Otherworld Nation Founding Chronicles

Chapter 117 - Siege Battle III

Chapter 117 - Siege Battle III

”General Tonino! Part of the castle wall on the east side has been destroyed!” (Coalition Soldier 1)

”Move a hundred soldiers from the north side!! Hold back the enemy’s soldiers. Bring out the engineers immediately and have them make repairs on the wall!!” (Tonino)

”South wall is requesting reinforcements!!” (Coalition Soldier 2)

”Move 300 soldiers there from the west gate!!” (Tonino)

Two weeks have passed since the enemy’s first set of reinforcements arrived.

The second set of reinforcements have also arrived which expands the enemy force to number 30,000.

According to intelligence from sorcerers stationed outside, the third set of reinforcements will arrive in three days bringing the total to 40,000 and the fourth arriving the next day raising the total to about 50,000.

The Rozel Kingdom divided the 40,000 reinforcements into fours because it impossible to muster that large amount immediately.

So, they decided to gather up to a number and then send them out once that quota has been fulfilled.

Because the Rozel Kingdom covers a lot of land area, the border they must defend is long. It also rules over a million Aldernians in the north of the Aldernian Peninsula.

Therefore, it is impossible to move that mass of troops easily. You could say that this is the weakness being a great power.

”Would it have been better to try to go out and attack the enemy before their numbers grew?” (Bartolo)

Bartolo mutters in a sigh while providing support.

However at the same time, he shakes off this idea.

There was no guarantee that they could even win if they sortied.

That’s because morale has been steadily declining.josei

There was the thought of trying to steal an elephant, but they didn’t have the courage to try something like that. At the moment, the Coalition Army was lacking in that.

There is a high chance that you would be defeated before the battle even begun.

The only chance they have at winning was to try to shoot the Rozel Army when their reinforcements arrive.

The war god’s son’s reliable bomb spears.

Even two of these are able to recover the Coalition Army’s morale.

At least Bartolo thought so.

”Well then, instead of letting it happen, let’s push through this situation. Head to the west wall next!!” (Bartolo)

Bartolo is leading the Alvan Cavalry.

The Alvan Cavalry are running around the castle and shooting arrows where the enemy are numerically inferior. [Could be wrong as this doesn’t make sense to me]

This is repeated.

In this way, cavalry is useful even in a siege battle.

”A battering ram has arrived!!” (Coalition Soldier)

”Release the fire arrows!!” (Bartolo)

The bellowing of the centurions shakes the battlefield.

The most dangerous weapon in a siege battle is the battering ram.

Because walls have a high amount of stability, they cannot be destroyed easily.

This is different, however, when a large stone sent by a catapult to hits an area of the wall repeatedly or happens to hit a weak point in the wall...

The castle gate is another matter however.

The castle gate is much more fragile than the wall. A battering ram can break through it easily.

Therefore, it is necessary to destroy the battering ram before it has a chance to damage the castle gate.

Destroying a battering ram is not a difficult thing however, as it is necessary for people to need to bring it to the castle gate.

The Rozel Army’s battering ram is wooden with a metal fitting on the tip of the hammer.

It is run on wheels and is covered by a roof. [This]

By converting circular motion into power, its destructive capabilities grow.

This isn’t exactly because the laws of physics were understood but was just understood from experience/observation.

The fire arrows pelt the battering ram like rain.

However, whenever an arrows sticks onto the battering ram, the fire quickly disappears.

It is a basic necessity to keep the battering ram roof safe by applying anti-fire magic and a strengthening boundary.

”Oil!! Cover it in oil!” (Bartolo)

The soldiers drop jars of oil onto the battering ram.

Some miss and shatter on the ground, but three pots of oil cover the roof of the battering ram.

”Release the fire arrows!!” (Bartolo)

The fire arrows once again pelt the battering ram.

The fire ignited by the oil cannot be stopped as easily anymore. No amount of magic or petty tricks can stop it.

