One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 2705

Chapter 2705: Massacre hundreds of thousands of eternal warriors

of course.

Su Lang did not kill them all.

There are still some eternal warriors who are really willing to take refuge.

Most of these people are ‘Ranxiu’ in Suiyou Universe, and they don’t have much contact with Tang Zhufei and others. They only joined the Suiyou Universe to leave Suiyou.

It happened that Su Lang's Boundless Number still had a gap of twenty thousand eternal powerhouses.

The 20,000 gaps were previously used half-step eternal warrior generals.

Now with these eternal warriors who are willing to take refuge, they can fill the gap!

"If 120,000 parts are all eternally strong!"

"The strength of Infinity will definitely increase again."

Su Lang smiled slightly and immediately planted restraints and other control methods for the remaining eternal warriors while waving his hands.

"No, not dead! I'm not dead!"

"Hi, many eternity are dead, a humanoid universe, just like this, piles and piles fell!"

"It's terrible, terrible, but luckily I don't have any bad thoughts!"

"Master Su Lang is planting a ban on me, great, I don't have to die!"


The surviving eternal warriors were both frightened and pleasantly surprised.

These people had originally intended to take refuge, but at this time they were killed and banned. Not only were they not angry, but rather relieved that they were being planted.

With these control methods, they are equivalent to dogs tied to a leash and are accepted.

"My eyes look at you all the time."

"But if anyone dares to have the slightest bad idea, don't blame me for being merciless!"

"Now, hand over all your wealth, except weapons and life!"

Su Lang's avatars are suspended in the sky inside the universe of life, overlooking the eternal warriors who bow to their knees.

"Yes, master of the stalwart!!"

"The little ones will never dare, thank Master for your mercy!"

"The slave must commit crimes and make meritorious service, and fight to the death for the master!"


Every eternal warrior was grateful and swore one after another.

"It's not okay to say it nicely without speaking, it depends on your performance!"

Su Lang smiled coldly at this, "Now, let me come out!"


A avatar of Su Lang disappeared.

The eternal warriors who knelt down one after another, left the passage.

After these people left the universe of life.

Su Lang was immediately assigned to the vacant Boundless parts.


Su Lang began to transfer the eternal life universe in his hands again.

As a universe of life at the level of seven universes, this universe is really vast.

Su Lang must integrate some crystal wall worlds before he can install them.josei

But fortunately, everything is familiar to you.

Not long after, Su Lang transferred the Seven Universe Life Universe in his hands into his body.

A large number of lives have brought a strong humanity.

The Ethereal Universe instantly didn't know how much incense aspiration power it had absorbed.


Su Lang's gaze shifted to the next life universe.

In this universe of life, there are also many eternal warriors from Suiyou Universe.

Su Lang also used the "Secret of the Words" to steal a lot of knowledge of the eternal strong while secretly monitoring his true thoughts.


Among the second wave of eternal warriors, the unwilling to occupy the majority.

Su Lang did not hesitate to kill them all!


Time passed slowly.

Su Lang kept dealing with life universe after life.

Originally there were only twenty-three seven universes to deal with, but because of the mass murder, the number of eternal life universes that needed to be dealt with directly exceeded one hundred thousand!

In other words.

From the beginning to the end of sorting out the universe of eternal life, Su Lang killed more than one hundred thousand eternal powers!

It must be known that the entire Doudu Zhouyu has only one hundred thousand eternal warriors!

at this time.

Su Lang killed more than one hundred thousand eternal warriors, leaving fifty thousand eternal warriors.

These eternal warriors were all accepted by Su Lang and became residents or substitutes of the Infinite.

These eternal warriors who act as substitutes are equivalent to the'energy batteries' that can be directly replaced, and they are naturally much faster than recharging when they are used up.

"Fifty thousand eternal warriors surrender!"

"Twenty thousand permanent, thirty thousand substitutes, no needles!"

Su Lang nodded in satisfaction. As a result, the Infinity, no matter its explosive power or endurance, became more powerful.

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