Online In Another World

Chapter 344 The Checkered Forest

Chapter 344 The Checkered Forest

A single misstep could lead to submerging completely in the inescapable depths of the bone-melting liquid; that fact was kept close to the hearts of each of them as they crossed.

Emilio stayed ahead, though periodically checked back to make sure his companions were doing fine.

"Definitely is becoming toasty here," Asher remarked.

"Can't handle it?" Emilio asked with a hint of cheekiness.

"Didn't say anything about that," Asher responded.

It was definitely concerning just how far the sea of lava seemed to stretch on for; the environment didn't help make it anymore comfortable with spikes of jagged rock hanging from the ceiling and the constant, looming threat of whatever lurked in the pits of the boiling liquid.

Still, Emilio was kept ignited with motivation to keep moving as he knew it wasn't very far now until the Quandary Gate could be found.

"Can you keep up? If not, I'll carry you," Vandread asked, checking back on the silver-haired man.

Joel had already abandoned his shirt and jacket, bare chested and drenched in sweat as he breathed heavily, hopping onto the next platform, "I've…got this!"

"I believe this is a test of manhood for him," Blimpo noted with a chuckle.

"I don't wanna hear it from you!" Joel yelled out with a huff, "You've been relying on that gear of yours! Totally unmanly!"

Blimpo took some offense to that remark, responding back, "Using tools and making things with your own two hands is the manliest thing there is!"

—This arguing went back and forth for a couple minutes before Joel finally caught up to the others, though just in time as the sea of molten lava began rumbling.

"Uh-oh," Emilio reacted, looking around.

Waves rippled through the bright-orange magma, forcing Emilio and Asher to jump back to a platform behind them just as a massive wave of lava cascaded outward, engulfing the stone in its way.

"Woah! What's that!?" Joel asked.

A brief rainfall of lava came from around whatever had emerged from the burning sea, slamming its rocky, molten hands down to the sides where the walls of the cave stood tall.

"...A crocodile?" Asher questioned.

"A giant one," Emilio corrected.

Its skin resembled that of a volcanic mountain, with cracks running along its body that allowed fresh lava to run down its form. The size of it was remarkable; akin to a whale that would swim through the depths of a great sea, yet it didn't seem to lose any of its aggression in its size.

"Let me guess–the King of Spades wants me dead from you, too?!" Emilio yelled out.

Before he could get an answer, the beast snapped its jaws in his direction, attempting to gobble both him and Asher up before the two jumped out to avoid the range of its maw. In an instant, he spurred on a transformation in response to the molten crocodile's attack.

[Dragonheart System Activated]

[Current Stage: 3/10 | Dragon Warrior]

Clenching his fist, he slammed his armored knuckles against the snout of the creature, unleashing a shock wave from the [Dragon Strike] released. The powerful blow caused the lava-inhabiting reptile to recoil before it snapped back around, going for another chomp of its jaws before being intercepted–

[Devilheart System Activated]

[Current Stage: 3/10 | Hell Walker]

Asher pushed his hand forward, invoking a construct of devilish energy that took the form of a fist that carved through the lava before uppercutting the giant beast. Of course, knocking the molten beast around caused its own set of problems as the burning lake swayed and rippled, causing the lava to rise in some spots.

"Hey now…!" Joel let out nervously, finding the platform he was on sway in the lava.

Asher breathed out, "Emilio."

"Yeah?" The Dragonheart landed beside him on the foremost platform.

"Leave this one to me," Asher said, "Make sure the others fall into the lava."

"Hm? Sure," Emilio allowed, surprised at the man's forwardness in the ordeal.

Taking it upon himself to make certain that neither Joel nor Blimpo were swallowed up by the bright-orange sea, Emilio hopped over, helping to stabilize the platform while Asher faced off against the molten reptile by himself.

"Alright. Let's finish this quickly," Asher breathed out.

The armor worn by Asher reinforced itself, solidifying with the darkness he emitted as a cape of shadows extended itself down from his shoulders.

[Current Stage: 5/10 | Hell Sentinel]

Awakening the dormant power of his System, Asher's aura manifested through a stygian wind that caused the lava around him to ripple as he wielded his claymore, facing off against the oversized reptile.

