands by my jade cultivator. I want you to die in an instant!"

"Now, I'll take you into the Xuanyi Zhou Palace. On the road, you still have a chance to go back."

"As long as you fully cooperate, we can guarantee you a way out."

Emperor Xie Langzhou said coldly, and immediately wrapped Su Lang and flew towards Xuanyi Zhou Palace.

As for the half-step eternal old man, he was silently turned into powder, and died.

have to say.

Half-step eternity is really too fragile in the face of eternity.


"I told you not to kill him, you must kill him."

"Very well, you, I have already written a small book, you will definitely die!"

Su Lang caught half of the eternal old man's death with his spiritual thoughts, and immediately glanced at Emperor Xie Langzhou.

"kill me!?"

"I will definitely die?"

"Hahaha, you are really the most arrogant junior I have ever seen."

Emperor Xie Langzhou didn't take Su Lang's words seriously, and smiled disdainfully.

At about the same time.

In the site of the Xiuning faction.

Emperor Minghua Zhou, who was building the altar of the universe origin contract with the other elders and guardians, suddenly changed his expression.

"What's the matter, Minghua protector?"

Elder Yu immediately noticed the strangeness of Emperor Minghua Zhou and asked immediately.

"not good!"

"The subordinate I placed in Genluo Universe to connect with Su Lang suddenly appeared on the domain of Doudu Universe, Xiuyu faction!"

"Moreover, it's the core hinterland location!"

Emperor Minghua's face was unbelievable and terrified!

Hear this.

Elder Yu and the rest of the elders and guardians who were busy immediately stopped their movements, their expressions changed drastically.

"Minghua protector!"

"What exactly is going on!?"

"How could your subordinate suddenly appear in the territory of the Xiuyu faction!?"

Elder Jing Zhi had a gloomy expression, and asked intently!

"Jing Zhi."

"Are you suspecting that my subordinates have rebelled?"

"Or, are you doubting me?"

Emperor Minghua is not afraid of Jing Zhi at all, even if the latter is the eternal seven cosmos.


"I didn't say it."

Emperor Jing Zhizhou sneered, "I don't know what you are so excited for?"

"I tell you, I personally discovered Su Lang!"

"It was also I personally informed His Royal Highness Xiuning and proceeded to investigate Su Lang's affairs."

"If I am a jade repairer, how can I do this?"

"In addition, my subordinate is only a half-step eternal state, and has no ability to cross the natural universe alone."

"And that subordinate did not grasp the path from Genluo Universe to Doudu Universe!"

"So there is only one explanation. Someone brought my subordinate to the site of the Xiuyu faction."

"The goal of the Xiuyu faction is definitely not my subordinate, they definitely brought Su Lang!"

Emperor Minghua looked at Jing Zhi with a gloomy expression, and his voice was also very low.josei

"Minghua's Law Protector will definitely not be a problem."

Elder Yu stood up and said, "A traitor from our Xiuning faction has leaked the news and let Xiuyu's faction rob Su Lang away!"

"Not bad!"

"Now my subordinate is dead."

"It is impossible for Xiuyu's faction to spend a lot of time to arrest my subordinates."

"Su Lang is probably in the hands of Emperor Xiuyu Zhou at this time!"

"Damn it, that's the eternal arrogant who holds the inheritance of your Majesty Dou Xiu!"

Emperor Minghua looked sad and angry!

"Don't worry, everyone."

"Although Su Lang falls into Xiuyu's hands, there should be no danger in a short time."

"Because Emperor Xiu Yuzhou didn't want Su Lang's life, but the complete inheritance."

Elder Zhong stepped forward and said with relief.

"Not bad."

"Su Lang is definitely fine, we still have a chance to rescue him."

Elder Xie nodded, "The nails that were nailed to the jade repair faction before, it's time to make a difference!"

"This matter is too important."

"I will suspend the construction of the Cosmic Origin Contract Altar, and report the matter to His Highness Xiuning."

Elder Yu looked around the crowd and said.

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