
Chapter 205 The Shen Family Fall III

Chapter 205 The Shen Family Fall III

Chapter 205 The Shen Family Fall III

"Chen... Chen Li... Please spare me." Shen Lu tried to beg him, for he certainly didn't want to die. "I... I'm willing to do anything for you; even if I have to bow down to you, I will do it."

"Lu'er! You don't need to beg him!" Shen Hu shouted to his son. "Gah!"

Chen Li stepped on Shen Hu's head harder as he spoke to Shen Lu. "See? You should listen to your father. Moreover, I already have Qing Mo, and his superpower is far more useful than yours. Besides, your mother and big sister also don't care if you two die, so why should I spare you?

"Ahh~ That's right~ Villains like you two should just die!" Yang Li said as she continued to move up and down on Chen Li's lap. "Mhn~ I'm about to orgasm~"

"Haha!" Chen Li laughed and hugged Yang Li's waist. "Let's do it together."

"Mhn~ Yes~ Fill my womb with your seed, Chen Li."

Shen Hu was enraged upon hearing his wife's words. "Bastard! Shameless whore! Even if I have to become a ghost, I will kill both of you!"

Chen Li paid no heed to him and leaned Yang Li forward onto the back of the chair, and he was fucking faster until they reached their orgasms.

"Mhn~ I'm cumming!" Yang Li shouted as her body jerked repeatedly.

At the same time, Chen Li also released a large amount of semen into her womb, and he immediately pulled his dick out of Yang Li's pussy right after, causing their love juice to wet the floor.

"Hah… Hah…" Yang Li slumped in the chair, and she glanced at her husband with a mocking smile.

"Bitch! A traitor like you will surely rot in hell!"

"Hahaha." Yang Li laughed at that. "Unfortunately, you will go to hell before me, and you better think about how to hold all your evil deeds accountable before King Yama!"

After that, Chen Li straightened his pants and lifted Shen Hu onto his shoulders, and he said to Yang Li. "You can rest, and I will finish these damn people. However, you should be prepared in case Long Jiuxiao and the others come to you tomorrow, and you must know what you have to do, right?"

"En." Yang Li nodded to him. "You don't need to worry; I can handle them, and I'll only contact you if the situation gets more complicated."

"All right." Chen Li then said to Qing Mo. "Take him with you, and I'll take you all elsewhere."

"Yes, Master." Qing Mo shouldered Shen Lu directly.

Afterward, Chen Li grabbed Qing Mo's shoulders and flew them away from the Shen House to the place he had told Yan Qiu earlier.




Meanwhile, in an empty courtyard, three women were waiting, and they looked tired.

"Yawn~" Meng Yi yawned and asked Yan Qiu. "Big Sis! Where is Chen Li? We've been waiting for him for quite a while, but he still hasn't come to meet us."

"Actually, what kind of surprise does Chen Li want to give us, Big Sis?" Meng Yu also asked her.

Yan Qiu shook her head at them. "I don't know where Chen Li is now. I've tried calling him, but his number has been switched off. As for his surprise for the two of you, I don't know about it myself because he hasn't told me anything yet."

The Meng Twins sighed upon hearing that, and Meng Yi muttered in annoyance. "I'm really tired after training with Duan Yiren, so I want to get some sleep and rest, and I want to fight her again tomorrow."

"En, me too." Meng Yu nodded in agreement with her twin sister. "I've tried my best to fight Duan Yiren, but I still haven't been able to beat her until now."

Yan Qiu shook her head at that. "You two don't need to feel so disappointed. After all, Duan Yiren has a shadow superpower, and your superpowers are useless in front of her, so it's natural for her to be one step ahead of you. However, if the two of you train harder, I'm sure that you can also become stronger in the future."

"I'm not disappointed, Big Sis." Meng Yu replied with a shake of her head.

Meng Yi agreed with her sister words. "I'm also not disappointed by my loss to Duan Yiren, and my defeat has made me even more eager to improve my skills."

"Haha! You two have a good mindset! I really like you two."

