Online In Another World

Chapter 368 What Matters Most

Chapter 368 What Matters Most

"We're here, adventurers," the pilot said.

They both were up at the official announcement from the man who had brought them from Vasmoria to Milligarde. The pilot pulled a lever on the side of the metallic vehicle, causing it to open up with a ramp descending onto the fields of Yullim.

"Thank you, err…" Emilio said, not knowing the man's name.

"The name's Brash Vardick," the pilot said, tipping his hat, "Have a fine time, young adventurers."josei

"Thanks, Brash!" Emilio waved, leaving the airship as he sprinted down the ramp.

"Yeah, thanks for the ride!" Everett said as well, following behind the young Dragonheart.

As soon as they descended from the ramp, now standing in the luscious fields of Yullim, both of the young men watched as the ramp retracted before the airship soon lifted off again with a wind that caused the grass to dance.

"This is Yullim, huh?" Everett remarked with a smile, taking in the gentle winds and the scent of nature.

"Yeah, this is 'home'," Emilio nodded.

He almost felt the need to pinch himself at how surreal it felt to be walking through the fields he spent over a decade of his new life living around; the gently-swaying trees of Yullim with the brisk, relaxing air of spring at its peak–he took it in as he walked to his home with his friend following.

"It's a nice town," Everett said, "Reminds me of my hometown, too."

"We should visit your hometown at some point," Emilio suggested.

"Sure! I'll show ya around my favorite places," Everett smiled.

It wasn't a far walk until he found himself stopping by the old, short walls of stone that acted as the perimeter marking the land owned by his parents; that well-maintained home sat there like a missing piece of his heart as tears welled up in his eyes already.

The front door opened, out walking a man far too familiar to his eyes–that short, black hair and a scruffy beard, always wearing a sword at his hip and leather armor. The dear father he had missed, almost bringing him to tears just then as he could see the expression of disbelief on Julius' face.

"Emilio?..." Julius said as if not believing his eyes, stunned before turning back to face the inside of the house, "Treyna! Irene! He's…He's back!"

Before he knew it, his mother rushed out, seeming to have been in the middle of preparing a meal by her apron, though not caring as both her and the young man's father rushed over, bringing Emilio into their arms.

Everett couldn't help but smile, almost crying himself at the sight of his friend reuniting with his parents after quite the eventful journey. Running out of the home soon after his parents was Irene, who looked relieved to see he was indeed alive, holding her hands close to her chest.

"You made it…! You made it back! I knew you would!" Julius said, squeezing him tightly, "That's the Dragonheart blood for ya! I bet you kicked ass out there, didn'tcha?!"

"You're safe…Emilio, what happened to you? Your arm, and your eye…" Treyna said, seeming to finally register the state of his body.

Emilio couldn't help but chuckle at the question, raising his artificial arm and running his fingers along the eyepatch he wore, "It's a long story…I'll tell you all about it."

Going inside of the house, they all sat around the fireplace, partaking in the stew that Treyna made, who luckily always made portions far too high, so there was enough for Emilio and Everett.

There was a lot that needed to be explained, first and foremost, he chose to introduce the friend he had brought with him.

"This is Everett," Emilio introduced his friend with a smile, "He took the trial with me–we've both saved each other's lives more times than I can recall. He's hoping to stay here for a bit."

"Nice to meetcha, Dragonhearts!" Everett stood up and bowed himself with a bit too much manners.

Julius laughed, slapping his knee, "You don't gotta be so formal, kid! If you're a friend of Emilio's, you're a part of this family! Ain't that right, babe?"

Treyna nodded, "Of course. Please, stay as long as you'd like."

A grateful smile came over the shielder's lips as he nodded furiously, "Thank you very much!"

Next came news that Emilio didn't quite know how to tell, information that specifically pertained to his father as he sat there for a moment, looking down and fiddling with his spoon as he sifted it through the bowl of warm stew.

"What's the matter, Emilio?" Julius asked.

Emilio looked up, gaining the courage to look his father in the eyes as he finally poured the words from his lips, "Vandread…is dead. He died to save my life–I…Yeah."

