One More Time: Rebirth

Chapter 22

Chapter 22: First real battle, in the current world

My staff in my left hand my sword at my right. Right now these two things are my only partners. Stop all unnecessary thoughts, focus everything on the battle. I face the B class monster in front of me.

I chanted [Firewall] a C class fire magic. The area where the low-class monsters where gathered was now engulfed in flames. The way to me was now blocked by a literal wall of fire. So I can concentrate on this big a*s monster.

The firewall will only last about an hour, if I don't kill this huge a*s monster then I'm dead. The monster finally moved and it was fast, one of its eight legs was trying to pierce me. No time to dodge.

I used another spell [wind wall] this time a barrier of wind formed in front of me. It wasn't enough to stop or even divert the strike. Water style [flowing water], using the counter move by pushing it using my sword, I was able to slightly divert its attack.

But the next attack was coming, its other leg did a horizontal swipe. Seeing the incoming attack I quickly ducked. josei

I tried using another defensive spell from [stone wall] I created a stone wall under its body. Using the stone wall as an upper strike I pushed the spider backward. The mana used by shortening the chant to the mere activation word cost me a lot of mana. Still, in a battle to the death, every second counted.

While I have the time I enforced my whole body with mana. Before the spider can regain its posture I must attack. Self-made style [crushing sweep]. This was a style I made in a combination with this world's sword styles, and my previous world's sword style.

I did a horizontal sweep imbued with mana. It hit the spider but it wasn't really that effective. Its skin was hard I'm pretty sure that move could've cleanly cut boulders. The spider easily regained its posture and started spraying some web here and there it wasn't aiming at me. It was aiming at the surrounding area.

In no time I was surrounded by strings of web. This fight just got even trickier with all these web strings, the movement of the spider was enhanced while my movement was even more confined.

The spider was now above me its movements were much better than before. Sh*t, it was aiming at me and some web sprayed out which I evaded.

I stabbed my staff onto the ground. My spells were effective against a large group, but in a one on one situation, a sword was still better. Even in this world, my sword skills were way better than my magic skills.

Also wielding a staff in a one on one feels kind of restrictive. If I survive this ordeal, I better practice how to use a staff alongside my sword. After I stabbed the staff onto the ground, I charged forward.

The spider started spraying more web. I have to deflect that or better yet slice it apart. Self-made style [windless dance]. I held my longsword with both hands and started dancing with the flow of the wind. The air surrounding me turned silent. I had created something similar to a vacuum, and when the web came into contact with me it was ripped into shreds.

The spider was smart it now knew that its webs can be sliced so it went closer for melee combat. It did this since it has also confirmed that my sword can't cut its skin. The spider that was charging at me used a surprising move and did a body slam.

It was so sudden and unexpected that I had no time to evade. Self-made style [swaying willow] I tried using another technique to divert its whole body. I was able to divert it, but using that move against such a large opponent made me extremely exhausted. Still, it was worth as the spider had its back on the ground.

My left hand was starting to feel numb. I stabbed my sword onto the ground and picked up my staff. Now's my chance while it's upside down, and trying to get up, I have time to chant.

"O almighty mana that revolves around the world. I call upon thy righteous fury. Bring to me the blazing heat of the fires of the kingdom of flames. May thy fury reach the heavens themselves, [FIRE PILLAR!]"

A whirlwind of fire came bursting from the ground engulfing the spider. The fire then went upward as if trying to reach the very heavens itself. This was my strongest spell right now B class fire magic. I raised my staff to maintain the fire pillar. In the swirling pillar of fire, I saw the spider was slowly but surely burning. It was burning but was still alive.

Sh*t! If it survives this then I really am out of options. About five minutes have passed and I couldn't maintain the fire pillar any longer. I released the spell as I knelt down deprived of stamina and nearly all of my mana.

I looked at the spider it was scorched black. It finally stopped moving, I won the bet and was able to kill the B class monster. I was about to celebrate when I suddenly remembered. I looked behind me and saw the monsters that were behind the firewall have doubled.

The firewall I cast a while ago had enough mana to last around ten more minutes. If those monsters attack me now, in my current state... I might actually die against them even if they are weak.'

I spent too much mana and stamina against that spider. Still... I went and picked up my longsword and used it as a cane as I smiled viciously at the horde of monsters on the other side of my spell.

"I'm not going down without a struggle! Come on then, bring me a battle that would make my blood boil!" I shouted as loud as I can. This was a message of defiance against my fate.

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