In the blink of an eye, the battering ram is up in flames.

The soldier of the Rozel Army who were carrying/pushing the battering ram fled from under the roof in a panic.

The Coalition Army’s arrows pierce them.

With this, the total amount of destroyed battering rams from all sides of the wall was five.

The Rozel Army retreated immediately for the day due to the failure of the battering rams.

”Haa, we survived for today as well. This is all thanks to all of your hard work. Cheer!!” (Carlo)

””Cheers!!”” (Soldiers)

When Carlo raised his cup, the soldiers also raised their and drank at once.

As night attack were expected, they were only allowed one serving of alcohol.

But for the soldiers, this was healing from the battlefield full of tension.

The soldiers gave some forced laughter, but the fatigue showed on their faces.

The centurion commander was especially serious.

This was to be expected.

Assassination attempts on his life were occuring frequently. Tonino and Bartolo are in a hurry to catch the culprit but they haven’t gotten very far.

Because it would affect morale, this information was being kept quiet but it was already spreading in the form of rumors.

”Still, I’m getting sick of being holed up in here.” (Tonino)

Tonino mutters.

In siege battle, morale tends to sink with both the soldiers and the commanders.

It’s because they need to stay passive.

Although the defenders have the terrain advantage, it will also steadily wear down on the leaders.

It is also a problem to go too much on the defensive.

”Right. That’s exactly what I was thinking. Because of that... what do you think about this plan (harassment)?” (Bartolo)

Bartolo gives a laughing grin as he grabs Tonino’s shoulder.

Tonino frowns as he smells the alcohol from Bartolo’s breath but listens to the contents of the harassment.

”... Sounds a little dangerous, but it might be worth doing.” (Tonino)

”Right? For that, lend me your guy’s cavalry.” (Bartolo)

That night, the Rozel Army’s Gallian soldiers were making rowdy all night.

They were boasting about all of the jewels and the beautiful flax cloth they plundered and were consuming both liquor and food.

Gallia is cold and not very fertile.

In contrast, the south Aldernian Peninsula is warm, the land is fertile, and the currency based economy is more developed than in Gallia.

To the Gallians, the Aldernian Peninsula is a city. [Aldernia is my city?]

... Cretians, Povenians, and Persians among others would laugh at this thought.

”I wonder what kind of treasures there are in the (DeMorgal) royal capital!!” (Gallian 1)

”Isn’t it obviously gold and silver? It a king’s home right? That’s what’s obviously stored there!!” (Gallian 2)

The soldiers were drunkenly counting their chickens before they hatched.

The Rozel Army’s rules were fairly loose.

In fact, with the exceptions of the guards, the soldiers were having a party in the middle of the night.

For the armies in the Aldernian Peninsula, it would mean a death penalty for the soldiers to hold something like a party in the middle of the night.

For the Gallians, though, the moment military regulations are made strict, the soldiers will try to desert.

In their home, they have unmanageable land and cooperation is needed to farm. This is the cultural difference between the typical agrarian cultures of the Aldernians and the Gallians, more than half of which are more hunter-gatherers.

”Yeah, I’m looking forward to it. Aaa, I want a beautiful woman!!” (Gallian 3)

”I want a boy about 10 years old.” (Gallian Pedo) [ಠ_ಠ]

As the men were talking about such things, suddenly the surroundings became noisy.

”Enemy attack!! Enemy attack!!” (Rozel Soldier)

The wailing of panicked soldiers can be heard.

As expected of the Gallian soldiers, they hurriedly put on their equipment and went to where the enemy was attacking.

”Where’s the enemy!!” (Rozel Soldier 1)

The Gallian soldiers stop to where the guards were.

There was no doubt of an enemy attack, as there were burned tents and soldier’s corpses from arrows.

However, there was no sign of the enemy now.

