Online Games: Start with Billions of Enhancement Points

Chapter 78

Chapter 78: I’ve Come to Kill You!

Thank you FinArata and Necropire for the chocolate, now I gotta burn all the chocolates in the form of chapters. Expect some bonus chapters (soon … hopefully)

P.s: Do message me if you want to be named differently or not.

p.s.s: Let me know if there are any mistakes.

Chapter 78 I’ve Come to Kill You!

[Ding! You are affected by the Mountain Dragon’s aura, all attributes decreased by 10%!]

The system notification caused Chen Fang’s expression to darken slightly.

The Mountain Dragon lifted its head high and said condescendingly, “An insignificant human dares to come here to covet my treasures!”

It stared at Chen Fang with contempt, its huge lantern-sized eyes full of disdain.

Dragons love to collect treasures, and this mountain dragon that has a trace of dragon blood was no exception. It obviously regarded Chen Fang as a thief who coveted its treasures. Not just any thief but an extremely weak thief at that.

Chen Fang grinned and spoke coldly, “I’ve come here not only to steal your treasures but also to kill you!”

He directly held the Samsara Forbidden Tome in his hand out.

Fireball and bolt of lightning immediately hit the Mountain Dragon.


“Chain Lightning!”




The Mountain Dragon’s HP only dropped down a little.

“The heck, so fleshy!” Chen Fang exclaimed in surprise.

The mountain dragon’s passive skill, Petrified Skin, resisted at least 30% of the damage.


The next moment, the Mountain Dragon roared in pain. An ominous glint appeared in its eyes. The next second, it cast a skill.

Dragon Breath!

The Mountain Dragon opened its mouth and exhaled a mouthful of air. The range of this Dragon Breath skill was very large and it spread in a fan-shaped area.

The 1-second duration of Chain Lightning’s paralysis was only effective for 0.5-second to the Mountain Dragon.

Chen Fang was caught off guard, and unable to dodge for a while.


Chen Fang’s HP suddenly dropped by one-third.

He hurriedly cast Life Shield on himself.

“Life Shield!”


A white shield wrapped around Chen Fang.

Soon after, another Fireball also flew past.

“Damn human, you have successfully annoyed me, prepare to bear the wrath of the dragon!”

The Mountain Dragon flapped its wings and took off from the ground to avoid the fireball.


A rock fall from the sky and smashed into Chen Fang.

Chen Fang flashed backward from the rock.

Chen Fang sneered and said disdainfully, “What wrath of the dragon, you’re just a hybrid, what are you pretending to be?”

The Mountain Dragon was furious when it heard these words.

“Frost Nova!”

Frost condensed in the air. The Mountain Dragon in the sky was turned into an ice sculpture by Chen Fang’s Frost Nova.

The dragon ice sculpture fell to the ground.



Chen Fang cast two fireballs within two seconds, but what appeared were three fireballs.

That’s right, it was the Ring of Primal Rage’s property, Rekindled Rage!

When casting a fire-type skill, there’s a 20% chance to re-cast the skill.





The Lifesteal effect was triggered and Chen Fang’s HP bar instantly returned to its full state.

Frost Nova originally have three seconds duration, but the Mountain Dragon was only frozen for two seconds.


After the freezing effect of Frost Nova was over, the Mountain Dragon issued a long scream filled with killing intent.


After that, the Mountain Dragon took off the ground again.




The wind blew the sand around for a while …

The sand and gravel raised by the violent wind continued to pelt Chen Fang’s body.




This sandstorm reduced the durability of Chen Fang’s Life Shield by half.

Chen Fang’s expression sank.


Another AoE skill was evoked.

Chen Fang’s mind moved fast.

Arcane Missile!


The Arcane Missile hit the Mountain Dragon’s massive body and interrupted its skill.

Currently, the Mountain Dragon still has 74% HP.



A Fireball smashed into the mountain dragon floating in the sky again heavily.


The HP was now at 69%, and that single fireball only took 5% of its HP.

The Mountain Dragon swooped down toward Chen Fang. The huge dragon’s claws exuded a cold light as if they wanted to tear Chen Fang apart.

The dragon claws make contact with Chen Fang’s body, this contact instantly knocked Chen Fang up into the air. The Mountain Dragon quickly approached him and stretched out another claw.


Chen Fang smashed into the cavern wall of the dragon’s lair.



Two rows of damage appeared consecutively.

“Fortunately, my shield is quite thick!”

After standing steadily on his feet, Chen Fang once again fired a Fireball!


The Fireball hit the massive beast square on its body.


The Mountain Dragon’s HP dropped to 64%.

On the other hand, Chen Fang's Life Shield was barely hanging in there with just one-sixth of its durability left. One blow was all it take to break it.

Although his HP was still full and he had the Lifesteal skill of the Necromancer Ring, if he made a mistake with the Mountain Dragon’s ultra-high damage, and the Mountain Dragon dodged the Fireball …

The Lifesteal skill won’t be activated and he couldn’t absorb the dragon’s HP.

At that time, Chen Fang would undoubtedly be deader than dead!

However, a strange smile suddenly appeared on the corner of Chen Fang’s mouth.

“It’s almost there!”

He calmly unequipped the Necromancer Ring that has a Lifesteal effect and replace it with Knowledge Ring.

Chen Fang looked indifferently at the Mountain Dragon still flying in the air and coldly announced its death, “You’ll die today!”




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