Otherworld Dagashi Shop Yahagi

Chapter 154

Chapter 154: Following Kurtz Team

Chapter 154: Following Kurtz' Team

[Anyhow, come in.]

I pulled the pale-faced Carmine into the shop.

[Is it possible that Margarethe is seeing the future wrong?]

[I don’t know either. This is the first time Margarethe has ever activated her ability.]

[I suppose so. In any case, I’ll go to the dungeon. With Michelle with me, we should be able to evade most of the dangers.]

[I’m sure things will be fine with Teacher Michelle dealing with whatever monsters are out there, but we don’t know where Kurtz and the others are.]

[I have an idea where they might be.]

I should be able to tell where they are with my Clairvoyance.

[Michelle, wake up! It’s an emergency!]

As I called out towards the back, I heard a small yawn.

Then, the sliding door at the back opens, and Michelle emerges, naked and with nothing but a sheet wrapped around her body.

[What’s the matter, Yuusuke? Shouting this early in the mor…… Gyaahh! Why is Carmine here?]

[Whoa, Teacher, amazing!]

Yeah, people don’t usually realize it because Michelle’s wearing a thick robe and cloak.

She looks amazing when you see her naked.

Wait, this isn’t the time for that.

[Quickly wear your clothes. Kurtz and the others might be in trouble. Let’s go to the dungeon.]

I didn’t explain a lot, but Michelle quickly grasped what was going on.

While Michelle was getting dressed, I used my Clairvoyance in the tatami room.

I set the search word to “Kurtz” and I immediately found him.

The current location of Kurtz’ team is around the center of the 2nd Underground Floor.

I explored the surroundings, but there was nothing particularly ominous around.

There were no dangerous monsters, nor bandits of any kind.

[Yuusuke, I’m ready.]

Michelle, fully equipped, entered the room.

[Kurtz’ team is safe at the moment. Everyone is on the 2nd Underground Floor of the dungeon.]

[How do you know that?]

Carmine’s eyes widened.

[My dagashi shop has something that somewhat resembles fortune telling. It’s pretty accurate.]

[The dagashi shop’s power, stronger than mine……]

Margarethe speaks again.

[I guess so. We have similar powers, don’t we?]


It seems like trying to have a conversation with her is still not possible like before.

[I don’t really know what’s going on, but I believe in Yuusuke-chi. So, let’s leave now.]

[No. Carmine, you stay here.]

[But Kurtz and the others are my friends!]

[There’s a possibility that we may not return. If Kurtz’ team and I, or even Michelle, don’t come back after we follow them, please get in touch with the right people.]


Carmine reluctantly nodded.

[Michelle, get me on Pluto. I’ll use my Clairvoyance while riding Pluto to keep track of Kurtz and the others.]

[Isn’t that dangerous?]

While I’m using this magic, my consciousness leaves my body, so I don’t have the ability to keep myself balanced.

To avoid danger, I usually do it on a solid floor or in a chair.

But now wasn’t the time to worry about that.

[Sorry, but can’t you support my body while I’m using it, Michelle?]

[Leave it to me! I won’t let Yuusuke go even if the world turns upside down!]

Riding in front of a strangely enthusiastic Michelle, I got on Pluto’s back.

[Pluto, quickly run.]


When I called out to him, Pluto understood properly and immediately started running.

Pluto ran down the street at breakneck speed.

Despite his huge body, he’s agile, and even if there’s an obstacle in his path, he avoids it with a swift movement.

[Uwahh, we’re gonna hit them!]

A wagon was lumbering ahead.

The road we’re currently on was narrow and there was nowhere to avoid it.

And yet, Pluto didn’t slow down, and the distance between us kept getting closer and closer.

I was prepared for a collision, but that didn’t happen.

It was because Pluto kicked off the ground and leaped.

Dragons are beings with extraordinary physical abilities.

Moreover, they use their joints softly, so the impact when they land is small.

[Yuusuke, quickly use your Clairvoyance!]

Pressing her chest against me, Michelle holds me from behind.

This would prevent me from falling.

I concentrated and used my Clairvoyance.

My consciousness immediately shifted to where Kurtz’ team was.

They seem to be completing their task well.

