One Piece Talent System

Chapter 457 Magnificence

Chapter 457 Magnificence

At the moment.

Not only ordinary people, but also Dark King Rayleigh, Hawkeye Mihawk, and others are also paying attention to the battle of Holy Land. Although they do not intend to participate in this war, they do care about this.

“Too far apart.”

Hawkeye looks at Ross, takes a sip of wine, and talks to himself.

As the Greatest Swordsman in the World, he naturally has some ideas about the world’s strongest position, otherwise, he would not have tried to test Whitebeard’s strength in the War Of The Best.

But ever since Ross was saddled with the title of the world’s most powerful man, he has had a hard time telling the difference between himself and Ross, and after the first world war, he found out the difference between himself and Ross.

Now more than two years have passed since the War Of The Best.

He doesn’t think he had gotten much better, but Ross probably got better, because Ross is only over 30 now.

“The government is getting happy too soon.”

In a small town in the countryside, A Den Den Mushi was broadcasting the battlefield of Holy Land and Beckman, the Vice-Captain of Akagami (Red Hair) Pirates said while smoking.

He knows what kind of person Ross is. He seems to be acting crazy, but he is not someone who would move without having any surety in his moves. Ross will not do anything purely for an adventure.


Although he had guessed that Ross should still have some means, Beckman could not evaluate the final result of this war, because neither World Government nor Ross is someones that he could not see through, and he didn’t know knew if both sides were hiding something.


Ross looked blankly at the battlefield below. His eyes were neither full of sorrow and joy, nor were there any battle intentions in his eyes, there weren’t any excitement and bloodlust, there was only calm in his eyes.

From coming to this world and to reach this step, he has experienced too many Battles, even the Battle of Holy Land, the greatest battle in 800 years would find it difficult to shake his mind.

“Black Prison!”

In the silence, Black Prison next to “Steel Bone” Kong took the lead. He grabbed his hand and slammed it towards Ross. An extremely strong gravitational force pulled Ross’s body, trying to drag Ross from the sky.

However, despite the crazy explosion of gravity he exerted, he couldn’t lower Ross even a little bit. Ross’s figure seemed to have taken root in the sky as he stood without moving.

“Kurouzu (Dark Water)!”

Next to Black Prison, one of the three strange-looking people snorted and spread out his hands towards the sky, the dark substance rose like a flame, it was the Yami Yami No Mi of Blackbeard!

“It turns out that this Devil Fruit fell into your hands.”

Ross saw this scene and his eyes flickered slightly, but they only flickered by a little, and then his eyes restored to their usual calm.

Magu-Magu Devil Fruit, the Big Buddha, and Tremor-Tremor Devil Fruit were all found by him, but the Secret Yami-Yami No Mi was never found, and it really fell into the hands of the World Government.

“After all, this is the government’s bottom card, and I can’t take you too lightly, so my guards will be your opponent.”

Ross had no intention to move. He was still standing in the sky. He indifferently waved his hand and the Void behind him suddenly distorted into a vortex.

In the vortex, five figures emerged, plus a hurricane.

Among these five figures and the hurricane, the hurricane is already known to the world, and the same is true for the Enel Incarnation. But the rest of the figure caused them to feel unbelievable.

“This is impossible!”

“Those people are …”

Out of the vortex of space, standing behind Ross were all of his Incarnations, apart from the Hurricane Incarnation and Enel Incarnation, there are Weevil Incarnation, Katakuri Incarnation, Golden Lion Incarnation and … Hundred Beast Kaido Incarnation!

Weevil’s name sounded through the sea in the past two years, and Whitebeard’s remnant party were defeated by him. Finally, he was wiped out by the forces of Totto Land because he was caught in the war between Totto Land and the World Government.

As for Katakuri, although the BIGMOM Pirates have long become history, a big pirate with a bounty of more than one billion cannot be easily forgotten!

The most attention belongs to the figures of Golden Lion and Hundred Beast Kaido.

Aren’t they already dead?

“Steel Bone” Kong’s eyes were filled with incredible looks, not to mention that Golden Lion and Kaido should be dead, even if they are not dead, they should not be Ross’s men! action

“It seems that they are getting controlled.”

“There is no lack of abilities that could control the bodies of others in this world, but I did not expect Hundred Beast Kaido to be controlled …”

The two people standing behind “Steel Bone” Kong spoke.

The people present were all the top strength of the sea. After waking up from the shock, it could be seen that Hundred Beast Kaido and others were all in a controlled state.

But no matter what method Ross uses to control them, this is a group of powerful Battle force and they are enough to tear apart this battlefield!


In the next moment.

The Beast Incarnation took the lead and roared, and his whole figure rushed out of the sky, he directly charged towards the Army General Fleet Admiral “Steel Bone” Kong and ignored everyone else.

Seeing Hundred Beast Kaido rushing over, “Steel Bone” Kong’s face suddenly became difficult to look at. Black Prison tried to block him but Hundred Beast Kaido directly attached Armament Haki all over his body and continued forward.

The undead body has always been so domineering.

Whiz! Whiz! Whiz!

While Hundred Beast Kaido rushed, Golden Lion and other Incarnations also rushed towards the battlefield below, directly charging into “Steel Bone” Kong and others.

The five Major Incarnations plus the Hurricane Incarnation instantly fought with six people including “Steel Bone” Kong and others, and this caused the Holy Land to completely enter the most intense battle state!

On this battlefield, each person has his or her own opponent, but since all of them are the top-level powers in the sea, it is difficult to fix the opponent.

Like Kizaru.

In the fierce battle, he can free up his hand to help Green Ox from time to time.

Trafalgar Law is another anomaly, where he can suddenly change positions with Fujitora and others and change his and others’ opponent, and strike the opponent with a surprise.

The sound of ‘Bang’ continued to explode in Holy Land.

Hurricanes, Lava, Ice, Light, Darkness … All kinds of Logia Devil Fruit gathered together as if to break the entire Red Line completely!

At this moment.

Both the people on the battlefield and those who are concerned about this battle are already speechless because the momentum caused by this battle is too great.

The Rare Logia and Mythical Zoan Devil Fruit species, which are rarely seen at ordinary times, have emerged here in an endless stream, and the top-level battle powers have gathered here together.

By comparison, the War Of The Best was simply a child’s play!

The Battle power that had converged on this battlefield is almost more than three times then the War Of The Best.

This battle is the biggest battle since the World Government was established 800 years ago!

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