
Chapter 190 Talk With Xuanyuan Wan’er

Chapter 190 Talk With Xuanyuan Wan’er

Chapter 190 Talk With Xuanyuan Wan'er

[Chen Li, I sensed that woman have a strong Sword Qi; it would be best if you imparted the Sword Origin Technique to her.]

'Will Xiao Jianyi allow it?'

Xiao Huoli laughed at that. [You don't have to worry about Jianyi; I'm sure she will ask her to be her disciple.]

'All right then, I'll give it to her later.'




Minutes later, Xuanyuan Wan'er had stopped her heartfelt cry, and she led them to sit in a small pavilion on a hillside.

"Who is he, Master?" Xuanyuan Wan'er asked as she curiously looked at Chen Li.

Feng Xian'er directly introduced her husband. "Wan'er, he is my husband, Chen Li. As in the past, my current name is also Feng Xian'er."

"Ah!" Xuanyuan Wan'er was taken aback, but she smiled and said. "After five hundred years, you finally have a husband, Master."

If Long Jiuxiao and the others saw Xuanyuan Wan'er's smile, they would be shocked, especially since she had always been cold towards them and even crippled Qin Feng mercilessly.

"Hehe." Feng Xian'er chuckled.

Xuanyuan Wan'er then turned to Chen Li and cupped her hands. "Wan'er pays respects to you, Master."

"Miss Wan'er, you don't need to be like this with me. I am a man who was born in this modern era, so I'm not used to such a thing." Chen Li replied as he stopped Xuanyuan Wan'er's hand.

Xuanyuan Wan'er nodded to him. "All right, I won't do it again, Master Chen."

"You don't need to call me Master Chen either." Chen Li said as he shook his head. "Since Xian'er already considers you as her family, you are also my family, and you can call my name directly."

"My hubby is right, Wan'er." Feng Xian'er said to her. "Back then, I was your Master, but the world has changed, so you don't need to address me as a Master anymore. From today on, you can address me as a sister, or you can also address me by my name."

"Yes." Xuanyuan Wan'er then turned to her daughter. "Feng'er, she is your grandmaster, and she is the one who bestowed our phoenix bloodlines, or we have died since a long time ago without it."

Xuanyuan Feng'er wanted to bow to them, but they immediately stopped her, and Feng Xian'er said. "You also don't need to do such a thing with us, Feng'er. Anyway, I didn't expect you to get married and have such a cute daughter, Wan'er."

Xuanyuan Wan'er laughed at that; she rubbed her daughter's head as she explained. "Sister, Feng'er's father was that bear. Unfortunately, he didn't have the Phoenix Bloodline like us, so he died of old age."

"Oh?" Feng Xian'er was surprised to hear that. "I remember that old bear repeatedly tried to get close to you, but you always ignored him, so I was surprised to hear you married him."

Xuanyuan Wan'er nodded to her. "After you disappeared, I tried to look for you nationwide. Even though I kept ignoring him for five years, he continued faithfully accompanying me. Gradually, I got used to his presence, and he finally worked up his courage to propose to me, so I accepted his proposal, and Feng'er was born several years later."

"I see." Feng Xian'er nodded in understanding but then laughed. "Haha! It turns out that my disappearing without telling you actually brings you good things. Otherwise, you will never get married, and Feng'er will never be born in this world."

Upon hearing that, Xuanyuan Wan'er pouted her lips, and Xuanyuan Feng'er looked at her mother as she smiled in amusement, for she had never seen her behave like that in the past hundreds of years.

Xuanyuan Wan'er then asked her. "Anyway, what brought you here? How did you find out where I live now?"

"Honestly, I just got my memory back yesterday, and I believe you are still alive because of my bloodline, but I don't know where you live, for I can't track you down in such a big country." Xuanyuan Wan'er nodded in understanding, and Feng Xian'er continued. "Earlier, Grandpa Xiao Yang came to our mansion, and I heard him talking to Sister Xianglin about you. I then asked him about you, and he told me you live in this Daxue Peak, so I immediately came here with my husband to pick you up."

"Eh? You came here to pick me up?" Xuanyuan Wan'er was surprised to hear that.

Feng Xian'er then said again. "Since I'm back now, and we've been separated for five hundred years, I want to bring you to live with us. Besides, my husband also has some questions for you, especially about the history of this country and the influential families in this country."

