
Chapter 258 Seven Moon Realm Details

Chapter 258 Seven Moon Realm Details

Chapter 258 Seven Moon Realm Details

Xiao Kong'er showed him the Void Orb. "However, I won't give it to you now, or else you won't be able to use the Necklace of Destiny as your weapon anymore."

"Hmm? Why is that?" Chen Li asked with a frown.

Xiao Kong'er sighed softly. "First, you have to reach the Earth Realm before you can use one orb. Second, your Void Element is still at a Lower Rank."

"I see." Although he really wanted to use the Void Orb, Chen Li also didn't feel the need to rush. "Then how can I increase my element?"

"Isn't that easy?" Xiao Kong'er asked with a coquettish smile as she twirled her fingers around his chest. "First, you should stay in the void more often, so your body can continue to absorb void qi. Second, you can dual cultivate with me often."

"Haha." Chen Li laughed at the second choice. "Of all the spirit women I've met, you are the most flirtatious, you know."

"But you like it, right?" Chen Li nodded to her. "In that case, you have to accompany me in the void often, and your void element can improve faster."

"En, I also can't wait to improve it; only then can I use your other techniques." Xiao Kong'er smiled and kissed him before entering the Tianyi Realm again.




"Did you kill that woman, Long Wang?" Di Chen immediately asked him with a worried look. josei

Chen Li smiled at her and told her directly. "Miss Chen, I didn't kill that woman, but I took her to another place."

"Huh? Where did you take her?" Di Chen suspiciously asked, especially since Chen Li and the others had just come to her realm, so they shouldn't have any friends yet.


Feng Xian'er answered her directly. "Sister Chen, we have a special place that connects this realm and ours, and my hubby brought that woman there, so Nalan Jie won't be able to find her. Since she's not dead, I'm sure he won't do anything excessive like attack your clan."

"That's true. As long as that woman doesn't die, I'm sure Nalan Jie won't attack us." Di Chen answered as she nodded in agreement. "Anyway, can you take me to your realm, Sister Xian'er? I've been curious about other realms for a long time, so I want to go there to have a look."

"Why not?" Feng Xian'er replied as she winked at her husband, making Chen Li sigh helplessly. "However, you may not be comfortable living in our realm, Sister Chen. First, there is no Qi in our realm, so you cannot cultivate there. Second, the air in our realm is different from here, and the air there is really bad due to pollution."

"It's okay; I can definitely get used to the conditions in your realm." Di Chen answered with a look of excitement, especially since she had wanted to go to another realm for a long time but didn't have the path to it, and the opportunity was right before her now, so she didn't want to waste it.

Suddenly, Di Jing said to her. "I also want to go to your realm, Sister Xian'er."

"Sure." Feng Xian'er nodded with a smile. "However, we want to train in the forest first, so we will return to our realm in two to three days. Moreover, you guys must ask permission from your family first; if they allow you to come with us, then we will bring you two into the realm."

"Hehehe." The Di Sisters laughed happily when they heard that. "We will definitely convince our family to agree to our wishes!"

After that, they went straight back to the Di Clan, and the Di Sisters went straight to see their parents.

On the other hand, Feng Xian'er and Xuanyuan Feng'er went straight to see Xuanyuan Wan'er, and Chen Li went to see Di Xiong.





Di Xiong directly stopped Chen Li. "You don't need to be too formal with me, and since your age is not much different from my grandchildren's, you can call me Grandpa like them."

"All right." Chen Li then asked him. "Can you give me clear information about this realm, Grandpa Xiong? Such as other regions, clans, and sects in other regions."

"No problem." Di Xiong nodded in agreement and told Chen Li everything he knew. "The Seven Moon Realm is divided into five regions: the Northern, Eastern, Southern, Western, and Central Regions. Although each region has many cities and villages, each only has one main city. As you already know, the largest city in the southern region is this Southern River City. The Silver Moon Sword Sect is in the north, and the Blue Moon Sect is in the south. The highest beasts in this area are in the mid-stage Earth Realm, but they are very rare."

"Then what about other regions?" Chen Li impatiently asked.