”Seems like they’ve already withdrawn...” (Rozel Soldier 1)

”They retreated?” (Rozel Soldier 2)

”The enemy were riding horses. That’s why they were firing fire arrows from across the trenches.” (Rozel Guard)

According to the lookout’s story, it seems that the enemy quickly withdrew after coming in on horseback and firing some arrows.

It was a sudden attack where no counterattack could be made immediately and when could be made they were already gone.

”What? Then there was no point in coming here!!” (Gallian Soldier)

The Gallian soldiers got upset.

”Couldn’t handle last night’s night attack could you?” (Cairus)

Cairus says to Curiu. An expression of ridicule was on his face.

This was an implicit jab at Curiu.

”I’m planning on increasing the amount of guards. Besides that, the damage wasn’t too severe.” (Curiu)

Because it was night, the enemy could not aim at where they were shooting.

Shoot where the enemy is likely to be, then retreat as soon as it becomes dangerous. This was their tactic.

Naturally, the arrows rarely hit anything.

The ones who died were just unlucky.

There was a lot of confusion but 30 people died. Seven of those died during ensuing chaos by bumping into each other’s heads. [Seriously lol?]

”Everything will end once the city falls. It was a one-off attack; nothing more to worry about.” (Curiu)

”However, it doesn’t look to be falling. General Curiu. What are you going to do about this now?” (Cairus)

Cairus tells this to Curiu with a laughing grin.

Curiu glances at Cairus and then quickly moves his gaze towards the castle walls.

”That was already known to be the case. I don’t think it will fall until about a month has passed.” (Curiu)

Siege battles take a very long time.

In cases, they can take years. [Irl the longest continuous siege took 21 years]

Of course it would be a problem if the siege lastes that long, but this one was estimated to last for a few months.

”However, I heard intelligence that King Almus will arrive soon with his reinforcements.” (Cairus)

”Right. I heard they will get here in about two weeks.” (Curiu)

”Can’t we get them to surrender in a week?” (Cairus)

There was no worry on Cairus’s face when he says so.

He must be thinking that, even if King Almus’s reinforcements arrive, this should be an easy victory.

No, perhaps he hoping for us to lose.

Because then that would mean the position of head general would be open...

”No problem. We’ll get them to surrender in a week.” (Curiu)

Curiu affirms with confidence.

Cairus’s face freezes for a while before once more making a suggestion to Curiu.

”I think it would be best to rid ourselves of certain insects.” (Cairus)

The insects he is reffering to are the patricians who are members of the Carlo faction scattered in various places.

Led by Lethys Blouse, they were skirmishing with patricians of the Aldo faction in various places.

Because they are few in number, if they face the Rozel Army badly, their annihilation would be assured.

Just fighting these “insects” is enough.

If you want to end the war early, then it would be better to put all your strength into breaking the enemy in a siege battle. [Probs not right but I spent too long on this.]

It is a bad idea to disperse fighting power. [Guessing they mean in this situation.]

Besides that, the enemy have the terrain advantage.

If they (Rozel) moved carelessly, they could end up suffering unnecessary damage.

”That would be futile. The insects would not be so easily caught. It would be useless to give chase; besides, they cannot do anything but watch helplessly anyways, so leave them be.” (Curiu)

Still Cairus does not yield.

”But still, if we leave them alone then we can’t concentrate on the siege with piece of mind right?” (Cairus)

”That’s exactly right. General Curiu. I agree with Cairus’s opinion.” (Rozel Leader)

The person in support of Cairus is the man leading the second set of reinforcements.

He is in the same faction as Cairus and is hostile to Curiu.

This is these two’s thought process.

[If the siege battle were to end like this, then the credit will go to General Curiu, and the war will end. I must do something before the end of the war.]

The troublesome part is that there are many pricipales who agree with the two. [1]

This is obvious. Their promotions rely on their successes.

”*Sigh*...” (Curiu)

Curiu gave a spontaneous sigh.

