Online In Another World

Chapter 409 Live A Life You Can Be Satisfied With

Chapter 409 Live A Life You Can Be Satisfied With

"I haven't really…done anything," he rubbed the back of his head.

Though saying that felt like a white lie as when he thought about it, the life he led thus far was packed full of eventful encounters, and ones that would assuredly be placed into history books, should they be written.

"You need to make a choice, though, Emilio," Bastian looked at him.

"--" Emilio went silent.

"Will you stick with us and hunt down the Children of Chaos–the ones responsible for the situation you're in now, or will you go home and return to your family?" Bastian asked, "Either choice is perfectly acceptable, Emilio. If you choose to go home, I'll help you return."

"And the door will always be open to join us when you're ready," Excelsior added.

"Of course," Bastian confirmed.

There was undoubtedly a fire that burned in him, wanting to seek vengeance for the destruction of his hometown and the murder of his mother, but at the same time, he felt it was something that also needed to be done.

However, beyond that, the unease in his heart led him only to one choice–

"For now…I want to return home. I need to make sure my family and friends are alright," Emilio chose.

"Understandable," Excelsior said before chomping down on the grilled meat.

Bastian looked at Emilio, staying silent for a moment before speaking, "If you don't mind, I'd like to offer an alternative option to consider. You don't need to accept it, of course. Either way, I'll make sure you get home safely if that's what you want."

"Sure, I'll hear it," Emilio listened.

"Whacha got in mind, Bastian?" Excelsior asked curiously.

The nomadic man looked at Emilio, seeming to choose his words carefully each time he spoke before he explained his new alternative, "You're worried about your friends and family–I understand that. I don't blame you for choosing that path. However, I believe we can find a solution that works both ways."

"Both ways? Like what?" Emilio asked.

"If she is willing, I'll have Excelsior visit your home and check on your family and friends. She'll deliver the news that you're safe, as well. Does that work for you, Excelsior?" Bastian looked over at the woman.

The silver-haired, muscular woman waved her hand with a slight sigh, "Sure, sure. I can do that. If you're doing it this way…I'm assuming you're going to take Emilio-boy to the Oracle, then?"

Bastian nodded, "That's correct. The Oracle is our secret weapon to finding and weeding out the Children of Chaos. I'd like to return to Atlan to make sure it's protected from the enemy, and to provide a safe location to train you, Emilio. How does this sound to you?"

It was a lot to take in, with most of it being concepts he was still hazy about, not knowing all too much about the enigmatic group that they were all confronted by.

"...I don't know. I'm not sure about what a lot of this even means. Just what is this "Atlan Oracle", anyway?" Emilio asked.

"Sorry, but I can't divulge any details before we're in Atlan itself. I'm sure you understand, but the identity of the Oracle must be kept a secret from the wrong ears," Bastian explained.

"You want me to follow you, undergo this training, and leave the safety of my family to somebody else because…why? I'm still missing that. Sure, the Children of Chaos are dangerous, but why do you need me? Can't you commission some adventurers from the Guild?" Emilio posed the question, staying critical of the situation.

Though as he asked that question, there was already a small part of him that knew that there was definitely a reason he specifically was needed; there was no doubt that there was a special intrigue held on him by the elusive group.

"In the benefit of building a healthy friendship, I will be up front with you," Bastian told him before holding up three fingers, "There are three reasons it is vital to take you to Atlan."

"I'm all ears," Emilio said, listening close.

"One: the enemy wants you. Why exactly, we don't know. That doesn't change the fact that you falling into their hands is likely our "worst case scenario", as things stand," Bastian laid down the first point.

Excelsior added in, "He's right. We've been tracking down these people for years, and we've always ended up three steps behind them. They're dangerous–there's no doubt about that," she swallowed the piece of food she was eating before continuing, "They may seem crazy, but there are definitely some incredibly crafty people running the scene at the top. If they want you bad enough to take special care to not kill you, then you can bet that letting them capture you is a no-go."

"Yeah, I get that…" He nodded slowly.

It didn't feel good to be in a position like this–almost like a "product" in the eyes of the enemy, not seen as a human but merely an ends to a mean, more than likely. Still, he understood that it was indeed a given that he couldn't fall into the hands of the enigmatic cult.

Bastian waited a moment before giving his second reason, "Two: You're undoubtedly strong. Having you on our side in the coming battles against the enemy will be crucial. The Atlan Oracle has mentioned as much–a 'prophecy'."


The bearded, middle-aged man nodded, "In the prophecy, it's said that there will be "Five powers from a world afar that will shine down on the crust of Arcadius in its darkest hour"--I don't need to tell you what that means."

"Five powers…Five Reincarnators? If I join you two, that'll only make three, though," Emilio said.

"Don't worry about that–that's where the Atlan Oracle comes in," Excelsior nudged him with her elbow cheekily.

"This oracle seems pretty convenient, if you ask me," Emilio remarked.

"It's how we found you. We can find the other two listed in the prophecy," Bastian said.

"Right, then what's the third reason?" Emilio asked, looking across the campfire at the man.

It had become nighttime over the wildlands of Ennage; countless stars laid in the pitch-black sky, casting sparkling radiance through the darkness as moonlight cascaded down the trees.

Bastian looked at him, "Thirdly, I made an agreement with a powerful figure that I'd look after you and make sure you don't lose control of your system. If I didn't agree to that, he would've executed you."

"Huh? What're you talking about? Who would want me dead for something like that?" Emilio questioned.

"Aelor, the Element King," Bastian told him with a serious expression, leaving no room for doubt.josei

For a few moments, there was silence around the campfire as Emilio found himself having to process what was just told to him.

'Aelor…the Element King? That person? Wanted me dead?' He thought.

The figure in question was one of legend that he regarded as an idol and one of the key figures responsible for the magical abilities he had accrued through his years of studying; it was the grimoires written by the Element King that he based his philosophy of magic on.

"...You agreed to something like that to save me, then," Emilio looked down, muttering quietly as he allowed this news to settle in.

"I know you're an important person in the time to come. The world is shifting, and powers are moving–there is war looming on Arcadius," Bastian said, "For now, though, I think we should sleep on it. Think it over through the night, you can give us your answer in the morning."

"Right, sure," he agreed.

That night, he found it troublesome to sleep as he laid beneath a canopy of trees, looking up towards the starry, night sky as he pondered the choices given to him. There was a heavy weight on his shoulders when it came to making the decision, though even after the discussion he had with the others, it still felt like he was missing a lot of information.

'Just what's going on with this world? More importantly, what's the connection between all of this and SAMSARA's intentions? It's not a coincidence that they sent us to this world specifically, right? One full of things like…all of this. I want answers. If I want to get them, I suppose there's only one path, then,' he thought.

Though it was hardly a comfortable place to sleep, laying on a bed of leaves beneath the colossal trees that loomed through the natural lands of Ennage, his exhausted body welcomed the idea of sleep after a while, quickly falling into slumber upon closing his eyelids.

Amidst his own sleep, the dreams he had oftentimes fell between the lines of comforting and punishing; he truly didn't know how to feel about it. In this dreamscape, it was as though he was reliving his childhood–experiencing that inconsequential time of development, surrounded by the warmth of his family and their unconditional love.

These frequent dreams that occurred lately oftentimes felt like a punishment to him, for the tragedy he had unintentionally incurred, though during that night, he felt it was telling him something.

Finding himself dreaming of a time when he was a toddler, held in the arms of both his father and mother on a stormy night, that warmth he felt resonated within him as a reminder: "Live a life you can be satisfied with."

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