
Chapter 244 +Memory Fragment Part III+

Chapter 244 +Memory Fragment Part III+

Chapter 244 +Memory Fragment Part III+

"Can you remember anything, Little Chen?"

Chen Li didn't answer their questions, and his gaze only focused on the swing as he continued to rub each side of it. However, he suddenly felt an intense headache, which caused him fall to the ground and fall unconscious.

"Little Chen!" The Dongfang Twins screamed frantically after they saw that; they then sat on both sides of Chen Li and tried to wake him up.

"You two don't need to panic like this." Xiao Huoli said as she appeared in front of them together with Xiao Hei and Xiao Kong'er.

"Sister Hei! Sister Huoli! Sister Kong'er! What happened to Little Chen? Why did he suddenly fall unconscious like this?"

Xiao Hei laughs at the panicked Dongfang Twins, and she then tells them. "All right, you guys can relax; nothing happened to him, and he's in his memory fragment now."

"Memory fragment?" The Dongfang Twins looked at Xiao Hei in confusion.

Xiao Huoli then explained to them about memory fragments, and Dongfang Hanyue asked her after that. "Does that mean me and Xue also have memory fragments like Little Chen?"

"I can't say for sure." Xiao Huoli answered as she shook her head. "Only Big Sis Shijian has that ability, and she can even enter and leave other people's memory fragments very easily."

The Dongfang Twins sighed after they heard that, and Xiao Kong'er said to them. "For now, we just need to wait for Little Master to wake up."




"Welcome back." Emperor Long immediately greeted Chen Li as he smiled broadly. "I didn't expect that your cultivation would reach the Soul Realm this quickly, but it is really good for you."

"After all, I have a few women by my side, and I also obtained an exceptional pill from Jiu Feng, or else my cultivation would not have been able to reach this stage so quickly." Chen Li casually answered, but he still felt weird talking to the older him.

"Haha." Emperor Long laughed at that. "The Yin-Yang Golden Pill is indeed extraordinary, and I have also swallowed it in the past."

Chen Li agreed with that and asked him. "So why did you suddenly call me here now?"

"This time, I didn't call you into this place, and you did it yourself." Emperor Long answered him as he shook his head.

"Huh?" Chen Li looked at Emperor Long in surprise, but he then remembered the headache he had before he entered the memory fragment. "I see. Apparently, that small swing was the trigger, but it seems I haven't regained my old memories yet."

"Do you really need to recall your old memories with those mortals?" Long Wang asked with a faint smile.

Chen Li sighed softly and directly answered him. "Since you've never experienced being born as a mortal, you definitely won't be able to understand my feelings. They may be mortals in your eyes, but they are the people closest to me, and they mean a lot to me. So no matter what the cost, I have to get back my past memories for their sake."

"Haha." Emperor Long laughed after hearing that and spoke to him. "That's good! No matter how strong you become in the future, you will still need the help of those who are close and loyal to you, so you must never neglect them." josei

"Of course not." Chen Li replied as he shook his head. "However, I don't want to be like you, and I'm not going to blindly trust everyone. Even though they are my closest people, if they dare to betray me, I will definitely kill them directly."

"Hmm?" Emperor Long frowned after he heard that. "It seems you've met our evil side, huh? Otherwise, you wouldn't say such things now, and I also still remember the time I met him in the past."

"Yes." Chen Li nodded to him. "I've met Hermit Long, and I've also obtained some of his techniques."

Emperor Long sighed heavily after he heard that. "I know Hermit Long's techniques are powerful, but they are also very evil, so I hope you don't use them too much."

"I know." Chen Li then said to him. "Let's stop our small talk, so what information do you want to share with me now?"

Emperor Long nodded and asked him. "Can you feel it?"

"What should I feel?" Chen Li asked in confusion.

"After you broke through to the soul realm, your dragon bloodline has become stronger now. Moreover, some of my memories have begun to merge with yours, but you still can't remember them clearly." Emperor Long explained it to him.

Chen Li nodded to him, for he often felt a strange feeling after he returned from Hong Kong, and several times a faint memory flashed through his mind.

