
Chapter 233 Soul Realm II

Chapter 233 Soul Realm II

Chapter 233 Soul Realm II

In a small house in a village, two women are sitting in their yard. "Big Sis! How long are we going to hide in this village?"

"What can we do, Xueyi?" Long Huishan asked back as she shook her head. "Our brother's subordinates are continuously looking for us all over Beijing, and we'll definitely run into them if we go back there now. Moreover, given his considerable authority, I'm sure that he's also overseeing all the airports and seaports, so we can't leave this country for now."

Long Xueyi sighed and nodded in agreement, for she was also quite familiar with her brother's character. "How about we go see Mo Xie? I think he might be able to help us escape from our brother." josei

"Are you crazy?" Long Huishan asked her with a frown.

Long Xueyi pursed her lips. "What exactly did Moxie do to us that night? Ever since I had that strange feeling, I've been thinking about him constantly, and no matter how hard I try, I can't get him out of my mind."

"I'm pretty sure that Mo Xie used his charm ability on us that night, but I didn't expect the effect to be so strong." Long Huishan replied as she sighed heavily, for she herself also kept thinking about Chen Li after she was affected by his Heavenly Charm Technique, but she continued to hold herself back as hard as she could. "I heard that succubi also have charm abilities, but their abilities aren't as strong as his, and their abilities won't last long either."

Long Xueyi agreed with her big sister, for she had also heard about the abilities of the succubi before. "I will definitely go crazy if his charm continues to affect us like this!"

"I am also the same as you, but we must try to overcome his charm, for I don't want to submit to him." Long Huishan replied as she stood up. "Let's go; we have to go to the nearest hospital for blood; our supplies are running low, or we won't be able to control ourselves."




After they waited so long, the four spirit women sensed an enormous Qi surge in Chen Li's body, which meant he was about to break through.

Sensing that, Xiao Kong'er immediately withdrew her Qi from Chen Li's body, and she smiled in satisfaction because of that. 'We just have to wait for the Little Master to form his cultivation soul, and he will officially become a cultivator in the Soul Realm.'

Xiao Huoli nodded in agreement and asked her. 'Aren't you going to leave this pagoda and go see Big Sis Hei?'

'Hehe, do you want to dual cultivate with our Little Master so you chase me out?' Xiao Kong'er asked back with a teasing smile.

Xiao Huoli's face turned red at that. 'I do want to dual cultivate with him.'

'How about I join you guys?' Xiao Kong'er asked as she looked at Chen Li's lower body.

Xiao Huoli facepalmed upon hearing that, but she also remembered that Xiao Kong'er had always been like that, especially since she was the most perverted among them. She had even repeatedly tempted Song Tianyi in the past, but he had never fallen under her temptations, especially since he was not a dual cultivator. 'Up to you then.'

Upon hearing that, Xiao Kong'er smiled widely and took off her dress, leaving Xiao Huoli speechless. 'Haha! You don't need to be like this, okay?'

'If Chen Li sees you naked like this, he will definitely pounce on you and eat you right away.' Xiao Huoli said as she shook her head.

'I know.' Xiao Kong'er nodded to her. 'In fact, I've been keeping an eye on you guys for a long time, so I know very well about our Little Master.'

'Your habits never change, and you like peeking at others from inside the void.' Xiao Huoli replied as she sighed softly.

They raised their eyebrows as soon as Chen Li's body started to radiate a golden aura, but they were astounded when they saw his tiny golden soul emerge from his body, and his eyes continued to watch them.

"Haha! I didn't expect that he had already succeeded in forming his cultivation soul." Xiao Kong'er said as she laughed. "Unfortunately, his soul is still too small and fragile, so he still has to cultivate and strengthen it further."

Xiao Huoli nodded in agreement with that. "But it doesn't matter, right? I think Chen Li will go to the true cultivation world after this, and I can concoct some pills to help him strengthen his soul. Moreover, he hasn't swallowed the Soul Cleansing Pill yet, and it will be quite a help to him."

"Yes." Xiao Kong'er nodded to her. "As long as you and Little Guang are by his side, things won't be a problem for him."