I can hear Kurtz talking to Gort.

[Alright, we’ve collected all the items we need, right?]

[A fragment of Dungeon Maimai’s shell, a Flying Piranha’s feather…… Yeah, we’ve got everything.]

Gort checked his list and their luggage before nodding.

[I guess our next step would be to get to Point A-3 and get the teacher’s signature. Who’s the teacher stationed there again?]

[It’s Teacher Rittenpike.]

[Ugh…… I don’t like that teacher. No matter how much hard work you do, that woman’s words are always laced with sarcasm.]

Kikka nodded her head in agreement.

[I hate that teacher too.]

[Speaking of which, you’re taking Teacher Rittenpike’s class, right, Kikka?]

[Basic Studies on Ancient Treasures. Honestly speaking, it’s just the worst. The content of the class is good, but Teacher Rittenpike is too biased.]

[Eh? There’s actually a student he’s being biased with? Thought he was a menace to all students.]

[Yeah, to guys like Roost.]

[Roost? Ahh, that docile one.]

[Right! Teacher Rittenpike likes slender, docile, and innocent-looking boys. She’s being all touchy-feely and was constantly doting on them. I feel sorry for Roost too. He’s annoyed by her actions, but he’s too weak-minded to ask her to stop.]

[That hag, isn’t she already a reportable offender!?]

[It was terrible. She has a particularly bad attitude towards girls. No matter how good my grades are, saying stuff like “Kikka-san, can’t you write more elegantly?”, she always finds a reason to deduct my grades!]

[She’s probably gonna be sarcastic about something today too……]

[Well, it can’t be helped. Let’s just get her signature and move on.]

The cool Gort comforts the dismayed Kurtz and Kikka.

That Teacher Rittenpike seems to be a very bad teacher.

Kurtz and the others proceeded through the dungeon together with me in my astral form.

The dungeon is calm at the moment, with no new monsters appearing.

Eventually, the group turned a corner and came to a gargoyle statue.

A middle-aged woman with a large staff in her hand is standing right next to the statue.

That must be Teacher Rittenpike.

This is just my impression, but she’s a middle-aged woman with a sharp, intimidating gaze, almost as if she could compete with the gargoyle next to her.

She was skinny and looked highly strung.

[You’re the first to arrive so far.]

When Kurtz’ team was about to become delighted at those words, Teacher Rittenpike put a damper on their mood.

[You’re not cheating in any way, are you? You seem a bit too fast to arrive here.]

[We haven’t done anything like that! We have seriously———–]

[That would be good. Don’t shout so loud. This is the dungeon. You have to be prudent with your actions.]

Ah, this guy’s no good.

How is it that I just disliked a human being in seconds?

I hated Teacher Rittenpike right away too.

Could it be that Kurtz’ team is in danger because of this woman?

However, imperfect she may be, she’s still a teacher.

I can’t imagine her harming her students.

Despite her sarcastic words, she properly signed their documents.

If so, is it that gargoyle statue?

In fact, that is a trap that inflicts the Vertigo Curse when touched.

Back then, Merle had touched the very same statue.


It happened when I had just arrived in this world, and I used grape-flavored powdered juice to break that curse.

Looking back at it now makes me think of it as a nostalgic memory.

The statue is dangerous to touch, but this trap is quite famous.

I think even Kurtz’ team should know about it……

At that moment, Kikka’s familiar, Rufu, fluttered up toward the gargoyle statue.

Sprinkling phosphorescence around, Rufu looks at the gargoyle statue.

[Rufu, be careful. Touching it inflicts you with the Vertigo Curse.]

Good, Kikka properly knows about this trap. josei

However, when Kikka went to the gargoyle statue to call Rufu back, she looked as if she had discovered something.

Kikka remained motionless, staring intently at the statue.

[What’s the matter, Kikka? There’s no way you actually touched that statue, right?]

[That’s not it, Kurtz. That isn’t it…… Unnn, I knew it! I discovered it by the glow around Rufu, but there really is a number here.]

[Did you just say number!?]

Snapping faster than anyone else, Teacher Rittenpike brushed Kurtz and Gort aside and stepped forward.

What in the world is gonna happen……?

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