One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 769

Chapter 769: Hurry up and make your choice

As soon as this remark came out, all the martial immortals raised their ears.

Xiao Lutian's eyes were also scorching, and his spirits aroused.

The emperor-level exercises, including the entire Canglan Continent, are pitiful.

Xiao Lutian's emperor-level exercises were inherited from his ancestors, and his ancestors had also passed through Emperor Wu, but that was a long time ago.

The value of an emperor-level exercise is really incalculable.

If the opponent can come up with an emperor level technique, it will be another extremely important bargaining chip.

Besides, this request is still a test, or a side attack.

There are so many emperor-level exercises in the Canglan Continent, and the emperor-level exercises taken out by the opponent can tell the power of the young man.

This is also a way to verify the identity of the young man.

At this time.

Su Lang smiled slightly: "Emperor level exercises are naturally available. Since you want to see it, I will show it to you."

With that said, Su Lang took the emperor-level pill that was green to the alarmingly green in his hand and took out a pitch-black disc.

The black disc is the size of the bottom of a bowl, and it is covered with golden lines like annual rings.josei

At a glance, there are only a dozen golden patterns, but a closer look reveals that the golden patterns are so dense that they are countless!

Even if you use mental energy to observe, you don't know the number at all!

This exercise is the first emperor-level exercise "Emperor Heart Reincarnation Record" synthesized by Su Lang!

This kind of exercise can hardly be copied, cannot be sealed, and it is very difficult even to pass on.

All its essence and meaning are condensed on the black disc!

That disc is the main body of the emperor-level exercise technique!

at this time.

There was no noise and exclamation in the court.

Because the first time they saw the black disc, everyone immediately confirmed that this is definitely an emperor-level technique that cannot be faked.

And it is also the most cherished emperor-level cultivation technique body!

Everyone is staring at the main body of "Reincarnation of the Emperor's Heart", paying attention and keeping their eyes on.

Xiao Lutian and Li Feilou even wanted to put it under their eyes or between their eyebrows, using all their mental power to perceive them.

Everyone is fully peeping at the emperor level exercises in that disc!

This is a great opportunity that will never be encountered in ten lifetimes!

But at this moment.

"Enough to see."

Su Lang smiled slightly, flipped his wrist, and put the golden pattern black disc away.

Everyone immediately found that the treasure had disappeared, and they were suddenly lost and anxious.

Li Feilou returned to his senses and trembled fiercely, and couldn't help but want to stamp his feet!

"do not!"

Xiao Lutian was even more awakened by a nightmare as an ordinary person, and he yelled divinely!

He has practiced the emperor-level exercises himself, and has a lot of experience in the practice of emperor-level exercises.

Among all the people, it was his Xiao Lutian who saw the most.

Just now, he had tasted one ten-thousandth of the golden-patterned black plate exercise, and he was just addicted to it, and he couldn't extricate himself, but suddenly found that the exercise was gone. How could he not worry?

"Hey, I've also seen the emperor level exercises, so confirm it."

"I have never been so troublesome in taking slaves, so hurry up and make your choice."

Su Lang looked at the two quasi-emperors and smiled slightly.


Xiao Lutian and Li Feilou couldn't help but look at each other again.

Then they began to communicate.

"Lord Tutian, can you see what cultivation technique it is?"

"I haven't seen it. I can only see a trace of fur. It can be determined that it is a spiritual emperor level exercise. It is really an incomparably mysterious exercise. My Burning Heaven Emperor Sutra can't match it."

"Spiritual emperor-level exercises!? That's really rare. In addition, the 37 emperor-level exercises currently known in Canglan Continent are not spiritual!"

"Yeah! Just thinking about that exercise, don't you say that I haven't paid attention yet! That exercise is not any known emperor-level exercises, that is to say, he is not the heir of a certain Wudi!?"

"It's possible, but it's not certain. On the Canglan Continent, there are only 37 emperor-level techniques on the surface, but we don't know if the Emperor Wu will hide and leave behind. Anyone will do it."

"We have never heard of the exercises he took out. The mystery of his identity is still unexplorable, and he can only continue to be treated as the heir of Emperor Wu."

"Yes, yeah, it can only be so, besides, Wukongzi, what are your plans for that choice!?"

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