One True God

Chapter 12

Chapter 12: Inventory

"Just kidding." Lucifer spoke as he straightened his back.

Lucifer didn't really mean what he said as he didn't believe that he would be fucked if he went out now.

After all, Lucifer could just get his powers back.

He was able to get to the top once, and although it may not be easy to go back there, Lucifer had the confidence to do so.

No, Lucifer had the confidence that he would even be able to surpass the strength that he had thousands of years ago!

After all, Lucifer was aiming for the absolute peak - One True God!

There is no way that Lucifer would let himself be down just because his body affected even his powers!

"That would be just pathetic." Lucifer said as he began to snap his body left and right.

Due to the recent abrupt battle that he had to go through, Lucifer's body just took a turn for the worse.

Well, it wasn't so bad that he would actually die, but Lucifer could feel that the decision to keep this body is a drag.josei

Right, Lucifer thought that it would be even better if he were just to perform some magic trick to transfer his soul somewhere.

However, due to what he found out about himself, Lucifer quickly shut that thought down.

"Who knows what might happen to me if I do that shit."

Lucifer wouldn't take a huge risk like that, such as transferring his soul to another body when he didn't have his strength.

Besides, Lucifer wouldn't abandon his body just because he was injured.

Lucifer shook his head once more at the thought and snapped his fingers.

When he did that, all the treasures that were sitting on the floor vanished like they didn't even exist.

Well, they were just sent back to where they were placed before in this mansion.

Of course, Lucifer didn't let go of the stick, and he was still holding it.

And with that in his hands, Lucifer began walking towards the inside of his mansion.

Towards the place that he hasn't been to for a long time...

"What shall I bring with me to my journey?"

Lucifer spoke as his steps resounded out in this dark hallway.

Tak. Tak. Tak.

Every time he took a step, the mansion started repairing itself.

From the floor that was cracked due to Lucifer's excessive use of his physical strength and to the walls that were caved in due to Loraine, they were repaired in an instant.

The dirty corpses that were laid down on this floor were gone in just a single tap of his foot.

And when everything finished, Lucifer was no longer in this hallway as he disappeared deeper into the mansion.

His goal was only one thing; to find things that he would bring on his journey.

To find the items necessary for his journey to become the One True God.


Lucifer was currently standing in the part of the mansion where there were windows and lights on the ceiling.

Of course, the lights on the ceiling were just torches and all, but when Lucifer was here, it was just fire itself.

The fire burned without anything to fuel it, and the fire lit up the whole place as its light brightened the place.

And on the floor, there was a red carpet that makes one a path to follow until it ends in front of stairs.

Those stairs took up most of this place's space, but it didn't really matter.

Why? It was because the thing that was on top of the stairs was the throne.

The throne where Lucifer used to sit on as one of the Hell Gods was standing atop the stairs.

"It's been a long time." Lucifer said as he walked on the red carpet towards the stairs.

There's only one reason that Lucifer would come here even though he didn't need to.

That would be to get to his storage, where most of his items would be sitting on as it waited for Lucifer to get them.

Tak. Tak. Tak.

His footsteps resounded out in this creepy and dark place as he continued walking until he reached the stairs.

Lucifer then started to climb up the stairs.

Although his body was still hurting, it didn't look that way as he just climbed up with no real struggle.

That was why it didn't take him long to reach the throne that he used to sit on.

Lucifer then sat on the throne without saying anything and placed his arms on the armrest.

At the edge of the armrest, there was something like a marble, and that marble took almost all the space in the edge.

And Lucifer's hands were touching those marbles as he rested his back.

Lucifer then tilted his head as he rested his head also.

Although he just sat on the throne, this was actually the official way to sit on his throne.

If he sat on it just like how he would sit on any other chair, Lucifer would get hurt by his own defense mechanism that he set on his throne.

That was why when Lucifer didn't feel anything wrong, he spoke.



When Lucifer said that, the whole place started to brighten up with the throne as its center.


Footsteps of giants could be heard resounding out in this place...that was not all as the mansion was crumbling down!

Lucifer could see the ceiling go down on him as he just looked at the air! was not the ceiling that was going down, but it was him and the throne that was going up!

However, the throne that was rocketing on the air was still connected to the floor.

It was weird, but Lucifer didn't mind it at all!

He didn't do anything, and that was why Lucifer hit the ceiling with the throne!

However, unsurprisingly, the ceiling or the throne didn't burst or got destroyed.

The throne that Lucifer was sitting on just disappeared all of a sudden.

And that was because Lucifer and his throne were transported into another space.

Into a space that Lucifer created for himself, they appeared.

"Such a drag. Why did I make it like this?"

Lucifer said as he couldn't believe how he had to do so many things just to get his treasures and wealth.

"What a hassle."

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