Online In Another World

Chapter 462 Celly's Journey

Chapter 462 Celly's Journey

Critters of the land scattered through the nearby bushes as they walked by; Emilio caught sight of what looked like a dog-sized squirrel climbing a tree, though only for a moment as he continued on.

"Earlier, you said something about us being "hunted" if we stuck around too long. What did you mean?" Emilio asked.

Maverick walked closer to the two, speaking quieter as he responded, "...Well, I've made it sound like you both are the only two other people on this island, right? Well, that's not entirely the truth."

"Huh? What're you talking about?" Emilio asked, looking at the man. josei

"I wasn't lying, trust me. The thing is, the people that live on this island, well…They really have it out for humans. Or rather, they love them–by that, I mean they find us delicious," Maverick explained with wry laughter.

"Delicious?" Everett said.

Emilio quickly, and unfortunately, understood what was being implied, "Cannibals? There are cannibals on this island?"

"I wouldn't call them that. They're elves, actually. They call themselves the 'Harken'--they've been on this island for centuries as far as I can tell. Luckily, their village isn't in this area," Maverick explained.

The idea of man-eating elves was certainly not something Emilio prepared himself to hear about, finding the idea perhaps more terrifying than mountainous gorillas.

"You've been able to avoid them though," Emilio noted.

The red-bearded man confirmed with a nod, "I've had a few close calls, though. It's weird–it's not like they solely eat humans or have a need to. I mean, it's not common that anybody shows up here. They mainly feed on the wildlife around here."

"It's a cultural thing, then? Like a tradition?" Emilio asked.

"Something like that. Either way, it's best that we avoid them, and hope your friends do, too," Maverick said.

Along the stream of fresh water, they came to a stop as Maverick squatted beside the flow, running his hands through the stream before washing his face and hair quickly.

'This is the equivalent of a bath on the island, huh?' Emilio thought.

Maverick scooped some of the water into the canteen he kept attached at his belt, "The water on this island is incredibly rich. I'd recommend drinking some."

Now that he mentioned it, Emilio was feeling quenched, same with the shielder apparently as they both knelt over for a moment, scooping up some of the freshly flowing water to drink. As Emilio brought it into his mouth, he found it to taste almost sweet, running down his throat smoothly.

The briskness of the water flowed through his body, feeling as though he had just been rejuvenated equivalent to a full night of sleep, "Woah."

"I feel great!" Everett remarked.

Maverick laughed, "The life energy flowing through this island is unlike anything else. The water here is like a naturally growing potion."

Brushing the water from his mouth as he stood up, Emilio eyed the crimson-bearded man, "Is that the explanation behind your strength?"

"You noticed?" Maverick asked before smiling, flexing one of his arms, "The truth is, when I showed up here, I was scrawny and honestly, pretty weak. I only survived by covering myself in mud and hiding out. However–this island has an effect that extends to everything that lives on it."

"I'm listening," Emilio said.

Maverick raised his index finger, "The bountiful life energy that exists on the Island of The Grand naturally strengthens every living creature on it."

Everett caught on, holding a surprised look, "Oh! That's why that gorilla was so strong!"

"Exactly. Just surviving here has honed my body into being tougher than steel," Maverick rubbed his beard, somewhat gloating, "...Still, even now, I'm not strong enough to contend with the apex predators of this island."

"So even you're just prey," Emilio noted.

"Ha-ha! It hurts when you put it like that, but yeah!" Maverick admitted with a chuckle.

After arriving mostly blind to the sacred island, the information that Emilio managed to get out of the strange man was invaluable.

"Alright, you mentioned earlier about a lightning bolt touching down near the shore? Northway, too," Maverick got back on track, "We're almost there."

[The Burning Lands]

Through her travels in the burnt region, the silver-haired half-elf made a discovery, finding a massive, natural sauna embedded into the land. The water was bubbling, boiling with a height of degree she certainly didn't feel like trying out for herself.

The only problem was, this sauna that was as large as a river itself, was the gap between the burnt lands and the region of green, luscious grass beyond.

She held onto the rim of her tall, mage hat, exhaling as she sweat from the natural temperature brewing through the region, "...Hm."

Just by standing near the rim of heated stone that acted as the perimeter around the boiling lake, she could tell that touching the steaming body of water would be a costly mistake.

'Let's try this,' she decided, raising her trusty catalyst.

Bypassing the need for an incantation, she focused with a slow, quiet exhale as a pathway of stones forged itself in front of her. A bridge was created above the river of boiling water, suspended only by the magic woven to manifest it.

As she stepped onto the first stone platform, she gulped, glancing down to see the bubbling liquid that waited only one misstep below.

'Times like this make me wish I spent more effort on one school of magic—though this is no time to lament that,' she thought.

While it's possible to manipulate naturally occurring elements, the ability to do so relies on one's own mastery of the elements and all of their forms. She knew better than anybody that only devotees of water magic practiced the manipulation of boiling water.

There were small gaps between each of the stepping stones she created, forcing her to take long, but slow and careful strides.

The heat continuously rose, brushing against her as she traversed the stone platforms, sweating even through the heat-resisting cloak she summoned for herself.



A small geyser of the boiling water shot up suddenly, pushing against the platform she stood on as it melted through half of it with a single graze.


Nearly stumbling off the side by the unexpected release, she caught herself, letting out a sigh of relief before using her arm to wipe the sweat from her cheek. As she looked forward again, massive geysers started sprouting throughout the boiling lake.

'That's definitely concerning. I didn't want to use any unnecessary mana, but just to be safe…' She decided.

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