Otherworld Dagashi Shop Yahagi

Chapter 134

Chapter 134: Material Gathering

Chapter 134: Material Gathering

The eyes of the adventurers lit up when we started buying drop items.

The highly priced Metal Golem’s Heart seems to be especially popular.

Thanks to this, this dagashi sold well.

Product name: Compass Chocolate

Description: A compass that contains chocolate beads. Not only does it tell the direction, but when a huge metallic object moves, the needle swings to show its location. It also has a feature that conveys feedback through vibration and a lamp function that illuminates the area.

Price: 100 rims

Along with the fact that it has various functions for the cheap price of 100 rims, this product is selling very well.

The key to its popularity is that one can enjoy not only the food, but also the container.

There are several colors and designs to choose from, and avid collectors seem to have completed all of them.

The Metal Golem is a powerful monster, but everyone is searching for it.

It shouldn’t take long before the necessary materials are collected.

However, the doctor in the first-aid station is the one making her complaints.

[Good grief, the number of injured people increasing is annoying. There are so many idiots challenging a monster without considering their own abilities, and they’re being a nuisance. I wish they would consider what it’s like for the one trying to heal them.]

The Metal Golem is powerful, but it moves slowly.

There’s no end to the number of rookies who tried challenging it, thinking they might have a chance.

Most of them are unable to handle it and end up running away though……

[Don’t say that, Titti. If we can get our hands on a Metal Golem’s Heart, we can get the Genos Breaker moving. I’ll bring you some yakisoba later, so hang in there.]

[You’re bringing me junk like that…… You better bring me something to drink too.]

[Alright. You fine with mikansui?]

[Unnn, thanks……]

I thought she would be angry if I said this, but the way she’s embarrassed kinda resembles Michelle.

Titti seems to be getting busier, but I must ask her to do her best.

I decided to make her a big bowl of yakisoba.

It was almost lunchtime, so I guess I’ll bring Dr. Titti her yakisoba.

The first-aid station is located in the center of the 2nd Underground Floor, so I felt a bit uneasy about going there alone.

I thought that if there were any adventurers diving into the dungeon now, I would ask them to accompany me, but I don’t seem to find anyone around today.

Michelle is also already deep in the dungeon.

[It can’t be helped, I guess I’ll go there on my own……]

While grumbling, I put on a simple body protector.

After that, I prepared various dagashis and toys.

I should manage with a monster card and pop rockets in hand.

Fully prepared, I headed for the first aid room.


As I was walking down the 2nd Underground Floor, something suddenly vibrated in my pocket.

It seemed like the compass chocolate I had in my pocket was reacting to something.

I checked and with the vibration getting stronger, I found that there was a Metal Golem nearby.

Come to think of it, I’ve never seen a Metal Golem before……

My curiosity suddenly perked up.

I only have one monster card, Black Panther (R) in hand.

It’s a powerful monster with quick movements and strong fangs and claws.

With this Black Panther, could I take down a Metal Golem though……?

The odds are against me.

Besides, if I continue down this passageway, I might even run into other adventurers.

Let’s check things out for now.

The drop rate for Metal Golem’s Heart is low, and we still haven’t been able to gather the required number of hearts.

Normally, I would hedge the risks cowardly, but desire got the better of me today.

Relying on my compass chocolate, I proceeded down the passageway and found a Metal Golem standing in a slightly wide hall.

No other adventurers were to be seen and no helpers were available, but the Golem got its back turned to me, completely defenseless.

The Metal Golem boasts excellent attack and defense, but it also has a weakness that if it falls down, it takes a long time to get back up.

In that case, let’s give this a shot……

I take out a pack of jumbo cutlet out of my bag and ate it.

I also remembered to eat a large candy ball to increase my speed.

I ate them so fast that the taste of sauce and soda got mixed up in my mouth, but I didn’t care about that.

I snuck up on the Metal Golem from behind, and with a “Power Boost!” shout, I tackled it.

The Metal Golem lost its balance and fell to the ground with a resounding thud.

Just as planned, it collapsed face down and struggled to get up. josei

[Monster summon, activate! Go, Black Panther. Seal its left arm!]

The Black Panther’s claws are sharp, but not powerful enough to incapacitate the Metal Golem.

However, just keeping the enemy’s attacks at bay is enough.

I took out a 2nd prize pop rocket and inserted it in the Metal Golem’s groin joint.

[Leap back, Black Panther!]

The explosion occurred almost simultaneously with our leap.

A small splinter grazed my cheek, but it was nothing serious.

That aside, what about the Metal Golem?

Alright! It’s brought down and disappearing into the mist.

Left in its place were 30,000 rims worth of coins, magic crystals, and……

[Ohh, so this is a Metal Golem’s Heart!]

The item, whose drop rate is said to be quite low, was dropped.

It’s cylindrical, about 40 cm long, and has several tubes connected to it like a boiler.

A window on the side revealed the mechanical structure inside, with a number of gears and cams in motion.

It was quite heavy when I lifted it up, but it wasn’t much of a burden to me.

I put it on top of a chest in my shoulder-pole stall and stored it directly in the dimensional space.

With this, we’re one step closer to restoring the Genos Breaker.

As the adrenaline from the battle cooled, I felt pain all over my body.

It seemed that I had injured myself in various places without realizing it.

Good grief, after I finish delivering the yakisoba to Dr. Titti, I’ll go ask her to heal me.

I’m sure she’s gonna complain about it.

However, I’m glad I was able to get a rare item.

My body was heavy with fatigue, but my heart felt light.

<Translator’s Notes>

Compass Chocolate

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