One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 2501

Chapter 2501: How could you run out

"Oh, stop!"

With an exclamation, a figure appeared in front of His Royal Highness Xiuning and the others.

See this figure.

Everyone in Xiuning's faction was speechless, their complexion stagnated, and the attack in their hands dissipated directly!


It was Su Lang who appeared in front of them!

"Su, Su Lang!?"

"Why are you, why are you here!?"

"Aren't you supposed to be in the combined blockade of the Seven Eternals and Six Eternals!?"

"Is my eyes broken? Or my mind is broken? Or my brain is broken!?"

"My God, how many years have passed, I have tasted the taste of hallucinations again!"


The people of Xiuning's group looked at Su Lang ahead, and everyone was shocked!

Not bad.

It was Su Lang who sent the avatar to send the leaning avatar directly from the capture of the many masters of the Xiuyu group!

Dispatch this ultra-perverted function by avatar is not restricted by any form at all!

As long as Su Lang has seen it, he can dispatch directly.

Not to mention the blockade united by the Seven Eternals and the Six Eternals.

It was the Nine Universe Great Power that had come, as long as he didn't directly kill Su Lang's avatar, that would be impossible to catch.josei

at this time.

The Xiuning faction and others fell into horror.

Emperor Xiu Yuzhou and the others also thundered, their eyes burst open, looking at Su Lang in disbelief!

"It's Su Lang!?"

"How is it possible! How can you run out of my blockade!?"

"No, this is impossible. Even in the Eternal Realm of the Eight Universes, it is impossible to run out silently and without touching your body!"

"Fake, it must be fake! This is an illusion you made, the real you is still in the blockade!"


Emperor Xiu Yuzhou's eyes were about to split, and he shouted in disbelief.

But he looked at his sluggish subordinates, he didn't believe his last words anymore.


"Su Lang actually ran away!"

"He escaped from the blockade of so many of us!"

"No, it's impossible. Our blockade is so tight, how could he run out? This is totally unreasonable!"


All the subordinates of Emperor Xiuyuzhou saw that the place around them became empty, and all of them suddenly doubted life and the world.

Su Lang district, the four universes were eternal, silent, and escaped from their blockade.

This has completely exceeded their imagination!

They would never dream of such unthinkable things!

too exaggerated.

It's abnormal.

It's totally unreasonable!

At this time.

"You believe it now?"

"Go back quickly, I'll go to your lair to find you when I turn around."

Su Lang looked at Emperor Xiu Ning Zhou and others with a gentle smile on his face.

Hear this.

The people of the Xiuning faction recovered from their horror.

But there are still endless stormy waves in my heart beating and scouring!

Seeing Su Lang with a relaxed look in front of him, with a smile on his face.

Emperor Xiu Ning Zhou and others also had an inability to see through Su Lang, and they paid more attention to it in their hearts.

at this time.

"Su Lang chopsticks!"

"You, how could you run out, I don't believe it!"

The roar of Emperor Xiu Yuzhou came, and immediately stretched out his right hand, turning into a black shadow, shrouded in Su Lang!

"Su Lang!"

Seeing this scene, His Highness Xiuning suddenly exclaimed to remind Su Lang, and also developed magical powers, wanting to help Su Lang.

"It's okay."

"He won't kill me."

Su Lang smiled and shook his head, and was immediately trapped by Emperor Xiuyuzhou's supernatural powers!

Immediately after.

His Highness Xiu Ning's attack also fell severely on the hands of Emperor Xiuyu Zhou.


The terrifying explosion sounded.

The big hand of the black shadow transformed by Emperor Xiu Yuzhou's magical powers trembled fiercely, but did not disperse.


"Su Lang Miscellaneous, I caught you!"

"Your weird miraculous power, it must be impossible to use it many times!!"

"You must be bluffing before, now you are finished, you are finished, ahaha!"


Emperor Xiu Yuzhou looked at Su Lang in the hands of his supernatural power, and his eyes were full of resentment and excitement about revenge.

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