Di Xiong immediately continued his explanation. "For the northern region, the largest city in the region is Northern Mountain City, the city where the Xuanyuan Clan resides. On the northernmost iceberg is the location of the female-only sect, the Mystic Moon Sect. However, their sect is off limits, and they will only appear in certain events, such as competitions between sects. To go to the sect, we must go through the Illusory Forest, and the beasts in the forest are very strong; many of them have already reached the Peak Earth Realm. Not far from the Illusory Forest, there is the Purple Moon Sect."

Chen Li asked him again. "Besides the Xuanyuan Clan, how many clans are there in the northern region?"

"Besides the Xuanyuan Clan, there are several big clans in the Northern Territory. The Xue, Yi, Qiao, and Hua Clans." Di Xiong then paused for a few moments before continuing. "The Xue clan is the second strongest after the Xuanyuan Clan, and the sect master of the Mystic Moon Sect comes from that clan."

Chen nodded in understanding. "What about the Eastern Region?"

"Eastern region, huh?" Di Xiong muttered under his breath before telling him. "If the Northern Region is very cold, then the Eastern Region is the opposite. The largest city is Eastern Volcano City, and the Blazing Moon Sect is the main support of the city, which is located near the volcano. Besides, the Bright Moon Sect is located in the Mist Forest, and many people often encounter beasts in the mid-level Heaven Realm there. As for the clans, the Huo Clan is the strongest there, followed by the Yang, Wang, Leng, and Chu Clans."

"Oh?" Chen Li was surprised to hear that. "That means Aunt Yang comes from that Yang Clan, right?"

"Yes." Di Xiong replied with a nod. "Nianxue is indeed from the Yang Clan, and she used to be a disciple of our sect. Moreover, Yang Kang is an old friend of mine, so we agreed to marry our children."

"Then what about the Western Region?"

Upon hearing that, Di Xiong's face darkened, and he muttered glumly. "Snow in the north, river in the south, volcano in the east, and desert in the west."

"A desert?"

"Yes." Di Xiong nodded to Chen Li. "The Western Region is much darker than the other three, and Western Dead City, where the Dark Moon Sect is located, is its largest city. To get there, we must travel through the Dark Forest, which is home to Heaven Realm beasts."

"Western Dead City? Why is the city named like that?" Chen Li asked with a frown.

Di Xiong sighed heavily. "To us residents of this realm, the Dark Moon Sect is a heretical sect, especially since they are users of the darkness element, and they also use many forbidden techniques, such as Gu insect, ghost, corpse, and many more."

[Humph! They were just lowly cultivators, Master! I bet their techniques are dregs!] Chen Li inwardly laughed at Xiao Hei's words. After all, she was the Spirit of Darkness, so it was natural that she looked down on cultivators from the lower realm like them.

"In that region, the strongest clan is the Mo Clan. Besides them, there are also the Gu, Gui, Ruan, and Wu Clans." Chen Li nodded to him, and Di Xiong continued. "However, the Wu and Ruan Clans are not dangerous, but the other three clans are very dangerous, and you must be very careful if you meet members of those three clans."

"I understand." Chen Li certainly did not doubt the words of an experienced cultivator like Di Xiong. "What about the Central Region?"

"Haha." Di Xiong laughed at his question. "There is only one city there, the Holy Moon City, which is right in the middle of this realm. The true ruler of this realm lives in that city, and her cultivation is at Peak Sovereign Realm."

"Eh? The ruler of this realm is a woman?" Chen Li was really surprised to hear that.

"Yes! To reach that city, we must pass through the Moon Forest, which is inhabited by many beasts in the Sovereign Realm. Usually, we use the teleport formation to go there, but it's very expensive to go back and forth." Di Xiong then smiled meaningfully at Chen Li, giving him goosebumps. "That woman is very strong but cold, and her beauty is unmatched. Moreover, she is an excellent musician and painter, and people really respect her."

'Tch! Even if you praise her beauty like that, I'm sure her beauty won't match my Little Phoenix's beauty, and she is the most beautiful woman.' Chen Li muttered in his heart. "Who is the ruler?"

- To Be Continued -

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