Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 237 - The Bed and the Shakedown

Chapter 237 - The Bed and the Shakedown

Chapter 237 The Bed and the Shakedown
When he returned to “Little Mistress,” night had already fallen. Before Ning Tao reached the entrance, the aroma of porridge had already wafted to his nose. So, Qing Zhui had cooked porridge for him. He could not help but smile. He could feel a homely feeling in his heart.

After parking God’s Will by the cave entrance, a fragrant scent assailed him headlong, dashing into his arms.

Who else was it but the destined concubine?

With her tender body in his arms, Ning Tao could feel his defense weakening. If this continued, Qing Zhui would soon be able to take down that appellation of his.

“Can you two embrace at night? The porridge’s getting cold.” From the cave came Bai Jing’s voice.

Only now did Qing Zhui release Ning Tao. Her peerless beautiful face showed a smile like that of Lin Daiyu. “Brother Ning, let’s go in and have some porridge.”

Ning Tao reached into his trouser pocket and fished out that African padauk beaded bracelet, which had cost him 100 yuan. He felt quite embarrassed. “I bought this for 100 yuan while shopping at a fashion accessories shop. For you.”

It was the first time he was giving something to Qing Zhui, yet it was some cheap item bought for only 100 yuan. He was a little embarrassed to take it out.

He had not expected her to grab the beaded bracelet and put it on impatiently. She gazed at it from the left and from the right, looking delighted. “So pretty. Brother Ning, you’re so nice.”

Bai Jing now appeared at the cave entrance. “You’re a silly one. A beaded bracelet, and you’re a goner.”

Qing Zhui turned back and rolled her eyes at Bai Jing. “No one has given you one yet!”

Ning Tao said, “Sorry, Sister Bai. I only had 100 yuan with me. So I only bought Qing Zhui a bracelet and didn’t get you one.”

Bai Jing curled up the corners of her mouth. “You two are in cahoots against me, right?”

Qing Zhui suddenly clasped Ning Tao’s shoulder, and her pretty head lurched forward. Her lovely lips smacked once on Ning Tao’s face. Then she said provocatively, “Yes, I’m jeering at you, a spinster. So what? Beat me if you dare!”

Ning Tao felt very embarrassed, but what could he say?

From behind them came the noise of a motorbike engine revving. In the blink of an eye, a cool male driver in a black windbreaker had ridden through the hills and forest, stopping at the cave entrance.

Yin Molan had arrived, but he did not speak. His eyes gazed at God’s Will by Ning Tao’s side. If Ning Tao were willing, he would unhesitatingly exchange his motorbike for Ning Tao’s. But Ning Tao would not.

Qing Zhui released her arm, clasping Ning Tao’s shoulder and seemed quite bashful. She was sometimes very uninhibited but only in front of Ning Tao. Before the others, she was easily abashed.josei

“Senior Yin, you must have come because you have found out something?” Ning Tao asked.

Yin Molan nodded. “I smell the aroma of porridge. Let’s eat and talk at the same time.”

Bai Jing said unhappily, “Senior Yin, why did you choose this moment to arrive? You must be here for the food, right?”

Yin Molan was not angry. He alighted the motorbike and put down the support, striding into the cave.

The four of them gathered around a stone table, eating porridge. There were no side dishes, only a bottle of chili condiment.

After taking a bowl of porridge, Yin Molan wiped the corner of his mouth and spoke. “I found out something. There is no woman by the name of Tang Zixian in the Tang family. But… ”

“But what?” Ning Tao asked.

Yin Molan was silent for a while before he spoke. “In the twenty-fourth year of Emperor Guangxu’s reign, the Tang family evicted a man called Tang Tianfeng. He seemed to be Tang Tianfeng’s brother. Why he had been evicted and where he had gone after that, no one knows. The Tang Zixian you have asked me to investigate is from the United States. If she is related to the Tang family, maybe it is through Tang Tianfeng.”

Ning Tao lightly knitted his brows. If Tang Tianren could survive until the present times, his brother should be able to, too. When that Tang Tianfeng learned of his brother’s death, it would be logical for him to send a descendant or disciple here to investigate.

There was actually nothing worth investigating about Tang Tianren’s death. Tang Tianfeng must have targeted him as his brother’s murderer. Would Tang Tianfeng close one eye over the fact that he had killed Tang Tianren? The news Yin Molan had brought back was an alert. He still had another enemy from the Tang family, and that enemy might well be a practitioner like Tang Tianren.

After a brief silence, Ning Tao said, “I need to trouble Senior Yin to continue the investigation.”

Yin Molan said, “No problem. After all, I’m free all this time.” After he said this, he handed his bowl to Qing Zhui. “Miss Qing, please give me more porridge.”

Qing Zhui said unhappily, “There isn’t any left.” Yet she ladled the little remaining porridge from the pot into Ning Tao’s bowl.

Yin Molan stared speechlessly at Qing Zhui.

Ning Tao gave an awkward smile. As he ate the porridge, he said, “Senior Yin, let me take you to a place a few days later. It will open your eyes.”

Yin Molan was quite curious. “What place?”

Ning Tao said, “Have you heard of the Feminine-moon people?”

Yin Molan shook his head. “No. I have only heard of hermaphrodite. He or she will possess all the traits of both men and women.”

Bai Jing snorted lightly. “Vulgar.”

Ning Tao said, “Since you haven’t heard of them, I will keep you in suspense for the time being. We shall visit them in a few days’ time.”

“Okay. Then I shall take my leave.” Yin Molan rose and departed.