Just as it raised its hand to slam it down upon him, he vanished with blinding speed, cutting across its molten limb with his dark-infused claymore in an instant.

"Graaaaaagh–!" The crocodile unleashed a bellow of pain.

The Devilheart raced up its arm swiftly, mercilessly cleaving through its limb before reaching the top of its body. For the molten beast, the speed and ferocity of the Devilheart was greater than any beast; swiftness that swept across its scales like a bolt of lightning and strength to move mountains–this boundless reservoir of darkness cleaved itself through the crocodile's burning scales.

Wrestling the beast as if it weren't the size of a whale, the Devilheart managed to restrain its movements by grabbing onto the edges of its mouth while standing on its nose.

"I'm tired of killing everything that gets in my way, so for now–rest," Asher whispered.

Using his fist like a hammer, Asher invoked an echoing force of darkness that drummed against the crocodile's gargantuan skull, resounding against it before knocking the great beast out as it began sinking back into the lava.

"Asher!" Emilio called out.

The warning of the man's own name came as the reptile was being submerged back into the piping hot lava, though Asher saw an opportunity as he gestured for the others to follow quickly.

"Hurry! We can cross if we use its body–! Come on!" Asher shouted.

It was definitely a questionable platform to be used, though it was clear time was of the essence as Emilio led the way, prompting Vandread and Blimpo to follow, with Joel following last as they raced across a few stepping stones in the lava to reach the crocodile's massive body.


Asher extended his hand from atop the crocodile's head, helping both Vandread and Blimpo up, though Emilio found himself pausing as he checked back, seeing Joel rushing behind, though clearly winded.

"Hurry up!" Emilio called out.

"I'm…trying!" Joel huffed.

Though there wasn't much time at all, Emilio found himself biting his lip out of desperation before extending his hand out to the silver-haired man.

"C'mon!" Emilio yelled.

Joel raced forward, nearly stumbling into the lava as the platform he crossed from sank just as he left it, slapping his hand against Emilio's as they clasped together.

The moment he had his friend in his grip, Emilio leapt up, using the draconic strength in his legs for a mighty leap as he guided Joel up alongside him. It was certainly a bit of an overshoot as he found himself nearly passing by half of the crocodile's extraordinarily long body with the superhuman jump.

"We're flying!" Joel remarked in astonishment.

"Not quite!" Emilio responded.

Finally landing with a bit of an "oomph" to it, the others were catching up behind them, sprinting to the next platform as the edge of the sea of lava was finally in sight.josei

"Let's go!" Emilio said, getting back to his feet before sprinting forth.

Joel picked himself up, caked in sweat but ready to continue onward, "Right behind ya'!"

It was something Emilio had never foreseen himself doing; tucked away for a portion of a lifetime in his room with a body that could barely walk, let alone run, now finding himself racing so vigorously and full of life alongside friends, through a fantastical setting of lava–even now, in the depths of the After, he found himself blown away by this opportunity.

'I need to make it! I have so many stories to tell you, Father, Mother, Irene…! Even you, Celly! I'll write to you all about it when I get back!' He promised.

With a fantastic leap, he crossed the entirety of the remaining stretch of lava, finding the bubbling heat beneath his swaying feat as he landed on the other side with a smooth roll.

"Hfff…Hah…I made it," he said, looking back.

The others weren't far behind, though some lacked elegance, like Blimpo and Joel, who held onto each other in their final jump, screaming at the thought of missing the leap and landing straight into the burning sea.

"Phew!" Joel immediately dropped down to catch his breath.

As they all rested for a moment, attention was turned to what it was that actually existed beyond the lethal sea of lava; nothing akin to the dank cavern beforehand, but instead a vast, bountiful forest of tall, almost seraphic trees.

Half of the trees were covered in snow-white leaves, while the other half sprouted pitch-black leaves. It was a fantastical sight, large and greeting them with a single trail of dirt leading into the bowels of the black-and-white forest.

"This is it," Emilio said, standing up, "I can see it. This is the last place standing before our destination."

"It's a 'checkered' forest," Joel remarked, "Weird."

"Be on guard. If we're close to the end, then this forest isn't going to make it easy to get there," Vandread warned.

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