Online In Another World

Chapter 241 System Plague

Chapter 241 System Plague

A floor of bright-red laser bullets traveled down the hall of the ship, prompting Vincent to raise his hand to activate the personal shield stemming from his wristwatch.

“Primitive,” Vincent mocked.

The spherical shield of light-yellow energy absorbed the impact of the non-solid bullets. It was as his consciousness finally began adjusting to the new digital body he inhabited in his visit to the intergalactic realm did he find himself naturally adjusting to the mechanics of it as well.

“Shift: Reflect.”

While the bandits continued spraying their bullets desperately, the white-haired man altered the properties of his shield, causing it to deflect the impacts back to the invaders.



The varying species of the invasive space pirates were blown with holes, burning through them in the deflective counter. All of the figures occupying the hall were taken down by their own blasts, laid out and gasping for air.

Vincent slowly walked over, looking down at them with eyes of indifference before stopping, staring down at a blue-skinned figure.

“…Mom. Mom…I want to go home,” the figure gasped as tears strolled down their cheeks, spewing arterial fluid from the hole in their chest.

“Seriously, you gave up your lives just to end up like this in a new one? Talk about a meaningless effort,” Vincent taunted.

Inside the reincarnation gateway, he found himself feeling more excited than he had been in years, understanding better the benefits of the new worlds at his fingertips.

…What can stop me from doing what I want? SAMSARA is at my beck and call. I’m a ‘Starborne’–whatever that is, all I know is it means I have superiority over the masses. I can do whatever the hell I want, Vincent thought.

As he raised his boot, he then placed it back down on the neck of the whimpering bandit, slowly increasing the pressure as he looked down, watching carefully as the light began to fade from the choking figure’s eyes.



A force slammed against his body, taking him by total surprise as the howling shock wave knocked him off his feet, flinging him back down the hall and into the observation chamber.

What in the–?! Vincent thought.

It wasn’t anything physical that had touched him; an unseen force that was felt both on his body and inside of him, causing his bones to ache as he crashed into his desk.

“…Ngh,” Vincent groaned, picking himself up.

Raising his gaze, he found a sole figure standing in the hall, not seeing them before. They were completely human, by the looks of it, youthful and with shaggy, beige hair and wearing the same ragtag outfit as the bandits.

“You killed them…” The young man said with an angered tone.

Vincent straightened himself out, still perplexed by what had hit him, though he had a slight idea going by the stance held by the last bandit: the youthful man was holding his hand forward, as if having already attacked.

“In case you weren’t aware, you came to my ship,” Vincent said calmly, brushing the dust off of his coat.

Though logic didn’t seem to suffice as when those words left the white-haired CEO’s lips, he found his heightened reflexes going into overdrive, finding the enraged youth leaping towards him with inhuman physical prowess.

He too is…? Vincent thought.

In that split-second, his instincts forced him to roll to the side, dodging at the last moment as the beige-haired boy plunged the electric-charged sword he wielded into the floor of the ship. The metallic ground caved in beneath the blade, crinkling beneath the startling strength of the last surviving bandit.

Vincent witnessed this in surprise, picking himself up as an air of caution surrounded him for the first time since entering this world.

I can’t be careless. Though I can logout…Haru didn’t mention anything about death being temporary within this. I’d rather not let my life hang in the heart of the cards, Vincent thought.

Preparing himself, he summoned the disintegration pistol to his hand, though as quick as he summoned it, he was unable to fire it off before the swift boy dashed in, cutting the weapon in two with his lightning-infused weapon.

“Ghh–!” Vincent gritted his teeth in frustration, “…If that’s how you want it!”

Dropping the broken gun, he opted for close-quarters combat, utilizing his enhanced physiology to spin around and kick the empowered bandit with his full-strength. Despite the young man managing to guard against it, the impact was strong enough to hurt him, causing the youth to slide across the floor.

