Otherworld Dagashi Shop Yahagi

Chapter 156

Chapter 156: That Idol......

Chapter 156: That Idol......

As my magic was deployed, my consciousness flew back to Kurtz and the others’ location.

Kikka is kneeling in front of the gargoyle statue.

She seems to be just about to start disarming the trap.

Meanwhile, Rittenpike was acting all important, giving instructions.

[As long as you touch the engravings in the right order, you should be fine. Get on with it.]

Even if she said that, they’re still in front of a statue that inflicts Vertigo Curse upon touch.

Gort went through his pockets and pulled out a dagashi.

[Good, I knew I had one of these. Here, it’s grape juice to lift the curse. It’ll keep you safe just in case.]

Encouraged by Gort, Kikka seems to have made up her mind.

She gently moved her trembling index finger to the “1” on the gargoyle statue’s forehead.

[Ahh…… I’m not dizzy. The curse didn’t trigger!]

Hearing this, Rittenpike snorted.

[It was indeed as I expected. Continue, Kikka.]

Even though she isn’t doing anything, she sure acts proud.

Kikka continued, touching the “2” engraving.

This one is dug into the fingertip of the gargoyle statue’s left hand in the form of a fingerprint.

[Still didn’t trigger!]

Touching “3” and “4” engravings, Kikka continued to “5”, and the gargoyle statue glowed slightly.

[There’s no mistaking it. This is a seal that protects an Ancient Treasure!]

Rittenpike rubbed her hands together in excitement and urged Kikka to continue.

[Next up is…… Rufu, come over here and shine your phosphorescence on the statue.]

With Rufu’s phosphorescence, Kikka looked for the “6” engraving.

She then went on to “7”, “8”, and “9”, but here Kikka’s hand stopped.

Yes, number chocolates only goes from 0 to 9.

Kikka doesn’t know about the number “10”.

[What are you doing? Quickly touch the next number!]

Rittenpike, who knows nothing about what’s going on, rushes Kikka.

However, Kikka didn’t hurry and gathered her thoughts

[This would probably be “11”. That means “12” would be this one. In that case, would ten be this “10”?]

Kikka, being the clever one she is, was able to use guesswork to find the correct engraving.

As soon as she touched the “10” engraving, the gargoyle statue shone brighter.

[I did it!]

[That’s amazing, Kikka!]

[You did it.]

The trio happily hugged each other by the shoulders.

Even Rittenpike praised Kikka.

[Kikka-san, this year’s top student is definitely you.]

Kikka seems to have completely grasped the rulings of numbers.

After she reached “19”, she had properly chosen “20”.

However, I can’t help feeling anxious.

Kikka, disarm it more slowly. Take things slow until we get there!

Kikka continues to disarm the trap.

The number has progressed to “29” and there are only a few left.

With each successive number, the gargoyle statue shines brighter and brighter, and it now shines like a Christmas object.

[Fuuu, it’s finally the last one.]

Kika brought her trembling index finger close to the gargoyle’s belly.

Engraved on its navel is the number “32”.

I could hear them all gulping.

Even I, in my astral body, stiffened nervously while watching them.

What in the world is going to happen……


The moment Kikka touched the “32” engraving, the gargoyle statue began to flicker intensely.

It was like the flash of a continuous shooting camera.

[W- What is this!?]

[Did the trap get triggered!?]

[Calm down. This is a sign that the trap has been released. The curse on the statue should have been undone. It will pass soon.]

Just as Rittenpike said, the light eventually disappeared.

The dungeon is now dimly lit.

Eventually, with the sound of scraping stone, the gargoyle statue raised both its arms.

With its arms raised to the heavens, the gargoyle’s belly opened with a crack.

[Eh, an idol?]

What emerged from inside was a small idol made of gold.

It was no more than 10 cm tall, but it seemed to be of considerable value.

Kikka and Rittenpike were surprised, but I was more surprised than them.

I mean, no matter how I look at it, that golden idol is a Billiken.

The pointed head, the comical slanted eyes, the big, held-out feet.

There’s no mistaking it, that’s a Billiken.

Why would there be a Billiken in this other world?

Wasn’t that the God of Luck at Tsutenkaku in Osaka?

I did hear how it was originally designed by an American illustrator but……

Kikka holds the statue in her hands and smiles happily.

[Uwahh, it’s heavy!]

[Is it real? L- Let me carry it.]

Kurtz and Gort were also happy holding the Billiken statue in their hands.

Having obtained it through their hard work, their joy must be all the greater.

Seeing the three of them so innocently rejoicing, I couldn’t help but let out a smile myself.

But then, Rittenpike splashed cold water at that moment.

[Hand that statue over here.]

With a wicked smile on her lips, Rittenpike holds out her hand.

[Wasn’t the treasure we found supposed to be ours!?]

The three of them looked at her in disbelief.

[I’ve changed my mind. Obediently hand it over now. Or else……]

Rittenpike held her cane at the ready.

[Even if you’re a teacher, you won’t get off scot-free for this!]

[That’s right, that’s right! We’re going to report you for snatching this idol from us!]

Despite Kikka and Kurtz’ protests, Rittenpike remains daringly smiling at them.

[Suit yourself. I am a Researcher of Ancient Treasure Studies, whereas you are just students. Mere first-year students who had just entered Adventurer Academy this year. Who do you think they’ll believe? Besides, we are in a dungeon, where anything can happen.]

[Sh*t, you dastardly hag!]

[We won’t give you this idol!]


The three of them raised their weapons, but Rittenpike remained relaxed.

After all, there’s a gap in competence between the academy’s first-year students and a teacher.

[Being too greedy can spell your death. Well, whatever. I suppose such things can only be learned the hard way!]

Even though she’s a teacher, to take away the achievements of her students, what a despicable person.

Heaven may forgive such tyranny, but my Dagashi Shop certainly will not!

I released my Clairvoyance and asked Michelle. josei

[Where are we?]

[A little further in after going down the stairs to the 2nd Underground Floor. We’ll be there soon.]

[Let’s hurry up. Kurtz and the others are seriously in a predicament now!]

Sending a whirlwind through the supposedly windless dungeon, Pluto ran like he was flying through the narrow passageway.

<Translator’s Notes>


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