"What?" Treyna said in quiet sadness.

Irene didn't seem to be shocked by this news, not having any connection to the figure in question as she quietly slipped her stew.

This news left Julius quiet for a moment as he looked down before peering over at the fireplace, somehow wearing a small, melancholic smile.

"Father?" Emilio said.

"He always was secretly such a softy…Thanks for looking out for my son, Vandread," Julius said while staring at the fireplace before looking back at Emilio, "I'm sure if he did that, he made sure it was one-hundred percent the best option. Don't beat yourself up–"

"I'm not," Emilio found a way to smile, "Actually, I met Vandread again."

"Huh? You what?" Julius raised an eyebrow.

Taking in a deep breath, it was time for him to spill the stories of his miraculous journey once more as he smiled, readying himself to tell it all around the fireplace with the aroma of his mother's cooking filling the comfortable room.

"I'll tell you everything that happened," Emilio said, looking towards his parents and the lithe, quiet girl, "The crazy creatures I fought and how I died and came back."

As he spoke of the encounters with the human trafficker, to the demi-humans, from the Unending Nightmare, the reactions were mixed: Treyna looked as though she'd seen a ghost, realizing the danger her son went through as she covered her mouth; meanwhile, Julius looked like an excited kid, leaning close and listening, nodding intently.

The enthusiasm of his father listening to his stories made him share such feelings, smiling as he waved his arms as if swinging a sword, telling about the foes he fought and defeated–from the Chief of the Outriders, who commanded powerful nature magic, to the Dread itself.

"I've heard stories about the Dread–but to think my own son took it out! Damn, talk about the badassery of the Dragonhearts!" Julius smiled.

"I did end up taking the Dread out, but I died in the process…It sounds crazy, but I went through the afterlife–I had help from Vandread and my friends who'd fallen in the past…It's…" Emilio told, though recalling the memories of the Primordials' presence made his words be caught in his throat as he covered his mouth.

"Emilio?" Julius said worriedly.

Treyna rubbed the young man's back, patting his hair, "Don't force it. I know it was hard for you–take your time."

A small nod came from Emilio as he chose to explain what happened to his body, "...I had to make a deal with a powerful figure…He took my right arm and placed a 'curse' in my eye. But, I'm fine–really. This arm is even better than the one I lost!"

"Can I touch it?" Irene asked, seeming interested in the black-steel arm that Emilio had.

"Oh? Uh, sure," he nodded.

The blue-haired girl gently ran her hand against the smooth, yet warm steel as the perpetual heat of the young man's mana coursed through it.

"We're also both certified world-class adventurers now!" Everett said.

"Oh, yeah? Let's see those insignia!" Julius excitedly said.

Both Everett and Emilio showed the world-class insignia they had, with Everett given the rank of gold for his efforts in the Dread fight and Emilio being bestowed ruby–a rank that was abnormal for a rookie.

"You've really grown up in such a short time, haven't you? That's my boy!" Treyna said with a big smile.

"Damn, ruby already…You're making your old man feel outdated!" Julius said, proud yet surprised.

"Heh, I've grown pretty strong, you know?" Emilio confidently said, tucking the necklace beneath his vest again.

Julius rubbed his chin, "Is that so? How about sparring with your pops, for old time's sake?"

"You're on," Emilio agreed.

Treyna looked as though she wanted to spend time indoors, but couldn't help but sigh with a smile, "Alright, I'll be the judge for this! Outside, boys!"

"Yeah!" Julius and Emilio said in unison.

As the Father and Son prepared for the sparring bout to signify their reuniting, Everett, Irene, and Treyna watched from the side.

Even though he had just gotten home, there was nothing that felt more like "old times" than meeting his father outside in the lush fields, standing beneath the azure skies with wooden, training swords in hand. Though he had always been outmatched before, it was an experience he appreciated.

"Show me what you've got, Emilio," Julius said with an energetic smile, pointing his wooden sword towards his son, "I want to see what you've learned in your travels. If those stories you've told are more than exaggeration–if you've earned that insignia!"

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