One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 2970

Chapter 2970: The six forces fighting

"The three great Zhou Zhus are here!"

"Unexpectedly, it would be in this way...almost unexpectedly unpredictable battles."

"However, my previous arrangement has worked. They will leave Hua Zhouzhu to me who can be trusted, but they will never leave it to outsiders."

Su Lang sighed slightly, immediately activated the clone replacement, and also went to the Lingxu Broken Domain battlefield.

The replaced clone began to continuously instill power into the Magnificent Eternal Bead and Chaos Eternal Bead.

Although the annihilation of the endless universe is almost doomed.

But there must be a process.

The endless universe is very big, so long as Su Lang uses the three large cosmic beads to suppress the universe white world as much as possible.

Then, the endless universe must be completely annihilated, not a day or two.

And Su Lang used his strength to prove the Dao, the plan of perfect detachment, only need a part of the endless universe to exist, to be able to absorb the energy of the universe to continue practicing.

In addition.

The reason why the system didn't immediately let the system absorb and swallow the three great cosmic beads was also because of this.

When everything is a foregone conclusion, the winner is divided.

With the end of the war, the expansion power of the Universe White World will be greatly reduced.

Although it will not stop completely.

But the endless universe can also continue to exist for a long time.

Until then.

Swallowing the three major cosmic beads, the system is completely perfect, and Su Lang is confident that he will be perfectly detached in a short time!

At last.

Because the deity of Jingyunzi has not yet appeared.

Therefore, Su Lang did not recruit more clones to suppress the Universe White Realm, he wanted to preserve his strength.

At this moment.

In the battlefield of Ling Xu Fragmented Domain.

With the three new forces entering the battlefield one after another, the six strongest forces in the endless universe finally gathered on the battlefield, and the battle became more and more fierce!

One force, one superpower who has survived countless years, unleashes incredible magical powers and frantically competes for the page of eternal life!

Those who originally had grudges and grudges, now they find the opportunity to catch each other and fight to the death and fight!

The entire Lingxu Fragmented Domain has become a chaotic battlefield!

Almost all of the Lingxu Fragmented Domains that have turned into the Universe White Realm have also faintly begun to produce some changes because of the increasingly fierce battle!

Perceive this strangeness.

Many powerhouses who have already obtained the pages of immortality are uneasy, ready to retreat, intending to try to use the pages of immortality to detach themselves before the endless universe is completely destroyed.

But their thoughts had already been speculated by Jing Yunzi and others, and they were included in the plan!

"The Universe White World is about to start to collapse!!"

"The blank page of immortality is about to appear!"

"Hahaha, all the efforts will eventually achieve perfect results today!"


Jing Yunzi fought against Su Lang while laughing wildly with excitement!

"The blank page of immortality is mine!"

Mo Yazi also shouted ferociously, "Whoever dares to **** me will be dead!"josei

"Blank eternal life page!"

Xuan Xinyuan also shouted loudly, "Once you get it, you are destined to be detached. I must get it!"

"The old man has studied for countless years before knowing that the collapse of the universal white world will lead to a blank page of immortality!"

Master Yujing shouted with a look of surprise, "I didn't expect you all to know!"

With the performance of four people.

Everyone knows that the blank page of immortality is related to the collapse of the Universe White World!

Just then!


Another huge amount of pages of immortality suddenly appeared!

These pages of immortality are very large, and they are also the last inventory in the hands of Jing Yunzi and others!

"What! The blank page of immortality is about to appear!"

"If you get a blank page of immortality, you can be 100% detached!"

"The old man thinks he still has some strength. There is a blank page of immortality, and the old man must fight!"

"My strength is not enough to compete for the blank pages of immortality, but if I can get more complete pages of immortality, I also have the hope of achieving detachment!"


An eternal strong man was stimulated by the news of the blank pages of eternal life and the large number of new complete pages of eternity, and he immediately dispelled his stance and continued to draw horror from the fire.

In an instant.

The severity of the war did not decrease but increased!

Those eternal warriors who are determined to stand are also trapped in the war, unable to escape at all.

They carry many pages of immortality, they are perfect prey!

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