One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 2794

Chapter 2794: Breakthrough, the eternal state of the eight universes

"Eight Eternal Realm, finally here!"

Su Lang slowly opened his eyes, and the two rays of light flashed like thunder, slowly dissipating in the air.

Thoughts moved.

The properties panel appears.

[Name]: Su Lang

[Race]: Human race

[Qualification Level]: Turbidity

[Realm level]: Eight Eternity

[Attack level]: Eight Eternity +

[Defensive Level]: Eight Eternity +

[Shenfa Level]: Eight Eternity +

[Endurance Level]: Eight Eternity +josei

[Spirit Level]: Realm of Huanni

[Mastering the exercises]: "Unlimited Liyu Juntian Chaos Sutra", "Ten Thousand Laws Return to One · Infinite Profound Meaning" (Eternal Grade, Super Yi)

[Activated system functions]: one-key training function (level 57), one-key martial arts function (level 57), one-key clone function (level 56), one-key treasure hunting function (level 55), one-key alchemy function (21 One-key mixer function (21-level), one-key refining function (21-level), one-key synthesis function (21-level), one-key initiation function (30-level), one-key enhancement function (15-level), One-key decomposition function (no level)

"Finally the plus sign appears!"

"This means that my daily combat power has reached a level that is infinitely close to the Nine Universe Eternal Realm!"

"Once the secret technique is used and the swallowing clone function is used, the combat power will reach the real Nine Eternal Realm without any problem."

"The most important thing is that my avatar and twin avatars have almost the same combat power as me, and the gap is very small!"

"After combining the stars and clouds, they are the two fighters of the Nine Universe Eternal Realm! Or the kind with their own wisdom!"

Su Lang squinted his eyes, feeling the majestic power in his body, and couldn't help being a little intoxicated.

of course.

He would not be obsessed with the current power and become complacent.

Strength, no matter how strong it is!

But just as Su Lang intends to continue practicing.

Om——! !

A strange wave appeared in his perception.

"It's the fluctuation of the induction array!"

"An eternal powerhouse has entered the universe near me without authorization!"

Su Lang's expression moved, and he saw the appearance of the incoming person by sensing the image transmission treasure built into the array.

But I saw one of them had a handsome face, the same feeling as Shang Quhan.

Calling up the property panel, it is Shang Jiuqu!

"This person is the deity of Shang Quhan, Shang Jiuqu!"

"The senior powerhouse of the Nine Universe Eternal Realm is indeed powerful."

"But, is he the only one here?"

Su Lang narrowed his eyes, and immediately looked at the people in the rest of the universe.

But I saw that in the adjacent universe of the Yilong universe, there were basically people breaking in, but these were only the eternal martial artist of the eight universes.

There are also several natural universes. I don't know if they were not discovered by the other party or what, no one broke in.

"There are strong people from all directions."

"And the exercises practiced by these powerful people are all of the Shang Jiuqu one series."

"Could it be that only Shang Jiuqu brought people to kill!?."

"Well, Tongyu Mi Shenlu is extremely rare and rare. This kind of chasing technique is comparable to my treasure hunting ancestral glider, and naturally there are very few people who master it!"

"This time it is likely that I ran away from Gu Jun, and Shang Jiuqu used Tongyu Divine Orb to determine my position. An abnormality was discovered, so I blatantly killed it!"

"Of course, it does not rule out the possibility that Emperor Gu Jun Zhou will also kill, and even they may join forces, although the possibility is unlikely."


Su Lang felt his chin and thought, and then squinted his eyes.

To confirm whether Shang Jiuqu alone brought people to the killing, there is a simple way, and that is to directly explore the Shuang Yao universe!


"Start the clone dispatch!"

With a thought of Su Lang, he immediately dispatched a clone to the Shuang Yao universe.

And it appeared directly in the old lair of Emperor Gujun Zhou, in the top of the tower!

The moment the clone appeared, the divine mind was unfolded.


Found no one around!

But this is not over yet.

Another treasure hunting flying fly appeared in the hands of the clone.

This treasure hunting flying flying fly has absorbed the breath of Emperor Gujun Zhou.

But the treasure hunting flying flying glider did not pursue the action in the top of the tower, but made a rapid call on the spot.

Ordinary treasure hunting flying gliders do not have the ability to cross the barriers of the natural universe to find people.

Therefore, it can be seen from the response of this treasure hunting flying flying glider that Emperor Gujun Zhou is not in the Shuang Yao universe.

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