“What’s got you so worked up? Correct me if I’m wrong, but I thought this was all fair game,” Vincent shrugged.

“You’re wrong!”


Once again, the newly-entered user found himself surprised as the beige-haired youth yelled back in an angered response, summoning that unseen force once again that slammed against Vincent’s body.

This time, it was focused, hitting the man directly in his stomach as he spit out a mixture of saliva and oxygen.

This…again! It’s some kind of power of his?! Vincent thought.

With each hit received, the ICARUS CEO further immersed himself in the invisible data of the intergalactic realm.

It’s thin. I can feel it. I can see it. Though this reality may very well be authentic, SAMSARA has integrated a ‘system’ that exists like a natural law of this universe. Just a bit more and I can touch it…! Vincent thought.

“I know what you are! A Starborne like you doesn’t belong here!” The passionate young man yelled, “–This is our lives! We abandoned everything to start anew here! Everything! Yet people like you…you pay your way to an easy life, then trample all over ours!”

Vincent coughed out, picking himself up after having momentarily fallen to a knee, “…You seem to be forgetting that you attacked me first, brat!”

Rushing forward with a swift dash, Vincent summoned a new weapon to his grip, digitally constructing it to reveal a blade made of a crimson laser, clashing it against his foe’s electric sword.

“The name’s Gero, not ‘brat’! And do you know why we attacked your ship?!” The beige-haired bandit said, “–You laid waste to hundreds of others in this star system! My people had a policy–we never touched those who were innocent, only those who committed atrocities–like you!”

Before Vincent could do anything, he found himself being pushed back by what felt like a clingy gust, pulling on him and giving Gero the upperhand in their clash.

…This force–just what the hell is it? Is this the ‘Glow’? Then…in that case…if I try hard enough, I can…Vincent thought.

Amidst the collision of blades, Vincent Icarus planted his boots down, breathing in slowly as he focused on the internal force laying dormant within him, plucking it out and awakening it as a smile etched across his lips.

[“Vincent Icarus is no ordinary man. Of course, his position as the world’s youngest trillionaire, leading the world’s advances in the field of robotics, might be enough to speak of that. However, the youthful CEO boasts an I.Q. of over two-hundred. It is due to his unique ‘eye’ for the algorithms and methods of code that he is able to perceive the digital space in a way unlike any other.”]

Dismay came across Gero’s expression as he felt the pressure shift in the room as the unseen collision of both Glows met.

[“A fatal mistake was made on the part of SAMSARA by allowing an existence like Vincent Icarus to reincarnate. He has grasped it now–like a virus infiltrating software, reality itself is felt at his fingertips.”]

The appearance of the space around Vincent shifted as he could now see the code running in a dimension tucked away from the naked eye, witnessing it all and able to tangibly feel it for himself.

“…I think I’ve got it now!” Vincent proclaimed.

Stepping forward, he confidently pushed the younger figure back as the invisible force shredded the metallic flooring, carving a path in front of him.

“Ghh–!” Gero winced, being slammed against the wall by the power.

Vincent laughed, looking at his hands as he felt the vibrations of the ‘Glow’ around his body, seeing the air around him distort, “Amazing!…If it’s like this, I can’t imagine Arcadius! I want to experience true magic!”

“I’m not letting you go…anywhere!”

With a rapid recovery, Gero propelled through the air, using the Glow in new ways to Vincent’s curious eyes as it was utilized like a propulsion force, causing the young man to close the distance in a moment without being restricted to bipedal movement.

Though as Gero attempted to cut the Starborne down, Vincent easily managed to block the attack with his humming, crimson blade.

“You’re still caught up in all of that? Please. It’s the name of the game–all’s fair in life and death; you wouldn’t take your anger out on a natural disaster sweeping through and killing your friends, would you?” Vincent asked.

“Shut up!…” Gero yelled back.

