One Night Surprise

One Night Surprise Chapter 210

One Night Surprise Chapter 210

One Night Surprise Chapter 210

Chapter 210 Diapers for Your Use

“Are you called Nana?” “Yep.” The little girl nodded seriously.

“Thank you for pushing me here, Nana.” Courtney supported herself with the wheelchair and smiled. Then, she stood up under the shocked gazes of the little girl’s parents. “Look! Because you helped me, I can stand up again, Nana!”

The little girl widened her eyes in surprise, and she looked amazed. “Wow! Miss, your legs!”

“As thanks, I’m giving you this chocolate, okay?” Courtney took the box of chocolates and handed it to the little girl. Then, she patted the little girl on the head. “Thank you so much. The next time you see somebody else needing help, don’t forget to be just as brave as you were today, okay?”

The little girl accepted the chocolates and solemnly nodded her head. She stared at Courtney’s legs for a long time before she reluctantly followed her parents as they left.

Courtney finally sat back down on the wheelchair again after the little family walked away.

“You’re good at talking to children.” A mischievous laugh came from above her head.

She rolled her eyes at the person. “It’s all because you forced me to come out with you in a wheelchair! Besides, it would be bad to dampen such a young girl’s enthusiasm for helping others.”

“You’re right.” Alexander picked up a box of chocolates. “But, this is a supermarket. Are you sure it’s okay for you to randomly pick something up and give it to somebody else while calling it a gift?”

She abruptly realized something and immediately tried to stand up. How embarrassing! That couple doesn’t look particularly well off. However, that brand of chocolate is not cheap! Although there are only a few pieces of chocolates in that box, it costs hundreds!

Before she could stand up, a large and powerful hand pressed down on her shoulder and forced her back into the wheelchair. “It’s fine. I talked to the manager of the supermarket. All the snacks that the little girl buys today will be free of charge.”

She breathed a sigh of relief. Then, she couldn’t help but ask, “When did you do that?”

“During the most exciting moment of your magical act where you were showing her your legs.”

Upon hearing what he said, she felt her face turning red in embarrassment. Of all the things in the world, why did he have to bring that up?! Blushing furiously, she explained, “You don’t understand; that’s how you should be speaking to children. No wonder you don’t have a good relationship with Jordan. Do you understand now?”

“Nope.” He smiled nonchalantly. “All I need to know tonight is how to make fried codfish.”

The ladies working at the supermarket were even friendlier than the ones in the community. When they saw that Courtney had trouble walking, they enthusiastically gave her a lot of freebies and food samples. However, the most embarrassing incident occurred when Courtney made Alexander push her to where they sold feminine hygiene products. She wanted to buy several packs of sanitary pads since she was nearing her menstruation. Since she wanted to watch him embarrass himself, she deliberately waited somewhere far away and made him buy them on his own.

“Don’t buy the wrong ones, okay? If you don’t know what to buy, you can ask the lady behind the counter.”

“Okay.” He walked over to the aisle while pushing the supermarket’s shopping cart; he seemed rather calm about what he was doing.

A short while later, she watched as he went on a shopping spree and threw a packet of everything into the shopping cart. Then, his actions became clear to her. You think you can be so casual about this just

because you’re rich? I won’t let you get away with it! Thus, she hurriedly beckoned for a lady working at the tissue section. “Miss, look; that’s my boyfriend there. I asked him to help me grab some sanitary pads, but he doesn’t seem to know what to choose. Can you go over and help him, please? Please tell him that it’s enough to take two packets of day use and night use each. I have trouble moving around so I can’t go over.”

The lady readily replied, “Sure. I’ll go now. Don’t move around too much; have a good rest.”

“Thanks, miss.” Courtney held the bottle of water she brought from the house and contentedly took a sip as she prepared to watch the show.

Sure enough, as soon as the lady arrived, Alexander became as motionless as a statue. At the same time, the expression on his face became extremely stiff.

Meanwhile, Courtney fought against the urge to spit out the water in her mouth from laughing and secretly took a photo of Alexander with her phone. When she was done taking pictures, she suddenly discovered that the two of them seemed to be happily chatting away. The lady pointed at her, then pointed toward the baby supplies. What are they doing? Are they talking about having children?

Five minutes later, Alexander returned with a full haul. Despite the lady’s advice, he still bought quite a lot. It was probably enough to last Courtney half a year.

Feeling very curious, Courtney lifted her head and asked, “What did you say to the lady? I can understand pointing at me, but why was she pointing at the baby supplies section? Was she asking you to get milk powder?”

“Nope.” He expressionlessly pushed her wheelchair and the shopping cart. “She asked me to buy some diapers.”

“Buy some diapers? For what?”

“For you.” Those two words were said lightly, but they tore her dignity and intelligence to shreds.

She was petrified for several seconds before utter shame and indignation flooded her entire being. This stupid wheelchair! I must have been crazy to come out in this wheelchair! I’m never doing this again. Is this what they mean by ‘trying to gain an advantage only to end up in a worse situation’? After the incident with the diapers, she resolutely refused to move about the supermarket in a wheelchair again. Fortunately, they had already finished buying what they needed. So, they headed home immediately.

On the way back, she forcefully took his coat from him and covered her head with it. She claimed that it was to shelter herself from the limelight, but it seemed like she was just drawing more attention to herself. Luckily, it was almost dinnertime. Not many people were hanging around the community, and the smell of cooking came from most households.

The sound of cooking rang out from inside the open kitchen of the apartment. It was the sounds of the cleaned and gutted fish being placed into the pan, followed by the sizzling sound of frying.

“You can add water once both sides are fried until golden brown. Then, let it stew after adding some ginger slices and tofu,” Courtney instructed loudly from outside the kitchen.

To be honest, the sound of the kitchen hood was too loud. She wasn’t sure if Alexander heard anything she said. In any case, the general steps of making the dish were the same whether he followed her instructions or the recipe. She was simply bored out of her mind from resting. It’s just a burn. Do I really have to recuperate as if I was paralyzed? It’s embarrassing.

All of a sudden, she heard her phone ringing. Looking down at the caller ID, she saw that it was from America. She hesitated for a moment before tiptoeing into the bedroom to answer the call. “Hello, Elijah.”

Alexander finished cooking and turned around only to discover that Courtney was missing. He vaguely saw a figure pacing about in the bedroom and frowned in response. The wound won’t heal well if she walks around like that.

Walking over to the bedroom door, he was about to remind her about her wound when he heard her voice coming from inside. “When are you coming over? Not this week. I injured myself, so I can’t go and pick you up. I won’t be able to accommodate you either. Okay, next week it is. Okay, I won’t tell Tina. You want to surprise her, right?”

From the gaps of the door, he could see the natural and gentle smile on her face. She looked like she was talking to a close friend that she had known for many years or somebody she had a much deeper relationship with.

After hanging up the call, she remained in the room for a while with her phone in her hand. Then, she heard the sound of somebody calling her to dinner from the living room. She quickly responded, “Coming!”

“Were you on the phone?” He pretended to ask nonchalantly.


“With whom?”

“A friend,” Courtney answered casually. She used a fork to poke at the middle part of the chicken wing and smilingly said, “It looks pretty good.”

“What friend?” Alexander’s tone was becoming slightly grim.

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