One Piece – Thundergod Marine

Chapter 122 New Part 2

Chapter 122 New Part 2

Chapter 122 New Part 2

After Awakening Observation Haki, Rowen can control its direction by straight-line distance alone. The Cover area of his Observation Haki is enormous and it also provides Rowen with enough confidence to master this move.

The second and third points of operation difficulty only lack proficiency, which is also the part that he needs to improve.

Blink is an unreasonable ability that had allowed him to get out of many dangerous situations but it consumes a lot of physical energy.

It wouldn’t be an issue if he used it once or twice, but now, what he has to do is to cross the Sea! He can use Blink to cross quite a distance on the sea but is merely a drop in the bucket.

The Sea is so vast that it is almost infinite. Rowen won’t be able to find an island to rest when he runs out of strength and by that time, he would fall and drown in the sea!

So the first and fourth points are very important to Rowen.

The first point can be covered by coordinating with Thunder Cloud Sword for the time being. The lightning sword acts as a conductor for nature lightning. Even if it fails, he can bounce himself out and slowly get familiar with it.

Only the fourth point can be controlled by non-manpower. If encountering some weird weather or encountering a pointed head with a rudder stuck in it and a piece of sea of ??clouds with abnormal height, Rowen Undying will be crippled!

Only the fourth point is beyond human control. If tRowen encounters some weird weather or a sharp head with a rudder on it and a sea of clouds at an abnormally high height then Rowen’s move will be crippled!

Taking a silent breath, Rowen pulled out the Thunder Cloud Sword and jumped into the cloud before the current of the cloud was sucked in by the Thunder Gem on the Sword.

Zī Zī Zī Zī… Boom!!

At the next moment, a thick-waisted Thunderlight burst out with the cloud and the terrifying speed left a lingering afterimage in the air. Dante heard the thunder and raised his head thoughtfully and the expression on his face was stranger than ever.

“Good luck, Rear Admiral Rowen.”



Bang Long!!

A thunderclap rang out from the sky, and the lightning was still a few miles away when it was first heard but it disappeared into the sky in the blink of an eye.

Scattered clouds were covered with Thunderlight in the blue sky, adorning the blue sky like a zipper interlaced with electric currents, locking the world across the sky.

The people of the Grand Line discovered a strange climate phenomenon, which is very attractive to climatologists. They searched for some information and wanted to explain the reasons for this kind of climate… Although no one is optimistic about them.

After all, according to statistics, among the thousands of unique climatic phenomena known in the Grand Line, less than 500 are clearly explained by them, and they are still the most common 500! Such as Tempest, Blizzard, and many other disasters…

And this unique climate phenomenon was named by them and they called it Zipper Thunder.

High in the sky, Rowen had a wild smile on his face as he moved among the clouds like an incarnation of thunder and lightning. At this point, Rowen finally knows why the Men go crazy over speed cars and such. For men, speed is everything!

They are more passionate about things that are faster!

The rapid secretion of adrenaline caused the heart to beat wildly, and the two clouds that are thousands of meters apart can be reached in just one second, and the terrible sound of breaking the sound barrier is left behind by Rowen.

“This is so exciting!!”

It’s the second day of Rowen’s departure. He has spent two days getting acquainted with this method of movement, and now he is practicing to perfect this move. The specific difficulty is not that great and the only requirement is being fast!

It is necessary for Rowen to mobilize the charge inside to form the barrel before you enter the cloud, otherwise, he’ll lose propulsion because the current won’t be able to reach the required level.

It is also necessary to determine the direction of the next movement before the previous movement starts, otherwise, Rowen wouldn’t have any response time at all if the speed is too fast.

As long as all these operations are completed in less than a second then such an incredible speed can be achieved by Rowen!

This kind of pure incarnation flight speed is so fast that it is beyond comprehension!

Standing high in the sky, the arc of the horizon draws the boundary of the planet, and Rowen has a panoramic view of the Blue Sea.

Ships traveling downwind looked like turtles crawling on the blue surface in Rowen’s eyes as he flew past the rain clouds that are able to scatter 10,000 tons of rainwater to the Sea like showers.

This is called flying!

In a day’s time when Rowen was still taking his time to get familiar with this new move, he had already flown over Water Seven!

The Sea train is three times faster! Now that he is proficient in the operation, his speed continues to increase. As long as he is given another day, Rowen knows that he would be able to fly back to Marineford on his own!

In the future, the speed will only become faster because he still has a lot of room for improvement in the development of Rumble-Rumble Fruit.

His current speed is only about 2000km/s~5000km/s, and the maximum speed that a lightning strike can reach is about 1/5~1/3 the speed of light, which is about 60000km/s~100000km/s!

To be able to travel across 60,000 kilometers in a minimum of one second!

This speed goes beyond the word scary!

And he only needs to double that speed and it takes only one hour to go around the planet!

Can Kizaru do it?!

Light is fast, but Kizaru is not necessarily faster than Rowen!

Rowen may be at a disadvantage in terms of Short-Distance Movement, after all, the Yata no Kagami allows Kizaru to move almost at the speed second only to the speed of light, but for long-distance movement, Rowen would take over Kizaru in about half an hour!josei

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