As the beige-haired bandit attempted to raise his other hand to unleash a Glow blast, Vincent countered by ducking beneath it, enhancing his free fist with the ‘Glow’ in an experimental usage before slamming it against Gero’s abdomen.

“Gyuh-!” Gero spit out.

The force rippled through the young man’s organs, echoing through the marrow of his bones before he was slammed against the dense walls of the ship.josei

A bright-scarlet aura clad the fist Vincent used to strike, catching the man’s intrigue as he looked at it for a moment, “I suppose that’s why they call it the ‘Glow’. I am assuming it only possesses a color once maturing–well, that would mean yours is sorely lacking, brat.”

“…Shut it…” Gero spit out, stumbling forward, still gripping his sword.

Vincent smirked, squeezing his fists as he summoned the scarlet Glow around himself in a display of his frightening power.

“I’ll have to thank you for showing me the ropes,” Vincent pointed to the side of his head, tapping it, “You’ve helped me understand quite a bit about this ‘Glow’ and the systems of SAMSARA itself. I don’t intend on sticking around in this particular outlet of Reincarnation Online very long, but who knows…if I decide to return, maybe I’ll make all of it mine.”

This time, as the groggy, injured talent among the bandits lunged forward for an attack, the Starborne nonchalantly flicked his wrist, using the unseen power of the Glow to swipe Gero away like a fly, knocking him across the room before continuing his spiel to himself with open arms:

“…Perhaps I’ll take over each of Reincarnation Online’s worlds. This realm, the cyberpunk world, and Arcadius alike–filled with boundless resources and potential, occupied by so many people, all ripe for the taking. The deep histories, the tenure of those living there–I’ll conquer their lands, subjugate their people, and make their women my own,” Vincent lost himself in the newfound power in his hands, “I, Vincent Icarus, will become the god of these new worlds.”

[“Understanding the rules of the Intergalactic realm didn’t grant the man omnipotence, however, by witnessing the answers untold, he gained an understanding unlike any other living within the realm. If he were to step into Arcadius, the ‘System’ he’d be granted would be at the mercy of his fingertips–an outcome none desire to witness.”]

After finishing Gero off by twisting his body into a pulp with the Glow, Vincent brought up his digital HUD, tapping away before bringing himself to the [Transport] screen.

[Enter [ARCADIUS] and begin anew?]


Though there was no hesitation in Vincent tapping “Yes”, as soon as he pressed it, an error message popped up in front of his vision:



It was a surprise to Vincent for a moment as he read the prompt, clenching his fist before slamming it against the digital screen in an act of frustration.

“…How perceptive you are, SAMSARA; ever watchful. Or perhaps…You knew I’d be a handful, Haru,” Vincent slowly smiled, “…No problem. It doesn’t have to be today or tomorrow–just know, one day, I’ll find my way into Arcadius…your precious masterpiece, Haru Takeshiro. I don’t know how you built it, but I’ll take it for myself…”

[“However, unbeknownst to Vincent Icarus was the true nature of Arcadius: the world did not border on authentic and artificial. Through and through…it was a real world. Though that begs the question…what is the relationship between Reincarnation Online and Arcadius?”]

Sitting alone in the vast stream of cosmos, realities away from any other, a faceless being chuckled to himself on a disembodied set of wooden floorboards.

“…How interesting. Little Haru, I wonder how long you can keep the charade up…It doesn’t matter to me. A deal’s a deal…as long as you keep bringing me new children, you can pretend as though Arcadius is a creation of your own; the matters of ‘Earth’ are nothing to me,” the faceless being spoke to himself.

[“…To put it simply, that little “Intergalactic realm” and “cyberpunk world” are just artificial realities. Arcadius isn’t related to them at all. If you think you can conquer Arcadius just because you have a bit of talent in the Intergalactic realm, well, you’re not going to like the way reality hits you. Arcadius is just as real as Earth–well, I’d say it’s even more real, in my opinion. Where’s your magic, Earth?”]

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