The three women were surprised to hear Chen Li's voice, but they were stupified after they looked up to the sky, and they rubbed their eyes to make sure that they weren't dreaming.

"Yi! Pinch me, please!" Meng Yi directly pinched her twin sister's cheeks, causing Meng Yu to scream. "Ouch!"

"We're not dreaming, Yu! Chen Li is really flying!" Meng Yi said as she continued to look at them.

'How could he do that?' Yan Qiu muttered in her heart as she looked at Chen Li, who was getting closer to them, but she raised her eyebrows after she recognized the three men who were with him. "Shen Hu? Shen Lu? And Qing Mo?"

"Huh?" The Meng Twins were shocked after they heard that; they immediately stood up from their seats and took out their daggers.

Soon, Chen Li landed in front of them, and they directly threw the Shen father and son towards them, causing the two men to groan in pain. "Are you satisfied with my surprise?" josei

"Eh?" The Meng Twins looked at Chen Li in surprise, and Meng Yi asked him. "How did you know we hated him?"

"En, how did you know about that?" Meng Yu also asked him.

Chen Li smiled at them and took out Shen Hu's documents; he then showed them to the three women. "At first, I didn't know that he was the killer of your parents, and I only found out after I read these documents. Since you two are my subordinates now, I brought him here, and you can do whatever you want with him. However, I don't want you guys to kill them because I have other plans for them."

Hearing that, tears welled up from the Meng Twins' eyes, especially since they had practiced so hard to take revenge on Shen Hu for the death of their parents, but they didn't expect that the opportunity to do so would come so quickly."

Yan Qiu looked at Chen Li in astonishment; she didn't expect that he would do such a thing for the Meng Twins, but she then smiled and patted them gently. "Since he has brought Shen Hu here, you two can do whatever you want to do with him, but you must refrain from killing him, okay?"

"Yes, Big Sis!" After they said that, the Meng Twins immediately dragged Shen Hu across the floor and chained him to the wall afterwards, and they instantly vented the anger that had been buried in their hearts for so long.

Yan Qiu then looked at the frightened Shen Lu, and he had even peed in his pants, especially after he saw the Meng Twins beat up his father. "What are you going to do with this coward? And why does Qing Mo seem so loyal to you?"

"Haha." Chen Li chuckled and answered her question. "I certainly did something to Qing Mo, so he is now completely loyal to me, and his superpower will be of great use to my Long Feng Pavilion."

"That's true." Yan Qiu agreed with that. "Although there are some people with invisibility superpowers, it is still rare, and Qing Mo will definitely be of great use to you. But what exactly did you do to him?"

"Do you want to give it a try? If I do it to you, then you will also be completely loyal to me." Chen Li said this with a mischievous smile.

"No!" Yan Qiu shouted as she took a few steps back. "You better never think about doing that kind of thing to me!"

"Haha!" Chen Li laughed at Yan Qiu's reaction; he then shook his head and said to her. "I'm just kidding with you, you know? I won't use my ability recklessly, and I'll only use it against bad people."

Hearing that, Yan Qiu breathed a sigh of relief, but she was still wary of Chen Li, for she didn't want to become like Qing Mo.

Chen Li then glanced at Shen Lu and spoke to Yan Qiu again. "As for this guy, you will know his fate after the Meng Twins are satisfied venting their anger on Shen Hu, and the Shen Family will be completely mine."

"Hmm?" Yan Qiu raised her eyebrows upon hearing that. "How can the Shen family be yours? Aren't there still Yang Li and Shen Qing in their family?"

"Well, that's true." Chen Li replied with a nod, but he then told Yan Qiu. "Although she is not yet my official woman, Qing'er is willing to accept me, and she is living with me now. As for Yang Li, she is also as obedient to me as Qing Mo, so the Shen Family will be mine."

"Throughout these years, no one has dared to disturb the peace of those prominent families, especially since they were supported by several hidden families." Yan Qiu then glanced at Shen Lu with pity before continuing. "A few months ago, you were still an ordinary human, but now you have become their nightmare, which they created themselves."

- To Be Continued -

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