One Piece – Thundergod Marine

Chapter 124 Open Square Part 1

Chapter 124 Open Square Part 1

Chapter 124 Open Square Part 1

Half an hour later, during the interrogation between Zephyr and Sengoku, Rowen revealed his theory of “Justice that is never late.”

However, the focus of the two people’s attention was not here. Justice is different for everybody and no one person can impose his Justice on another and they did not want Rowen to feel wrong from the bottom of their hearts.

After all, what a good seedling this is!

“That is to say, you used the electricity accumulated in the clouds to launch yourself as a means of movement, flying all the way back from Pucci?”

Zephyr repeated with a calm expression on his face and seeing Rowen nodding his head, his voice suddenly took an iron edge as he spoke: “Can’t you honestly develop your Devil Fruit Ability like a normal person?! Shooting yourself from one cloud to another! Are you a bullet?!”

“Calm down Zephyr, at least Rowen did a good thing this time!”

Sengoku stopped Zephyr, persuading him with a bitter feeling in his heart.

After all, Rowen hasn’t done anything that could be described as Good or normal before, right?

Rowen rolled his eyes and stared at Sengoku who was telling the truth.

“What a terrible and terrifying ability!!”

Sengoku exclaimed before he patted Rowen on the shoulder, and said earnestly, “Relax, Rowen. I won’t ask you about things you don’t want to say. In the future, your burden will become very heavy. I hope you are worthy of what you just said… That Justice is never late!”

“This is exactly what I expected!”

Rowen smiled with a foolish expression on his face. Sengoku’s statement has nothing to do with the distance between them. But because he said this, Rowen felt Sengoku’s trust in him.

The current situation is great!

Sengoku worked vigorously and resolutely as he turned back to his seat and took out a document from the drawer: “It just so happens that there is something for you to do. You are fast, so you can directly fly… Due to the downfall of Crocodile, there are two Pirate Groups with Supernova in them that didn’t set off to the New World and they stayed in the First Half of the Gand Line, I imagine that they are trying to do something big to become the new Shichibukai.”

“This would be your responsibility, Rowen!”

Rowen sucked in a breath of cold air when he heard this, Sengoku is really treating him as an unlimited labor force!

So he asked, “Is it urgent?”

“No rush, they are still in the planning period, but just in case, it’s better for you to go over there early and settle it.”


Rowen calmed down and said with a serious expression on his face: “Please allow me to refuse!”


Sengoku frowned, but instead of rushing to berate Rowen, he asked, “What’s your reason?”

“I want to learn Armament Haki, Life Return (Seimei Kikan), and I also want to further develop my Devil Fruit!”

“Although I won the battle with Crocodile and Jino, the process was very dangerous. The Desertification ability of Crocodile almost killed me, and I couldn’t break through Jino’s Life Seal defense even with my strongest attack. My current strength is not yet enough for me to take on so many tasks. Please allow me to train. After I continue to grow stronger, I will go out to perform Missions!”

Rowen said the reason and request in one breath. He thought Sengoku would scold him with a military order. Unexpectedly, there was a moment of silence as he and Zephyr both laughed at the same time.

“You should have discovered this long ago, Rowen!”

Zephyr patted him on the shoulder and said with some emotion in his voice: “I know you are a good boy, and you don’t want to lose your time in which you can develop your Devil Fruit and physique. But your physical strength is already amazing enough, and all that is left is to train it further but you are right to say that your Devil Fruit Ability is lacking. I would have been really disappointed in you if you hadn’t made this request now, Rowen!”

Rowen looked at them both with a dumbfounded expression on his face!

In fact, the current situation is not that difficult to understand, many people think that Zephyr and Kizaru’s quarrel is because Zephyr pays attention to physique and Kizaru pays attention to his Devil Fruit Ability.

That is actually not the case.

If a Logia Ability User wants to grow stronger then developing his or her Devil Fruit power is almost the only and accepted answer.

Zephyr was actually asking Kizaru to synchronize his physical training while developing his Devil Fruit Abilities so that he can go even further on the path of power.

Kizaru was confident in the power and speed of the Glint-Glint Fruit and dismissed Zephyr’s theory.

Rowen’s current situation is similar to Kizaru’s, but with a different focus.

Is it wrong to simply strengthen the Devil Fruit Ability? And is it really a correct method to only strengthen the body?

Rowen took the opposite path from Kizaru, but it was also because of the powerful destructive power and speed added by their Devil Fruit Ability that made them neglect another point.

Kizaru only relied on the Glint-Glint Fruit to make countless physicists hate him to the core, and Rowen’s thunder and lightning power boosted by his physique could make countless strong men feel ashamed of themselves.

This is the same mistake where they only focused on a single aspect of power.

As his Sensei, Zephyr clearly saw this problem early.

But he didn’t say anything because he was waiting.

As he did to Kizaru decades ago.

It is better to teach a man to fish than to give him a fish from your own basket. The master leads the door and the training is personal to everyone. Zephyr expects his disciples to recognize their shortcomings by themselves.

But Kizaru didn’t see his shortcomings clearly. Instead, he hated Zephyr’s physical training methods.

The relationship between the two parties quickly dropped to freezing point and it got to the point where Zephyr literally hated to be in the same room as Kizaru and they turned against each other.

Now that Rowen had spoken about his shortcomings, it means that he is not lost in his own power as his previous students and Zephyr breathed a sigh of relief and untied a heavy knot in his heart that had been there for decades.

No matter what he did in the original series, Zephyr deserves everyone’s respect in Marine Headquarters, as he was the Director of the Recruit Camp, and was their Sensei!

“Half a year, Rowen!”

After Sengoku laughed, the decision was made as he spoke: “I will give you half a year, how much you can learn in this time will depend upon you! I look forward to the day when you shine!”

Half a year!

Six full months!

That’s twice as much as Rowen wanted for his three-month vacation! josei

Rowen clenched his fists as he nodded and looked at Sengoku with a firm expression on his face: “I won’t let you down, Fleet Admiral!”

When Zephyr took Rowen and left the office, Sengoku looked at the empty and quiet office and took out a Senbai, and chewed slowly while thinking: “Will I be disappointed? Maybe… Tsuru has already boarded the island. Let’s see how her investigation results are.”

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