Orc Hero Story: Discovery Chronicles

Chapter 74.3

Chapter 74.3

Bash was also drinking alcohol, but to be honest, he wasn’t drinking enough to get drunk. That was because the Sage had told him sternly, “Human women don’t like very intoxicated men. You see, middle-aged human men tend to get drunk and interact with women in a way that makes them uncomfortable. Many women prefer gentlemen over drunks.” Of course, it depended on the situation… Anyway, Bash didn’t drink much and listened to the conversation while keeping an eye out for an opportunity.

There were customers in the restaurant who kept an eye on them. Some had been there before they arrived, while others entered later. Among them, Bash was particularly looking for a woman who matched his preferences. Of course, he wanted to approach her. Ideally, a woman on the level of an orc hero like Bash would be perfect, but he was desperate. He just wanted to find someone with whom he could talk without any issues.

By the way, there were no elves in the restaurant.

According to the earlier information, married humans wore a ring on the ring finger of the left hand. First, Bash looked for those without a ring. Then, he searched for young women who appeared fertile and were not claimed by other men. If they were attractive, that would be a bonus. Unlike elves, there was quite a difference in attractiveness among humans. There weren’t many, but some women seemed dwarf-like or orcish, and Bash didn’t want to approach them. It might be considered picky, but…


However, Bash’s eyes landed on a woman who caught his attention. She was a human woman. Her expression was stern, but her facial features weren’t bad. Of course, she wasn’t as stunning as Thunder Sonia, who was currently drunk nearby, or Judith, who was sitting elegantly, but she was within an acceptable range. She was muscular and seemed to have practical experience. It looked like she was going to have healthy children.

She had come to the restaurant alone, ordered food for one, and was drinking alone. Judging from her attire, she probably belonged to the city’s security force or something similar. She wore the standard human army uniform and had a sword at her side. It wasn’t clear whether she had just finished work or was about to start a night shift… They had been at war since they were born, so it wasn’t easy to tell just by the fact that she was drinking.

While Bash observed, their gazes met. Bash stood up and walked over to the woman. She visibly flinched and put her hand on the sword at her waist, but she didn’t draw it. Bash positioned himself on the opposite side of the table and asked.

“Can I join you for a moment?”


“I’d like to chat a bit, is that okay with you?”

The woman blinked in surprise. She didn’t expect an orc to say something like that to her. Orcs were supposed to be more, well, animalistic and direct. She never imagined an orc would ask permission for a conversation.

“Uh, sure…”

She nodded. Bash then pulled out a chair and sat down silently, making no noise. It was a gesture he had learned from the Sage. When approaching a human woman, it was better to do so as quietly as possible.

“I’m Bash, the ‘Orc Hero’. What’s your name?”

“Janna, why…?”

“Why, it’s a beautiful name.

“Really? Thanks. So, what does the Orc Hero want from me?”

“It’s not that I have a specific purpose. I just wanted to have a little chat.”

“What a surprise, huh? I never expected an orc to try and pick me up.”

“Pick you up? What do you mean?”

“It’s a trend that started in the human capital. Young men approach young women, get to know each other, and eventually…”

“I see. Humans are quite progressive. But that’s exactly it.”

Bash replied. However, he had learned from the Sage that humans were that kind of race. First, get to know the other person. This should also apply when a human man tried to approach a human woman.

“Normally, I’d reject someone trying to pick me up, but it’s amusing when an orc does it. I don’t mind having a chat, but just so you know, orc hero or not, you won’t get into my pants. I might look like this, but I’ve dealt with hundreds of succubi alongside elves on the frontlines against succubi. So, I’ll make sure you experience the same fate if you try anything funny.”

“I understand. But, what about ‘you won’t know until you try’? ‘By getting to know each other, you might find something you like or change your perspective’.”

“You think so? The truth is it’s very interesting. Haven’t others told you that you’re interesting too?”

“Not very often, to be honest… I’ve been told things like ‘not bad’ or ‘I’m going to kill you’, but ‘interesting’ only a few times.

“I didn’t mean it in that sense.”

Saying this, Janna let out a chuckle. Bash was surprised by her reaction but felt a sense of accomplishment. Had he ever felt something like this while talking to a woman? No, never. It was overwhelming. The techniques he had learned from his master were truly extraordinary.

“Do you like the food here, Janna?”