"I see." Xuanyuan Wan'er nodded in understanding and explained it to them. "I don't know much about this world's history, but I've read some of my ancestral records before. This world used to have many people who called themselves cultivators, and there were also beasts and the like living here, including several mythical beasts like you. But one day, a great war broke out; the cultivators from this world fought against the cultivators from another world, and their fight caused this planet to be almost destroyed. However, the war between them suddenly stopped, and what stopped them was a giant Golden Dragon and a giant Fire Phoenix. They killed those invaders and expelled all cultivators from this world, I also read that the golden dragon made an invisible shield, and there have been no more cultivators since then."

"I see." Feng Xian'er nodded in understanding and turned to her husband, but she felt confused after seeing Chen Li's expression. "What happened? Why is your expression like that?"

"I don't know, I feel like I've known about that before, but I can't remember anything." Chen Li replied as he frowned, for his lost memories really annoyed him, and he then asked Xuanyuan Wan'er. "What else do you know?"

Xuanyuan Wan'er sighed softly before she explained it to them again. "According to my ancestral records, my Xuanyuan family was actually a family of powerful cultivators in the past. However, my ancestors decided to leave this planet with them, and the members of my family that have remained here are those who do not have profound veins. Since they couldn't become cultivators, they didn't take them to higher realms. Unfortunately, they were slaughtered during the war, and the only ones left now are Feng'er and I."

"You don't need to remember your past anymore, Wan'er. You and Feng'er can live with us from now on, and we will be your family." Feng Xian'er said as she grabbed Xuanyuan Wan'er's hand. "Moreover, Chen Li and I are cultivators, so we will also teach you to become cultivators like us."

"Eh?" The two women gasped in shock when they heard that, and Xuanyuan Wan'er asked with a look of disbelief. "Are you really a cultivator, Sister? But how can you cultivate?"

"We are indeed cultivators, Wan'er." Chen Li then looked up at his half-sister.

Sun Xing'er nodded in understanding, jumped down from Chen Li's head, and transformed into her human form, causing Xuanyuan Feng'er's eyes to light up as she saw her fox ears and tails.

"Wow! You are stunning, Big Sis!" Xuanyuan Feng'er cried out in astonishment as she stood up.

But just as she was about to touch her ears, Sun Xing'er stopped Xuanyuan Feng'er. "You can't touch my ears because they are sensitive."

"Oh." Xuanyuan Feng'er nodded in understanding and withdrew her hands. "During these times, I had only heard from my mother about beasts turning into humans, but now I can see one with my own eyes."

"Did you come from another planet, Sister?" Xuanyuan Wan'er asked Sun Xing'er.

Sun Xing'er nodded to her. "That's right! I come from the Three Realm, and it's very far from this mortal planet." josei

"I see." Xuanyuan Wan'er then turned to Feng Xian'er. "If it wasn't for the fact that I've read my ancestral records before, I would have a hard time believing that you are a Mythical Beast, the Fire Phoenix."

"Haha." Feng Xian'er laughed softly, hearing that.

Chen Li then said to her. "Wan'er, you and Feng'er better pack up your things now, and we'll teach the two of you how to cultivate after we return to our mansion. Besides, I will give you a sword technique, and you will definitely become a skilled sword cultivator."

"Really?" Xuanyuan Wan'er's eyes lit up upon hearing about sword techniques, for she had already spent her entire life learning swordsmanship.

Suddenly, Xiao Huoli stepped out of the Tinyi Realm, startling the two women. "Chen Li is right, Little Girl. Although I don't know how your body can produce Qi in this world that shouldn't have Qi, I can feel the Sword Qi in your body is very strong. If you become a cultivator and practice that sword technique, you will become a renowned sword cultivator."

Before they asked, Chen Li directly explained Xiao Huoli's identity to them, which surprised and amazed them.

"As long as I can continue to live with Sister Xian'er, and reach the highest point in swordsmanship, then I want to become a cultivator." Xuanyuan Wan'er decided without thinking twice. The sword is her life, and her deepest desire is to become a renowned swordsman. Unfortunately, no one could be her match except for the old Feng Xian'er.

"Me too! I also want to become a cultivator!" Xuanyuan Feng'er said as she raised her hand.

- To Be Continued -

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