Orc Hero Story: Discovery Chronicles

Chapter 45.3

Chapter 45.3

Bash had no ill feelings toward the succubi. They could chase him as much as they wanted. They might not be able to have children, and he might not have to become their slave, but if it was just a one-night stand, it was a win-win situation for both parties.

But that was after he lost his virginity. Not now, of course.

And as had just been demonstrated, Bash was unable to resist their charm. At the slightest whim of one of the succubi, the worst future Bash feared would come true. It was a dangerous place. He could not go to such a place after being unable to resist the charm a moment ago.

“The whole country will welcome you with open arms! How nice, everyone will be thrilled…!”josei

“No, bring her here.”

“Oh, please! I beg you! As our benefactor, if Sir Bash comes all the way to the border, refusing you will bring great shame to our race! We will be scolded by the Queen!”

“But…” Bash was the Orc Hero. He couldn’t honestly say that he didn’t want to enter the country because he was afraid of losing his virginity to a succubus. He looked at Ludo and Luka, a little worried. “I have companions with me and we’re in a hurry to move on.”

“Huh? I see…”

Ludo listened and seemed to be lost. Luka, on the other hand, shook her head. As someone who had just experienced Charm, it was not surprising that he felt a sense of personal danger.

“That good-looking boy over there… huh? Excuse me, who are they?”

“That’s my apprentice.”

“Oh, you are his apprentice! How envious to be taught by Sir Bash… I would like to be trained in the art of sleeping in the bedchamber… cough!” Venus undressed in the cold, so she must have caught a cold, coughing several times, but finally returned to her serious face and looked at Bash. “Anyway, you seem to be on guard. But rest assured, Sir Bash is the benefactor of the Succubi! We have nothing but respect for him! Therefore, no succubus will try to touch him or his apprentices. Even if one or two loses control at the sight of Sir Bash and his excess of virility, neither I nor any of the others will let them touch you. I am a succubus whose life was saved by you during the retreat in the Lehner Desert, so don’t doubt it! Even if I have to sacrifice my life to do so!” Venus’ words carried great weight, and they could feel her determination. “So please! Please, I beg you! Just a little! Just a little salute to the Queen! Please! For the sake of our honor and pride, please!”

Bash could not refuse when she asked so insistently.

“That’s fine… but we won’t stay long. We too have a purpose for our journey.”

“Of course, don’t worry! Come in!”

So Bash and the ogre children entered the Succubus Nation.

The capital of the Succubus Nation was deserted. The city, normally shrouded in a thick pink mist that would have shattered the consciousness and rationality of men of all races, was empty. There was no such mood and the streets were almost empty.

The succubi were one of the high-rankers of the Seven Races Federation, along with the demon and ogres. In addition to their superiority over the males of the Four Races Alliance, they were also superior in physical and magical abilities. The succubi Bash knew always had an enchanting smile on their perfectly made-up faces and always showed a sense of serenity… The few people on the street did not have that aura. They had sunken cheeks and a look of not feeling well.

“It’s so deserted.”

“It is a defeated country… there is hardly any food, and it is impossible to ask them to cheer up. The orcs are in a similar state, aren’t they?”

“The orcs have no shortage of food, and they are a bit more animated.”

No food. Immediately after hearing these words, Bash suddenly felt a glance and turned his head. He looked and saw several succubi in an alley. They looked at Bash with bloodshot eyes. Drool was dripping from the corners of their mouths.

They were all beautiful and bewitching women, as succubi were. Their bodies also made one want to swallow saliva just by looking at them. If a human woman wanted to have a body like that, it would take a lot of effort.

However, upon closer inspection, their arms and legs were slender, their ribs were marked on their sides, and their cheeks were sunken. They probably weren’t eating enough. He also noticed that their lips were chapped, as they were not wearing lipstick, probably because they had not been in battle.

“Oh, if it isn’t Cucumber. She’ll want to…”

“Venus, you brought someone very tasty with you, didn’t you~?”

Just as Venus was about to say something, one of them approached Bash and the others, licking her lips. Standing in front of Bash, she thrust her hips out and put her index finger to her lips in an enchanting pose, watching Bash intently. The woman’s eyes were glued to Bash’s crotch. She was looking at him as if he would disappear if she took her eyes off him, even for a moment.

Bash wondered if he should cover his crotch. No, it wasn’t particularly exposed, but he wondered if he should leave it unprotected when the enemy was aiming at his vital spot. It was a very powerful look.

“Oh, so strong…”

“This boy here looks good, but… I think Mr. Orc is better. I’m sure he’ll give us lots of thick, strong meat.”

The other succubi also surrounded Bash and the others with vulgar, barely bewitching grimaces and smiles. But though they approached and stared at them, they did not touch them. Bash did not know it, but that was because the succubus race had a rule: “Never touch another person’s charmed prey without permission”.

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