One Wish to Own the World

52 Chapter 52

52 Chapter 52

ƥαṇdαs ηθνε|

Bonus chapter for 100 power stones:


I came on behalf of Grand Elder Giles to bring you some news. Unfortunately, there is a rule that members of the big elite clans can't get a master in the Alchemy Division, thus you can take only a regular elder as your master."

Michael said with an apologetic tone to Ken. He thought it was a shame to neglect such a talented disciple, but the grand elder's decision was final.

"I don't believe you didn't run a background check on me. My clan and I don't have the best relationship."

"You're right, but blood is thicker than water; we don't know whether your relationship with them will improve in the future."

"I see. But I still get the normal access to knowledge and resources that any other alchemist gets, right?"


As much as they wanted to loosen the grip of the elite clans over the sect, they couldn't deny them access to the resources of the sect and shun their descendants. If they tried, they would practically be begging those clans to betray the sect.

It wasn't like the Sue Clan couldn't nurture their own alchemists. First, they could afford pills easily with all the property they owned, second, they had a few fifth-rank alchemists themselves. Rumor says that one of them is even a sixth-rank alchemist.

"I see. Since you're here, I'd like to take the test for fourth-rank alchemists."

He already wasted time as a baby when he didn't want others to know his talent, and he didn't plan to waste time now only because he wanted to hide his strength to avoid being targeted. 

If someone targets him after revealing his talent, Ken will make sure this person will forfeit their life. It was better to get stronger faster and take some risks than delaying the inevitable. It's not like he could hide his strengths forever, it was only a question of when.

"Fourth rank? So soon?"

Generally, one could take tests once a year, which meant Ken wasn't eligible for another test after taking one only a week ago. 

Alchemy was a field that required a lot of grinding. A lot of information, a lot of techniques, a lot of different pills. It was impossible to advance ranks in under a year.

As for those who failed a test, they should go and practice for at least another year. The testers didn't want to test people repeatedly for no reason.

"Yes, is there a problem?"

"No, let's go. I will test you again, but I don't have the authority to test you if you plan to also take the one for fifth-rank alchemists."

"I don't have such plans."

Although Ken wasn't eligible for another test so soon, it would be just petty to deny him taking the test. Michael already saw his proficiency in Alchemy during the previous test, and it was hard to believe he was only a third-rank alchemist.

Michael chose to agree than fall out with a promising youth over bureaucracy. Besides, Michael still respected the elite families.

The two of them headed to the same classroom where Ken took his previous test and Ken took the same seat as well.

"You can start with the same pill but fourth grade. Make the Qi absorption Pill. Same deal as before – you need at least one pill with 70% purity."

Michael sent 3 sets of ingredients and the recipe for the pill. He was curious to see how Ken will handle fourth-rank pills. He wondered if he would be as bold as he was with the third-rank pills and throw all the sets into the fire.

To his surprise, that was exactly what happened. Although he amused himself with this thought he never actually thought it was possible. Concocting fourth-rank pills was exponentially more difficult than the third-rank ones.

Most people had to practice diligently for over a decade if they wanted to become fourth-rank alchemists, yet even if Ken started while still in his mother's womb, he still didn't have time to practice that much. 

Ken threw all three sets into the cauldron and started processing the materials as always. He was showing off on purpose; he wanted to offer them a deal to let him be. If he showed a very high potential in alchemy, they'd rather keep a good relationship with him and fulfill his request.

5 minutes after throwing the ingredients into the cauldron, 4 perfectly white pills came out of the cauldron in front of Michael's astonished eyes.

Ken made the pills float to Michael so he could check their rank and quality, and after having a good, long look, he nodded.

"4 perfect pills, well done. Let's move to the next pill. Core Enlarging Pill, used to make your core bigger and firmer."

Ken didn't know this pill earlier, so he never made it before. This time, he took a look at the recipe and made a few calculations in his mind before starting.

'Seems like he didn't make it before, let's see how he handles this pill then.'

Michael thought to himself when he saw Ken think without starting right away as he did before.

Ken wasn't interested in improving the formula yet. It would be more than the Alchemy Division could take in without overreacting. 

After running a few simulations in his mind, he threw only a single set of ingredients into the cauldron. He had to get familiar with the recipe first before being able to mass-produce them.

This time, the process took him over 20 minutes. He couldn't take shortcuts without getting familiar with the process first, so he had to do it the long way.

When he finished, a pill came out of his cauldron and floated to Michael to examine it. After checking it carefully, Michael looked at him in surprise.

"It's a success. Although not perfect, it has 86% purity, which is very high for fourth-grade pills. We can move on to the next part of the test."

Perfect pills cost a lot in the fourth grade because they were so much harder to make. Most fourth-rank alchemists had a surprisingly low ratio of perfect pills. Many couldn't even make a pill above 80% purity in a single attempt.

Ken didn't argue with him. Although he wanted to show off, making a perfect pill on his second or third attempt would be overdoing it. At best, they would think he pretended to be unfamiliar with the formula. At worst, they might think he is too talented and do everything to oppress him.

"Great, I've only got to concoct this pill a few times before, so I wasn't too confident about concocting it successfully in a single try."

Ken gave a polite smile as he explained. By saying he could make it so well without much practice he declared he was a genius among geniuses, but not a complete freak. One had to remember he was still 6 years old.

"The next test is a fourth-rank Heating Pill. It's a pill that heats the body and can be used in extremely cold environments to keep your body warm. Here are the ingredients and the formula."

"Oh, I've concocted those before for practice."

Ken practiced them when he experimented on making poison pills, but he eventually chose to pick the Chill Pill.

"I guess you won't have any problem then. Let's see how you do."

Ken threw a single set into the cauldron and started the process of separating and mixing the essences of the ingredients. After a few minutes, one red pill floated out of the cauldron toward Michael.

"Done, you can check it. I'm out of Qi, so I could concoct only one."

As a third-stage cultivator, it was already hard to believe he could concoct fourth-grade pills. He couldn't overdo it. 

Michael nodded and examined the pill. He sighed in defeat after seeing it was perfect.

"You are really extraordinary. Here's your fourth-rank alchemist token; would you like to keep it a secret too?"

Giles and Michael discussed earlier whether to play along with Ken's wishes or not. If they didn't, his uncle and aunt will oppress him, and his potential might be wasted. 

They liked this idea because he had the potential to become a seventh-rank alchemist in the future even without guidance, and that would give too much power to the Sue Clan.

On the other hand, if they didn't play along with Ken's wishes, then he might choose to betray both the sect and his clan, which could potentially be even worse. Nobody wanted to hand a genius to another sect on a silver platter.

The problem was that they couldn't kill him because he was part of the Sue Clan, which was the reason they didn't want him to grow too much in the first place. The inner politics in the sect were too complicated.

In the end, they chose to comply with Ken's requests so his relationship with the sect doesn't turn sour. 

This way, if he ever chooses to betray his clan, it most likely will be by cooperating with another force from within the sect rather than going to strangers he knows nothing about.

"Yes, I want to keep it a secret. I even have a better offer; since I can't have a Senior Elder as my master, I can take you as my master. I will give my pills to you, and you can take 5% of the profits as a commission."

Ken thought it through; he knew that Michael's offer to keep it a secret was a gesture of goodwill.  josei

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