“Yes, it’s quite good. It’s my first time here, and it’s delicious. But when it comes to my favorite food, I stick with the taste of my homeland.”

“What kind of dish would that be?”

“We used to cook a boar in a big pot. I haven’t had it since I was a child, and I don’t even remember how it’s prepared. Plus, my homeland no longer exists, so I can’t recreate it. But I remember the taste.”josei

“Boar, huh? We used to have it in field rations quite often.”

“Orcs go hunting too, huh… Well, I guess that’s obvious.”

With that kind of conversation, Bash continued building the dialogue. Janna seemed to consider the experience of having a calm conversation with an orc as something valuable. She listened without resistance and shared her own stories.

“Ah, that was fun. Orcs come in all types, huh? It’s the first time I’ve had such a long conversation with someone of your kind.”

“I’m glad I could talk with you too… By the way.”


“I have a room reserved.”

“Haha, I’m sorry. You’re definitely a charming orc, but I have my reasons too. I’m sorry, but I can’t go to your room. Try with someone else. You should be able to pick up a better woman.”

“I see…”

With that final exchange, Bash left his seat. His next destination was another woman.

There were those who had been watching him closely the whole time: Nazar, Judith, and Thunder Sonia.


They were baffled. Bash, who had just finished speaking, suddenly got up and started hitting on a woman. An orc, hitting on a woman. Moreover, despite being rejected, he ended the conversation without tension and moved on. The fact that an orc was hitting on someone left them all perplexed. And he did it so calmly and humorously. An orc, of all people.

“I see. So that’s what’s going on.”

However, amidst all of this, Judith’s thoughts were one step ahead. She knew that Bash was hiding something. Behind his inexplicable words and actions, there was something more.

“Lady Thunder Sonia, can I ask your ‘shadow’ to investigate the woman Sir Bash was talking to?”


“No, it’s not just that. Your Highness Nazar, we should send a message to the Stormhill Castle right now. There’s a high possibility that spies have already infiltrated this city.”

Thunder Sonia was also taken aback by those words. She snapped her fingers, and a shadow emerged from under the table. The shadow quickly took on a human form and transformed into an elf.

“You heard it, Bougainvillea.”

“Understood, I will request reinforcements immediately.”

“Do it. Make sure to inform the beastmen and dwarves too.”

“Right away!”

The elf transformed back into a shadow and immediately left the tavern. Thunder Sonia sat in her chair and drank her beverage. She downed it all and let out a belch like an old man.

“Did you have a hunch from the beginning? That Bash knew there was a spy here. So why didn’t he tell us?”

“Considering Sir Bash’s objectives, he probably wanted to handle it on his own.”

“Is Sir Bash in that much of a hurry to succeed?”

In response to Nazar’s question, Judith raised her hand to her chin and contemplated.

“No… Ah, perhaps there’s no concrete evidence. It’s possible the information about a lurking spy in this city came from someone like the Sage, but Sir Bash might think there’s a high chance it’ll turn out to be a wild goose chase… He might be trying not to confuse us with uncertain information, considering the possibility.”

It was unimaginable that an orc would consider others. However, throughout the day, Bash had been considerate. He was an orc who could do that. So maybe it was possible.

“And what of it? What a spoilsport…”

“For starters, he’s always been good at fighting alone.”

As the three discussed various matters, they looked at Bash. He had just been rejected by a second woman. However, he didn’t seem entirely discouraged, as the woman waved him off with a not entirely reluctant expression. On the other hand, the third woman refused even to let him approach because he was an orc, yelling, “Stay away!” Bash was undaunted and moved on to the next woman.

Having been rejected by three women in a row, he might have felt a bit disheartened, but Bash continued his flirting attempts methodically. He seemed confident and even somewhat satisfied. Watching this, the three became convinced that his real target wasn’t just the women as such.

“When you think about it, it’s obvious. Bash wouldn’t flirt with the girls like that…”

Thunder Sonia’s words sounded slurred due to the alcohol, but there was absolutely no hint of humor in them.

Frizcop: Remembering the earlier line, I asked ChatGPT to create a joke for me, this is what he gave me:

“An orc, an elf, a fairy and a human man and woman walk into a restaurant. The waiter looks at them in surprise and asks, “Is this a meeting of role-playing game characters?” The orc replies, “No, we’re just looking for a place where we can all eat without arguing about our racial differences!”“

It remained on the sidelines.

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