One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 279

Chapter 279: Two hundred and twenty million middle-grade spirit stones!

"Wan Hong, right?"

"Li Ming, this **** was defeated by my hands."

"Should you give me the golden student badge?"

Su Lang didn't care that Li Ming was so angry that his cheeks burst into smoke, and he spoke without hesitation.


"It's for you!"

Wan Hong snorted coldly, took out the letter jade card and sent the message, and continued, "You go to the hall window to collect it yourself, we won't be accompanied!"

"It just so happens, I don't want to go with your trash!"

Su Lang curled his mouth in disdain, turned and left the examination hall.

"Country boy, let's wait and see!"

Seeing Su Lang leaving from the back, the Fourth Young Master Xishan, Wan Hong and others clenched their fists, their teeth tickling with hatred!


After leaving the assessment hall, Su Lang found the window to receive the badge.

Because gold badges require real names, they are all made on the spot, and you need to wait a little bit.

About ten minutes later, Su Lang got his golden badge.

This badge is about the same size as the potential badge.

But no matter the texture, shape or pattern are higher than one level.

On the front of the gold badge, the four characters "Golden Cadet" are written, and the back of it is written "Danmen·Sulang".


"Now you can go to the alchemy building to make a lot of money!"

"However, I also made a lot of money in this bet, and it is estimated that I can upgrade the system functions!"

While walking outside the assessment hall, Su Lang cast his gaze into the storage space.

More than 600 students, on average, each bet more than 200,000 middle-grade spirit stones, the total number has exceeded 100 million middle-grade spirit stones!

One hundred million middle-grade spirit stones, that is, 1 million high-grade spirit stones, can already upgrade system functions!

"System, deposit all gold coins and spirit stones!"

"Ding! All gold coins and spirit stones have been deposited!"

As the system prompt came, in the mysterious black space, the number behind the balance of the middle-grade spirit stone soared, directly reaching the terrifying 9-digit number-226688745!

"Like! I have so many spirit stones?"

Su Lang was stunned with excitement, "This is so much more than 220 million middle-grade spirit stones!"

With strong excitement, Su Lang recalled the source of these spirit stones.

First of all, more than 600 people bet a total of more than 130 million middle-grade spirit stones.

Secondly, Ou Wenyao provided more than 40 million middle-grade spirit stones, and the fair sold more than 10 million.

Finally, adding the remaining spirit stones before, it is almost 200 million!

"Tsk tusk, I didn't expect it to be so developed unconsciously!"

Su Lang rubbed his hands excitedly, "So, which system function should I upgrade?"

Thinking of this, Su Lang was a little tangled.

A total of five system functions are now activated.

They are one-key training function (level 11), one-key training function (level 11), clone dispatch function (level 10), one-key treasure hunt function (level 10), and one-key alchemy function (level 8)

Each system function upgrade needs to consume 100 million middle-grade spirit stones.

"The funds consumed are 100 million middle-grade spirit stones. I can upgrade two system functions."

After thinking about it, Su Lang made a decision, "Then, upgrade the most basic one-key practice function and one-key alchemy function!"

Let’s not talk about one-click training, the most basic and important function, the first upgrade!

The reason for choosing one-key alchemy among the remaining functions is because this function is upgraded to level 10, and you can get the activation authority of the one-key mixer function!

"System, upgrade me the one-key practice function and one-key alchemy function!" Su Lang ordered.

"Ding! The amount of funds currently consumed to upgrade the system is too large, and the current unit'medium-grade spirit stone' has been replaced with'high-grade spirit stone'!"

"Ding! Consume 1 million high-grade spirit stones, upgrade the one-key training function to level 12, and increase the training speed to 5096 times the basic speed!"josei

"Ding! Consuming 1 million high-grade spirit stones, the one-key alchemy function has been upgraded to level 9, which can refine elixir of the gods and below!"

With the function of the three-way system, Su Lang's face was suddenly covered with a bright smile.

And at this moment.

"Ding! The sea of ​​repair is full, do you break through?"

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