Orc Hero Story: Discovery Chronicles

Chapter 41.3

Chapter 41.3

At that moment, Bash was back at the inn, preparing for his journey.

Everything must have gone well this time. He did everything as the magazine said. He had a good feeling. If anything, he had even caught the eye of a woman other than the one he had in mind. He hadn’t done anything wrong.

The only thing that had come true was what was written on the last page of the magazine.

The last page of the magazine. There it was written:

‘If the woman was only after your money, or if she just wanted to play with you, you can’t get married. You’ve been deceived!’josei

If Silviana herself had told him that she was deceiving him, that she was playing with him, then he had no choice but to accept it. To be honest, he felt as if his strength had been drained from his body. But that didn’t mean that what the magazine had written was wrong. The proof was that Carrot had fallen in love with Bash in one night. Silviana had been a disappointment, but he had a feeling that the next woman would be a sure bet for marriage.

So for a few days Bash went to the bar where he met Carrot. However, with the death of the Sacred Tree and the cancellation of the wedding, the cheerful atmosphere of the town had completely faded, and there were hardly any men, let alone women, to be seen in the bar. The city was still in a frenzy during the day, and both men and women began to look at Bash suspiciously, as they had during the war. Finding the next woman would be a sure thing, but the magazine also said that “now is the time when everyone is excited”. In other words, since there was no festive atmosphere, it was no longer a good time. Bash concluded that it would be difficult to find a woman in this city, so he began to prepare for his trip.

“But where are we going?”

He didn’t have a new destination in mind.

“It’s difficult, isn’t it? From here we could go to the human enclave.”

“It’s a bit far…”

He had already gone with the dwarves, and with the elves it was impossible due to Thunder Sonia’s situation. So only the humans were left. However, the territory of the humans was far away…

“Oh, you’re leaving already?”

Someone approached them, who were worried.


There was a man at the entrance of the inn. He was wearing a mask and playing a musical instrument. The instrument he was playing again produced the unpleasant sound.

“I’m sorry, but please call me Errol when I wear this mask. Right now I’m still trying to hide my true identity.”

“Well then, Errol. Thank you for your help.”

Errol’s help certainly gave Bash a positive response. However, the fact that the results were not as expected this time could only be described as bad luck. On the battlefield, you could do everything perfectly and still lose. The same thing was happening here.

“Where will you go now?”

“I haven’t decided yet.”

“I see you’re still thinking about it.”

“Yes, I guess I don’t have much time.”

It had been a few days since Bash left the Orc Country. There could still be plenty of time, but he preferred not to be idle. The deadline was approaching.

“Well… if you haven’t decided where you want to go, can I point you in the right direction?”

“Let’s hear it. I’ll take your word for it.”

“I’m honored to hear you say that… but for now, I want you to go to the land of demons.”

“Demons…?” The word reminded him of the demon mage he had seen the other day. Poplatica, of the Shadow Vortex. She seemed rather fierce, but she was a beautiful woman. Come to think of it, many of the female demons Bash had seen so far seemed to be beautiful women. “Do you think an orc is on par with a demon?”

The reason why demons were not considered potential mating partners for orcs was that they were not attracted to orcs. Even during the war, demons were completely superior. The female demons were not attracted to Orcs, and Orcs had given up on them, believing them to be unattainable. It was even said that it was disrespectful to ask them to be their wives.

“Yes, you’ll be fine.”


“Of course, in fact, you may be the only one who can. You’re the only one who can tell them convincingly that the war is over.”

“I see…”

The war was over. Both orcs and demons had lost the war, and the hierarchy had already dissolved. If this was a time when there was no need to take someone by force, but to catch them with love and romance…

Even if Bash was an orc, it should be possible for him to get his hands on a demon. Of course, it would still be very difficult to find a demon woman who did not completely despise orcs.

“As the Orc Hero, you should be able to get even a high-ranking demon to pay attention to you.”

And Nazar assured him of this possibility.

“I understand. If you say so, I’ll try.” Bash nodded emphatically. For the words of Errol, the messenger of love and peace, were almost like a divine revelation to him.

“I knew you would say that. When you get to the Demon Kingdom, I want you to deliver this to the ‘Dark General’ Sequence.”

“You can even arrange something like that with the Dark General!?”

Bash said, surprised. Sequence, the Dark General. He was a close associate of Demon King Gediguz, a respected man who had commanded the Demon Army for a long time and was now in charge of the kingless Demon Kingdom.

Sequence had three daughters. They were all beautiful ladies, and one of them was Poplatica of the Shadow Vortex. A letter to Poplatica’s father. Even the most dim-witted could not miss the true meaning. Its contents were the very text that would serve as a conduit and intermediary between Poplatica and him.

“Of course. I mean no disrespect, but I am proud to say that humans are better negotiators than orcs.”

“Thank you very much.”

“Same to you.”

Once he knew that, Bash’s decision was quick.

“Okay, I’ll be there.”

“Of course, take care.”

Bash stood up and left the inn. The fairy followed him. As he looked behind the fairy’s back, Nazar called out to him.



“Thank you.”

Bash nodded his head again in thanks.

Seeing this, Nazar smiled proudly under his mask.

Hello folk, Frizcop here. Some of you may have noticed that when you comment, some of your comments are pending approval, this is because alarms go off with some words, mentions of genitals or private areas, swear words, that sort of thing. The thing is that there is a problem and even though I read and approve them myself, they still don’t appear.

They say they will fix it soon, so we have to wait. So in the meantime, if you want to comment, do it in a more “demure” way, it is not necessary to exaggerate with the sanctimonious, but using words you know you won’t set off the alarm.

And that’s it, just know that I read the comments pending approval and I love how much love you are giving to this novel. Even if those comments don’t show up later, know that I read them.

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