One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 2489

Chapter 2489: People, people, people ran away

First of all.

The world of crystal wall cells in Su Lang's body is as many as 66,000! !

This has reached more than eight times that of Emperor Yu Zhou!

It should be known that Su Lang is only in the Four Eternal Realm.

And he repaired Yuzhou Emperor, it is already eternal for the seven universes.

Su Lang's crystal wall cells are more than eight times more than him!

This is simply fantastic, unbelievable, and terrible!

Even more shocking is.

This crystal wall world, which was more than 66,000 gai, was completely empty.

Ordinary warriors, let alone eternal realm.

Even the Emperor Wu who had just crossed the founding threshold, there were many creatures in the inner world.

But in Su Lang's inner world, let alone creatures, there are no ghosts.

Not to mention life planets and continents, there is simply no broken rock!

"This, how is this possible!!"

"How could you have so many crystal wall worlds!"

"How is it possible that the world in your body is completely devoid of life planet life continent!?"

"For the eternal emperor to master the power of the universe, he must master the power of humanity, and he must cultivate the world of life in his body!"

"You, how exactly did you cultivate? How could the universe of life and the crystal wall world be completely empty!?"

"Also, where have you put the origins of the universe and the treasures of heaven and earth?"


Emperor Xiu Yuzhou was horrified and exclaimed in disbelief!

Everything that Shennian saw was beyond his imagination.

"Don't be so fussy, OK?"

"Anyone who is a little bit knowledgeable will never be like you, calling there like a silly roe deer."

"Actually, the reason why I let you see clearly is to make you understand that your universe and the treasures of heaven and earth, I laughed at it!"

The corner of Su Lang's mouth outlines a strong playfulness.

He had moved the things to the storage space long ago, and the Emperor Jade Zhou searched for them to make sure that there were no hairs at all.


"You bastard!"

"I must find out your secret!!"

"I will get all your inheritance, and my resources will definitely be found from you!"

Emperor Xiu Yuzhou was so angry that his nose was almost crooked!

However, even though he was tricked, he still thought that Su Lang could not escape from his hands.

In a long time.

What he repaired Yuzhou Emperor had time to torture Su Lang and seize inheritance!

But at this moment.

"Emperor Xiuyu Zhou."

"Next I will go back first."

"Don't be too sad, I will come back to find you!"

A smile appeared on Su Lang's face, and he immediately cancelled the perfect leaning, and recovered the clone.


In an instant.

The avatar of Su Lang in Xuanyi Zhou Palace disappeared out of thin air, leaving only a table with messy peels and melon seeds.


"where is the guy!?"

"People ran away!? How could it be possible! How could this be possible, my Xuanyi Zhougong had already sealed time and space!!"

"How could he run out of me in the eternal realm of the four universes!?"


Emperor Xiu Yuzhou was sluggish on the spot, opening his mouth wide, and only a few seconds later did he erupt a terrifying roar!

Rumble! !

The entire Xuanyi Zhougong was suddenly exploded by his terrifying aura, torn apart!

"what happened!?"

"How could Xuanyi Zhougong suddenly explode?"

"His Royal Highness Xiuyu is roaring, he, how could he make such a big fire!"

Staying outside the Xuanyi Zhou Palace, Emperor Xie Langzhou, who was in a very unbeautiful mood, was taken aback by the sudden explosion!

Immediately after.

There are endless stormy waves in his heart!josei

For the first time in so many hundred million years, he saw Emperor Xiuyu Zhou so angry!

At this time.

"Xie Lang!"

"Immediately mobilize all power and hunt down Su Lang for me!!"

An extremely cold voice appeared in Emperor Xie Langzhou's heart.


"Find Su Lang!?"

"Isn't Su Lang...Is he running away!?"

"How is it possible, how is this possible, how is it possible to escape from the Four Eternal Realm in Sulang!?"


Emperor Xie Langzhou was dumbfounded, dumbfounded, and couldn't believe his ears.

The occasion of horror.

He quickly took the order and responded to Emperor Xiu Yuzhou.

Otherwise, he has no doubt that he will become the punching bag of Emperor Xiuyu Zhou!

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