After a while, the tiny golden Chen Li turned into a tiny golden dragon, and it immediately entered his body.

[Ding! Your cultivation broke through to the 1st Stage Soul Realm.]

[Ding! The portal to the Seven Moon Realm has opened.]

[Ding! The Golden Yin-Yang Body Technique broke through to the second stage.]

[Ding! Dual Cultivation Shop level 2 unlocked.]

[Ding! Dual Cultivation Technique Shop level 2 unlocked.]

[Ding! Item Shop level 2 unlocked.]

After all those notifications appeared in his mind, Chen Li breathed a sigh of relief and opened his eyes, and he looked at Xiao Kong'er with an amused smile.

"Why are you looking at me like this, Little Master?" Xiao Kong'er asked as she smiled coquettishly. She then lifted Chen Li's hand and placed it on her breast. "Are you impatient to eat me?"

"Haha." Chen Li laughed at her question. "Even if I can't wait to eat you, I can't possibly do it right now, right?"

"After all, your cultivation has just broken through to the Soul Realm, so you can't possibly eat me now, or else your body will explode because of my Virgin Yin Qi." Xiao Kong'er replied with a nod and kissed Chen Li on the lips for a moment. "Even so, it's fine if we do intimate things, and you can do whatever you please with my body."

"I didn't expect there to be such a perverted spirit like you." Chen replied as he squeezed Xiao Kong'er's massive breasts, and he really seemed to like them. "Anyway, thanks for your Qi and techniques, and they will be very useful for me to speed up my revenge."

"You are my Little Master, so you don't need to thank me." Xiao Kong'er then pushed Chen Li down and kissed his on the lips; she even took the initiative to do a French kiss with him, surprising him.

Even so, Chen Li didn't reject Xiao Konger; he hugged and kissed her back directly, but they didn't kiss for long because he separated their lips. "I will satisfy Sister Huoli first."

After he said that, Chen Li then laid Xiao Kong'er beside him and pulled Xiao Huoli lying on top of him. He then kissed her lips and moved his lower body, and his hands gently squeezed her flat buttocks.

"Mhn~" Xiao Huoli started moaning incoherently from the pleasure of the movement of Chen Li's dick in her ass hole, and she kissed him passionately. 'Mhn~ I didn't expect that doing this kind of thing would be so great, and his dick completely filled my inside.'

Chen Li enjoyed it immensely, particularly as his dick grew hotter and hotter in her ass hole as Xiao Huoli's lust increased, causing her body to become extremely hot. 'Dang! A spirit woman like her is really different, and I've never felt such a sensation from my other women.'

Meanwhile, Xiao Kong'er's eyes were fixed on Chen Li's dick, which was constantly moving in and out of Xiao Huoli's ass hole, and her expression showed great eagerness to experience the same thing. 'Haha! I'm really lucky that my current master is a dual cultivator, so he won't reject me like Master Song in the past.'

Moments later, Chen Li sat on the bed and carried Xiao Huoli to sit on his lap with her back to him, and he kissed her from behind as his dick kept pounding her ass hole. His left hand played with her breasts and nipples, and his right hand played with her pussy, causing her to become even more lustful.

'Mhn~ Chen Li~ you can be more aggressive with me~ I want to feel more pleasure~'

'As you wish, my dear.' Chen Li replied as he carried out his actions more aggressively according to Xiao Huoli's request, and her body also moved wildly as the pleasure in her body was getting more and more mountainous; even her expression had become very lewd.

Xiao Kong'er became impatient after she saw their activity getting so hot. She then moved behind Chen Li and hugged him, and she stimulated him from behind while rubbing her breasts against his back.

After a while, Chen Li and Xiao Huoli reached their first orgasm, and his semen immediately flooded her ass hole, but he couldn't absorb her Yin Qi from her even though she released quite a lot of her love juice, for her Yin Qi was too strong for the current him.

"How do you feel, Sister Huoli? Did you enjoy your first orgasm?" Chen Li gently asked as he gently squeezed her breast.

Xiao Huoli nodded to him. "Yes, I like the feeling after an orgasm, and this feeling makes me really comfortable."

- To Be Continued -

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