Emperor Long then moved towards Chen Li and touched his forehead. "For now, I will impart some of my techniques to you, and they will definitely be of use to you."

In an instant, several techniques appeared in Chen Li's mind, and he muttered under his breath. "Dragon Breath, Dragon Strengthening, Dragon Transformation, and Dragon Force."

Emperor Long then explained them to him. "With your current cultivation, you won't be able to use dragon breath at full power, but it will still be very useful against cultivators from the Lower Realms. However, the higher your cultivation, the stronger your power will be. Dragon strengthening will be useful to strengthen your physique for a period of time, but the duration depends on your cultivation level. As for the dragon transformation, I don't need to explain it to you, right?"

Chen Li nodded and asked him. "Then what is the use of Dragon Force?"

"Dragon force; you can only use it when you use the dragon transformation, but I find it difficult to explain it to you, so you can feel it yourself."

"All right, I'll learn them later." Chen Li replied with a low sigh. "Then-"

"Our time is up, so we'll talk another time." Emperor Long directly sent Chen Li out of the memory fragment.





[Memory restoration: 1%]

[Five-Clawed Golden Dragon Bloodline fusion: 5%]

After hearing the two notifications, Chen Li immediately opened his eyes, and the Dongfang Twins immediately hugged him.

"Little Chen! You are too much! You made us panic!" Dongfang Hanyue immediately complained as she lightly smacked Chen Li in the chest.

Unlike her twin sister, Dongfang Hanxue asked him softly. "Is there anything you can remember, Little Chen?"

Chen Li sighed softly and hugged them, and he answered Dongfang Hanxue's question. "Honestly, I feel very familiar with this place, but I still can't remember anything. However, I think I'll be able to remember everything sooner if we go to this place often."

"Is that true?" The Dongfang Twins looked at Chen Li in surprise.

Chen Li nodded to them as he smiled. "Yes, I'm sure of that."

"That's great!" Dongfang Hanyue was excited. "In that case, we have to come to this hill often, for I can't wait for you to remember all the memories about us."

"Me too." Dongfang Hanxue answered briefly before she kissed Chen Li on the lips.

Suddenly, Xiao Hei asked him. "So who called you this time? Emperor Long or Hermit Long?"

"Neither of them." Chen Li answered her as he lifted the Dongfang Twins to their feet. "I met Emperor Long this time, but he told me that he didn't call me, and I went inside by myself."

"Eh?" Xiao Hei and the two spirit women were shocked to hear that.

Chen Li then turned to the little swing. "I don't know how I managed to do that myself, but it seems this thing was the trigger. That's why I'm sure that I can remember everything if I come here often."

After they heard that, the three spirit women exchanged glances, for they found it hard to believe that such a simple thing could be the trigger. However, they then sighed, and Xiao Huoli said to them. "Since Chen Li is awake now, we will return to the Tianyi Realm."

However, Xiao Hei did not return to Tianyi Realm, and she went straight to Jiro's place, for she sensed the presence of the vampires.

After they disappeared from their sight, Dongfang Hanxue immediately sat down on the swing. "Little Chen! Please, push this swing for me."

Chen Li laughed at that, but he complied with her request, and they played on the swings for some time.




The appearance of five men startled Jiro, who was sitting motionless. "You have finally come here, Count Maxwell."

Count Maxwell didn't answer Jiro immediately and observed him with his red eyes, for he felt something was strange about him. However, he couldn't find anything out of the ordinary in him, and he asked him directly. "Who are the two people you told me before? Are they really the cultivators in the legend?"

"They are Mo Xie and Feng Xian'er, and that man is your son's killer." Jiro answered with a deadpan look. "Anyway, the girl who own the casino are also with them now."

Count Maxwell raised his eyebrows momentarily. "Where do they live?"

"They live in a luxurious mansion." Jiro then gave him the direction of Qingshui Mansion.

"I see." Count Maxwell nodded in understanding. "I will go there now, and I will kill everyone living in that mansion."

After he said that, Count Maxwell and his subordinates disappeared from Jiro's sight, but he didn't notice Xiao Hei's presence in the room, let alone her action against them.

- To Be Continued -

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