Militarily speaking it is a clearly useless battle. However, politically it is not a waste.

If Curiu takes too much credit, he will make too many enemies.

(Well, it’s not as if these two being here or not will affect things too much will it.)

Curiu thought so, and said to the two.

”Fine. I’ll let you two clear out the insects but on the condition that you do so after the fourth team arrives.” (Curiu)

Five days later, the fourth team safely arrives.

Thus, an army of 20,000 soldiers break away to deal with the Carlo faction.

”Now dig!!” (Rozel Captain)

””Dig!!”” (Gallia Soldiers)

”Why are we digging!!” (Rozel Captain)

””For our success!!”” (Gallia Soldiers)

With a singing tone, Gallian soldiers dig up the ground with hoes.

They are digging a tunnel underground.

Curiu is secretly digging.

Their role was to dig deep into the castle walls and set fire to wooden stakes. [The supports I assume?]

If the foundation is broken and then burned in a pile, then even a strong castle wall will collapse.

Rather if it is strong then it would definitely collapse. That’s because the stronger ones are usually also the heavier ones.

”Hm? It got brighter.” (Rozel Captain)

Light began to leak from the ground while the digging was moving forward.

As soon as the light was seen, the captain’s face became pale.

”All hands!! Ready for ba...” (Rozel Captain)

Aldernian soldiers appeared with hoes and swords before the Gallian captain could finish his sentence.

The Aldernian captain shouts.

”Secure them!!” (Aldernian Captain)

Thus, the tunnel being excavated by the Rozel Kingdom was eliminated by the opposing Coalition Army.

Furthermore, from information gathered from the POWs, another tunnel location was found.

For a total of two, all enemy tunnels were destroyed.

”Both tunnels in the east and west were discovered and subsequently buried... So close... We almost had them.” (Curiu’s aide)

Curiu’s aide’s face distorts in the dissapointement.

But then laughs it off soon after.

”Well, it was according to the plan anyways.” (Curiu’s aide)

”Yeah. The east and west tunnels were a diversion. The real ones are in the north and south.” (Curiu)

In the first place, Curiu was digging four tunnels in the cardinal directions.

He had told the people in charge of the east and west tunnels only about the east and west tunnels.

Then, he made it easier for the digging to be discovered.

Day and night, he had them keep digging at the ground. Of course, the enemy found it by hearing the noise and feeling the vibrations coming from this. Or rather, they let the enemy find it.

On the other hand, the people in charge of the north and south tunnels were only told about their own tunnels.

Then, they were told only to dig when there was a battle going on.

The footsteps of people and stones hitting the castle walls would make any noise or vibration from digging undetectable.

The efficiency of the work itself is slow, but it is a sure job.

East or west. If either is found then both are crushed.

However, when that happens, the enemy will get careless. Once they think they have gotten rid of all of the tunnels, they will be relieved and off guard.

That’s what they want.

”In about three more days until they get directly under the walls huh? This lasted longer than I had anticipated... but this war will end soon.” (Curiu)

Curiu mutters this.

Finally, they can go home back to the Rozel Kingdom.

While Curiu does like war, he does enjoy peacetime every now and then.

Especially this time as Cairus’s antics were tiring him out.

”I apologize for interupting!! I have an urgent report!!” (Rozel Soldier)

”Enter quickly.” (Curiu)

As Curiu answered, the soldier enters with a pale face.

”The 20,000 soldier led by General Cairus have been routed!! In addition, General Cairus has gone missing!!” (Rozel Soldier)

”THAT SON OF A BITCH!!!!!!!” (Curiu)

Author’s note:


Translator’s note:

That ending lol. I gotta stop getting distracted while doing these. Oh well. Hope you enjoyed.

[1] Pricipales are basically what the Romans had for non-commissioned officers or NCOs. If you don’t know what an NCO is then look it up because I’m not an expert on the military enough to explain this (though I do get the general gist of it). ↑

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