Online In Another World

Chapter 4 A Talk With A Doting Father

Chapter 4 A Talk With A Doting Father

There wasn’t much to do at his young age; his parents were still overly protective of every little action he took, though he didn’t blame them nor did he really mind it.

While sitting and reading a book, Julius watched in surprise, witnessing his young son studying away at the text.

“…You can read already, Emilio?” Julius asked, kneeling down beside him.

He nodded with a smile, “Yeah.”

At first, this language seemed foreign to me, but I picked it up quickly. I wonder if it’s a special skill or something? He pondered.

“That’s amazing!” Julius laughed proudly, “I knew a son of mine would be amazing!”

To his surprise, he was hoisted up in the arms of his father, who smelled of sweat from the rigorous training he put himself through everyday.

Both of his parents were quite young, but he found out it was common in that world for people to marry and have kids in their early twenties.

Despite being in the body of a toddler, it was much more capable than the one he had; he could walk with exaggerated steps, jump around, feel the outside air—it was astounding.

“I made your favorite,” Treyna smiles brightly..

Served to him in a bowl was a fragrant stew of savory meat and vegetables, which he happily ate.

Back in my previous life…I couldn’t eat. I had to get my nutrients through a tube. Food really is…amazing, he thought.

Treyna watched him eat with a smile, playing with his hair, “How is it?”

“Amazing! Thank you, Mom!”

He couldn’t ask for more. Treyna and Julius supplied enough love to fill him several times over with the support he needed.

What struck him was that nothing felt “digital” at all; the air clearly filled his lungs, the passing seasons each felt different on his skin, between the blossoming warmth of spring, the winter rain meeting his skin, or the heat of summer causing him to sweat.

Pain was fully real, the wobbly coordination he had as an infant, and most of all to him–the genuine love he felt from his parents.

They’re real, he thought.

[Four Years Later | Age 7]

Life was as relaxing as could be as a child; there were no worries of finding a job, paying rent, or any expectations to improve.

Though, sadly, he had grown out of his ability to call upon Treyna’s bosom.

It’s probably for the best. I think Julius got a bit jealous of me hogging his wife’s boobs half of the day, he thought.

“Comin’ through!”

Dashing into the house like a bolt of lightning, his eccentric father proudly presented a fish the same size as him.

“Holy crap…!” He let out.

“Impressed? Your old man is pretty amazing, isn’t he?” Julius gloated with a smirk.

Treyna entered the living room, still holding a sharp knife in her hand as she had left the kitchen. Though she held a smile, it was clear to the two males that she was angry.

And, it was was clear–

Drip. Drip. Drip.

Julius wasn’t exactly dexterous with a fishing rod; the youthful mid-twenties man was soaking wet, just as the fish he hoisted up proudly–drenching the floorboards that Treyna had just spent the entire morning cleaning.josei

“Err, I, uh…” Julius gulped, realizing what he did.

“You’ll clean up after yourself, won’t you, my beloved?” Treyna asked with a sharp smile.

“I–wait,” Julius looked straight at him, pointing, “–Emilio, you’re not busy, are you? Help your old man out and clean the floor for me, would you?”

Why’re you involving me in this?! He thought.

Though his lithe mother stepped forward as her bountiful rack bounced, “Don’t have Emilio shoulder your responsibilities, dear.”

“–Err, right…” Julius slumped his shoulders.

He sighed, picking up the rag, “It’s fine, I can do this,” he wore a bright smile.

Treyna’s wicked expression immediately did a one-eighty as she looked at him with a concerned look, “Oh, you don’t have to clean up your manchild-of-a-father’s mess!”

“Hey…I’m right here…” Julius muttered.

He shook his head, “It’s alright–I can do this.”

Both of his parents looked at him as if he were an angel that had descended from the clouds up above. While he scrubbed the floor, washing out the fish juices from the wood, he did his best to ignore the mushy talk between his parents.

…They might have little quips here and there, but at the end of the day–Julius and Treyna are freakin’ attached at the hip! He thought.

“Have I told you how beautiful you look today, my dear Treyna?” Julius told his golden-haired wife.

“Have I told you how strong you look, my beloved Julius?” Treyna said in return, caressing the man’s bicep.

–It was like nails to a chalkboard to the young boy’s ears as he scrubbed away, trying to rid their mushy exchanges from his brain.

If it wasn’t that, it was either Julius passing by and randomly groping his mother, or like every night–”other” noises. Though he didn’t complain much about that part.

There was no denying it; he was their child–they both shared his lecherous attitude. Though Treyna was more restrained in front of him than Julius, who didn’t shy away from openly discussing such topics in front of him.

They were sitting in front of the house, grilling the massive, crimson-scaled fish over a campfire. It cooked slowly, but the scent of fresh seafood was something he did take a liking to.


Julius had handed him a large chunk of the fish, served on a stick like a kebab. He hesitantly accepted it, as the size of the serving was quite daunting for his small body.

“Isn’t this a little too much?” He asked, staring at the fish.

The scruffy-bearded man had already begun biting into his own portion of the fish, eating it without a moment of hesitation.

“You’re a growing boy–fill your belly till you can’t fit anymore,” Julius said with a boisterous laugh, “You’ll be big and strong when you’re older. But, you’ll need to eat a lot to get there.”

There was no doubt that Julius needed to eat a hefty amount to sustain himself; Julius was above average in height, just shy of two meters, with a physique clad in muscle, but not too much. He had a perfectly efficient body, but he worked it hard with the quests he took daily.

Julius usually took on quests locally–which meant he was hunting invasive species like wolves, goblins, or sometimes bigger threats like orcs. Certain odd jobs were common though, like fixing broken toilets and such. But, whatever paid a pretty coin, Julius took.

He may be a handful and honestly kind of tactless, but he’s a good dad, he thought with a smile.

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