One True God

Chapter 21

Chapter 21: Ignored!

"What the hell happened!!!" A voice resounded out in Lucifer's ears as he stood there blankly.

After all, Lucifer didn't expect that this place would be full of demons right now.

He wouldn't destroy that door if he knew. After all, destroying the door would definitely bring him attention.

'Fuck. I'm too impatient.' Lucifer thought as he reflected on his mistake.

However, it's not like his mistake would be wiped clean just because he admitted it.

That was why he was in deep shit right now.

What's more, a strong-looking man was walking towards him with an angry face.

And it was the one who shouted before.

However, Lucifer didn't care about that. Right now, Lucifer was just thinking.

'Do I kill all of them?'

That was all Lucifer could think of. After all, this was a bad situation where many people were looking at him.

He was in the middle of attention, and that was something Lucifer didn't like.

He couldn't hide just like how he did before with the princess as the people here were looking at him directly.

They would be able to tell if Lucifer disappeared in front of them right away.

That was why Lucifer was thinking of killing them all.

However, the one to bring that thought down was himself.

After all, there were just too many of them here.

If an incident were to happen here and he was at the center of it, that would definitely bring more attention to him.

It would make Lucifer an infamous person.

That was why Lucifer thought it would be best to play it low right now.

However, it seems that was not his decision to make as the strong-looking man stopped right in front of Lucifer.

"Hey! What the hell you destroying the door for, huh?!"

"You think you're some tough hot potato?!"

And when Lucifer heard that, he looked up. After all, the strong-looking man was much taller than him.

'Ah, fuck it.' Lucifer thought as he turned his body.

He then started walking towards a place where there were not many people.

Tak. Tak. Tak.

Lucifer's footsteps resounded out in this quiet and chilly place.

There was no one talking, and all of them were watching this scene.

After all, it was interesting.

And the one guy who stomped angrily towards Lucifer looked at him walk away with...wide eyes.

After all, a no-name newbie bullshit just ignored him!

It was something unbelievable to him that even he couldn't react!

It was then that someone finally reacted.

"PFFTT! Did that guy just ignore him?"

The guy laughed as he pointed to the strong-looking man who got ignored by Lucifer.

After all, it was the truth that he was ignored.

And because the man was looking so strong, it was funny.

At least, for the guy who just laughed, it was.

"Hahaha! He got ignored by some puny kid!!!" The guy laughed out loud.

"Hey, stop it! Don't you know who that is?" A man interjected the guy who was laughing.

"W-who?" The guy who was laughing said as he tried to hold back his laughter.

After all, he didn't want to piss off someone who could possibly be influential and came from a good family.

"That's the disciple of a teacher from the Royal Academy!"

"And the teacher is Sir Ramon!"

And when the guy who was laughing heard that, his laughter stopped immediately.

He looked like he just heard the scariest thing possible in his life.

And that was all heard by the strong-looking man. After all, the laughter was just too loud.

And that became the source of anger for this guy. He was ignored by some guy who doesn't even have any reputation.

And then he was laughed at by some piece of garbage that could be found anywhere.

Just these two sequences hurt the strong-looking man's pride.

"Hey!" The man said as he looked at Lucifer.

However, Lucifer was already gone when he whipped his head.

'What the...' The man thought as he tried to look for Lucifer.

However, his efforts were all in vain as he couldn't find him.

And that was why the man was forced to take it out on the guy who was laughing.

He then whipped his head around and walked towards that guy.

"You! How dare you laugh at me!" He said as he started beating the guy up.

Of course, the man couldn't fight back at all as the teacher of this guy was a teacher in the Royal Academy.

And the numerous pairs of eyes that were watching this event died down slowly as it started getting boring.

After all, what's so fun seeing a weak guy beaten down by a strong guy?

And the man who escaped from all this commotion, Lucifer, was just watching them.

'Good thing I didn't kill him.' Lucifer thought.

However, his thoughts soon died down as he saw someone passing through the doors that he just passed through.

And when Lucifer turned his eyes around, his eyes saw a woman who has white hair crowning her head.

She was tall, and her body was just great. Her curves were perfect as well.

Of course, that didn't matter to Lucifer.

'It's that woman who was able to find me.' Lucifer thought as he used magic once more to hide himself.

He didn't want to be felt by some random princess and cause trouble once more.

However, it was not only him who noticed the woman as someone in the crowd shouted out loud.

"It's the princess!"

And when they heard what it was, the people all turned their heads towards the door.

Even the guy who was beating down another guy stopped and turned his head towards the door.

And without even Lucifer noticing it, a crowd suddenly formed around the princess who just entered.

"Princess! It's nice to meet you!"

"Accept my love, oh darling!"

"Hey, you're gross! Princess wouldn't like that!"

And while that was happening, Lucifer had a thought swirling in his head.josei

'What the fuck is with the demon race nowadays?!'

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