One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 2499

Chapter 2499: His Highness Xiuning arrives


"Up until now, I still dare to be eloquent and able to speak!"

When Emperor Xiu Yuzhou was said by Su Lang, he suddenly remembered how embarrassed he had been almost crazy in the past six months.

Thus, a thick shame came spontaneously!

The rest of the eternal powers of Xiuyu group also looked ugly as if they were eating shit.


"By now?"

"What's wrong now? Did you catch me?"

Su Lang raised his eyebrows and asked with a sneer.


"We are a blockade composed of seven eternals and seven eternals, and twelve eternals and six eternals."

"Do you think you can escape? Delusion!"

Emperor Xiu Yuzhou's expression was cold, and his heart was very angry.


"I never escaped."

"I've always just been strategically moving."

Su Lang shrugged, then took out a watermelon-like spirit fruit and took a bite.

Click, the juice is splashing, sweet and delicious!

"You dog stuff!"

"Hurry up and hand over the complete inheritance, as well as my origin of the universe and the treasures of heaven and earth!"

"Otherwise, the deity will let you know what cruelty is!"

The eyes of Emperor Xiu Yuzhou seemed to be frozen, and the words in his mouth were full of murderous intent, like a cold wind blowing from the ice hell!


"The origin of the universe? Treasures of heaven and earth?"

"Sorry, I have already used it up."

"What's more, I didn't **** it. I used two copies of the eternal realm cultivation technique to exchange it for you."

"Emperor Xiuyuzhou, how could you say that you can turn back? Are you doing this good, bad!"

Su Lang showed a look of astonishment, and then said seriously.

"You shameless man!"

"Obviously you deceived the origins of the universe and the treasures of the universe from me, and at this time you even beaten it!"

Emperor Xiu Yuzhou was so angry that he had to do it almost on the spot!


"It's clear that you lied to me first, I just used the human way to treat the human body."

"Could it be that this is also wrong?"

Su Lang spread out his hands helplessly, and took another bite of the melon.

"Su Lang!"

"The deity doesn't talk nonsense with you!"

"I will give you one last chance, the complete inheritance and my cosmic origin, heaven and earth treasures, will you pay or not!?"

Emperor Xiu Yuzhou stared at Su Lang wistfully, his murderous aura became more and more bitter!

If it is an ordinary four universe eternal realm.

The custody has been shocked by him, panic-stricken.

But Su Lang was still calm and unhurried, even showing a disdainful smile.


"You really don't hit the south wall or look back, or you won't cry if you don't see the coffin!"

"In that case, everyone will follow the order and arrest him for me!"

Emperor Xiuyu Zhou gritted his teeth, clenched his fists, and gave the order with a violent blue vein on his forehead.


The Seven Eternal and Six Eternal Powers took their orders one after another, and then approached Su Lang fiercely!

Emperor Xiu Yuzhou himself stood above the clouds, staring at Su Lang firmly.

But at this moment.

"Xiuyu, you bastard!"

"Try to move Su Lang!"

A clear scolding came from a distance.

Immediately afterwards, His Highness Xiuning brought a group of Seven Eternal Elders and flew over.


Six deities and seven universes eternally come to the vicinity.

Emperor Xiu Ning Zhou stared coldly at Emperor Xiu Yuzhou, but his eyes drifted to Su Lang from time to time.

"Su Lang!"

"Finally saw a real person!"

"Fortunately, the road is hurry, otherwise he might be taken away by this time!"


Looking at Su Lang, various thoughts emerged in His Highness Xiuning's mind.


"Xiu Ning?"

"Hmph, do you think you can stop me?"

"Su Lang, I have decided today! His inheritance, I have to decide too!"

Emperor Xiu Yuzhou turned his head to look at His Royal Highness Xiuning, his eyes full of sarcasm.

However, his subordinates, six seven eternals and eighteen six eternals, kept moving and approached the deep valley where Su Lang was.

At the speed of the eternal state, it will arrive almost instantly.


"Everyone obeys, attack!"

Emperor Xiu Ning Zhou let out a cold snort, and without hesitation, he directly issued the order to start the war!

Elder Yu, Elder Zhong, Elder Xie, and other strong men, immediately started to do it.

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