Qing Zhui and Bai Jing collected the bowls and the chopsticks. Ning Tao saw Yin Molan to the cave entrance.

“Don’t bother to see me off. I’m not someone who stands on ceremony,” Yin Molan said. He mounted his motorbike, but his eyes were gazing at God’s Will parked beside the cave. His eyes were envious.

Ning Tao smiled and said, “Senior Yin, please don’t covet my electric motorbike. When you have enough spiritual materials, I can revamp your motorbike. Will that do?”

Yin Molan instantly became excited. “Okay, I take your word for it. Even if I end up selling scraps, I will accumulate enough spiritual materials for you to revamp my bike.”

Ning Tao smiled. “A promise is a promise.”

Yin Molan suddenly lowered his voice. “You didn’t sleep with them these few days when I wasn’t around, did you?”

Ning Tao said with embarrassment, “Senior Yin, can we change the topic?”

Yin Molan’s face was solemn. “I’m worried about you. Your complexion is still poor. If you can’t hold back yourself, do it once every month. Don’t be greedy. And not the two of them together. That will ruin your constitution.”

Ning Tao had nothing to say.

After seeing Yin Molan off, Ning Tao returned to the cave.

Bai Jing was spreading dried hay on the floor. Qing Zhui took out a new set of bedclothes from a box.

Ning Tao was surprised. “What are you girls doing?”

Bai Jing said, “I’m letting you have the bed. Tonight, two of you sleep on the bed. I will sleep on the floor.” Before Ning Tao could say anything, she added, “It’s impossible for you two to do your thing on the floor.”

Qing Zhui’s face flushed a little. She wanted to see Ning Tao’s reaction but dared not look at him outright. She stole a glimpse at Ning Tao from the corners of her eyes.

Ning Tao changed the topic. “We indeed need to work tonight.”

Bai Jing was delighted. “You have indeed opened up. I will stuff my ears with cotton wool at night. Don’t worry. I won’t hear anything.”

Qing Zhui’s face turned even more crimson. “Sister!”

Bai Jing spat lightly. “Look how happy you are.”

Things would get complicated if this subject continued. Ning Tao said hurriedly, “I don’t mean doing that. I mean doing something serious.” He paused for a while and continued, “I think I can guess where that killer’s hiding now.”

This was a good thing, but disappointment appeared on both Bai Jing and Qing Zhui’s faces.

After two hours, the electric motorbike God’s Will appeared at a garbage treatment plant in the suburbs. There was a board on the door displaying the name “Tianma Environmental Company.” Half of Shan City’s garbage would be treated here, incinerated to produce electricity.

Ning Tao braked on his motorbike, watching the buildings behind the door.

Bai Jing slightly furrowed her brows. “It’s such a big plant. I’m sure there’re lots of people inside. How do we find a man?”

Ning Tao said, “We must find someone who had gone to Burma and stayed there. And someone who works on the same route as Shi Run. Someone wearing a petrified wood ring. A lot of suspects will be eliminated. It won’t be hard to find the man.”

“It makes things much easier. Let’s go in now,” Bai Jing said.

Ning Tao said, “Qing Zhui, you stay here and look after the bike.”

The corners of Qing Zhui’s mouth instantly curled up. “Why is it always me looking after the bike?”

Ning Tao said, “No one will steal a car. But an electric motorbike is more popular. We’d better guard it well.”

“I will guard it then,” Qing Zhui replied.

Ning Tao and Bai Jing did not enter through the main door but went into the plant by climbing the wall. They sneaked into the dormitory and stole two sets of overalls. After putting them on, they went to the work area.

“Sister Bai, let’s split up. I will go to the archives room. You go to the truck driving area. Let’s meet one hour later outside,” Ning Tao said.

The two of them split ways. Bai Jing went to the area where lots of garbage trucks were parked, while Ning Tao left for the offices.

The door of the hall to the offices was closed. There was a surveillance camera at the door. Through the glass door, one could see many surveillance cameras in the hall. Ning Tao decided not to enter through the hall. He skirted the offices and went to the back, climbing up a water pipe to the third floor. He managed to pry open a window using his Blade of the Solar Eclipse. Then, he climbed into the offices through the window.

Twenty minutes later, Ning Tao located the archives room on the fifth floor. The door was locked, so he pried open the window and climbed in.

Ning Tao had considered giving the police this clue to help them break the case. But he realized that he would be idle once the police arrested the man. He had had no income from the clinic this month. It was a serious matter affecting his family and livelihood, so he had to come to this “selfish” decision.

As a natural “go-between of good and evil,” if he could not resolve such cases with villains, it would also affect his cultivation.

Cultivation did not mean merely the practice of spiritual power. It also involved patience. He was a born go-between of good and evil. To punish the wicked and succor, the kindhearted was his route to cultivation.

The archives room was quiet, with only computers and filing cabinets.

All the files in the filing cabinet were sorted into categories. Ning Tao did not need to expend much energy locating the files on the garbage truck drivers. He leafed through them one by one, and soon ended up with Shi Run’s file. When he had nearly finished going through the files, his sight landed on a particular file. His eyes reading the file became colder and colder.

Song Jun, male. Born: August 12, 1993. Education: High school level. Once employed in a Chinese mining company in Burma. Job: driver…

Ning Tao recorded the home address and other information from the file. Then, he swiftly browsed through the other files. In the end, only “Song Jun” had met the condition of residing in Burma.

Ning Tao put the files back into the filing cabinet. A cold voice rang out in his heart. “Song Jun, here I come.”

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