
Chapter 283 Fang Xieyu

Chapter 283 Fang Xieyu

Chapter 283 Fang Xieyu

In the VIP room, Long Jiuxiao was sitting opposite a woman with long black hair, and her look was very serious as she looked at several photos in front of her.

The woman was none other than Fang Xieyu, and her lips curled upwards after she saw Chen Li's photo, and the look in her eyes seemed a little strange. "Is he really Chen Zhen's son?"

"Yes." Long Jiuxiao then asked her. "Are you going to take care of them all at once? Chen Wei'er, Xiao Xianglin, and Xuanyuan Wan'er are very strong."

"No." Fang Xieyu shook her head at him. "After all, Chen Wei'er and Xiao Xianglin are former bureau chiefs, and the government doesn't even dare to deal directly with Xuanyuan Wan'er, so I won't be able to deal with them at once. As for Feng Xian'er, I don't know for sure about her strength, so I don't dare to confirm it for now. However, I remember for sure that the other women are just ordinary women, especially Lin Qingzhu and Dongfang Wenxin. "

"You were right about those two." Long Jiuxiao spoke as he nodded. "Lin Qingzhu doesn't have any superpowers, and Dongfang Wenxin's superpowers aren't that great, but those three women are always around them. However, you should be careful of Chen Li because we don't have any accurate information about him except his metal superpower.

"A metal superpower, huh?" Fang Xieyu muttered as she looked at Chen Li's photo sketch intensely. "I didn't expect a young man like him to cause you so much trouble, so I thought he might have other superpowers, but I had to approach him first to confirm his other abilities."

"How are you going to approach him?" Long Jiuxiao curiously asked, especially since he also didn't have any information about Fang Xieyu.

Hearing that, Fang Xieyu got up from her seat and moved next to Long Jiuxiao. She then patted his shoulder, which caused his vision to go blank for an instant.

"Heh! Huang Tian often praised you in front of me, but you were no different from those idiot men, and you easily fell under my control." Fang Xieyu sneered as she shook her head. "Now, stand up and take off your clothes."

Without saying anything, Long Jiuxiao stood up and took off his clothes, and Fang Xieyu said mockingly. "Tch! Your surname is Long, but your dick is too small. At first, I wanted to have fun with you, but your small dick won't be able to satisfy me."

"I hope you won't disappoint me like this idiot." Fang Xieyu said as she picked up and rubbed Chen Li's photo sketch. Afterwards, she packed up all the photos and left the room, leaving behind Long Jiuxiao, who still looked like a doll.

Moments later, Long Jiuxiao returned to his senses, but he was shocked to find himself naked, and Fang Xieyu had also disappeared from the room. He immediately got dressed as he cursed loudly. "Fuck! How dare that bitch treat me like this! If she wasn't Huang Tian's person, I would teach her a harsh lesson."

After that, Long Jiuxiao also left, but he kept wondering about Fang Xieyu's superpower, especially since he couldn't remember what happened to him after she touched his shoulder.




Chen Li brought Bei Yudie, who was still sitting on his shoulders, back to Qingshui Mansion, and she looked more cheerful after they spent time together.

But Chen Li couldn't find his women except for Yu Xuan, who was still sleeping soundly in her room. The two vampires and the werewolf are also the same as her, especially since they are only active at night.

Xiao Huoli immediately told him that several of his women were focused on cultivating within Tianyi Realm, including Liu Ying, who was previously busy with her students' exams.

"Big Brother Chen!" Bei Yudie called softly.

Chen Li looked up and asked her. "Hmm? What's wrong?"

"I want to take a shower, so you can put me down." After he put her down, Bei Yudie pulled Chen Li to the third floor. "I want to take a shower with you."

"Eh?" Chen Li was momentarily surprised by that. "Are you sure?"

"En." Bei Yudie nodded with a bashful look. "Yun Qing and Su Mengyao have already done it with you, so I want to do the same with them too."

"All right, if you really want it, I will accompany you to take a shower." Chen Li agreed without hesitation to fulfill Bei Yudie's request, and they went straight to the bathroom in her room.

When they arrived there, with a red face and a pounding heart, Bei Yudie began to take off her clothes. "Aren't you going to take off your clothes, Big Brother Chen?"

Chen Li smiled and immediately took off his clothes, but Bei Yudie's face became even redder as soon as she saw his sleeping dragon, and her heart beat even faster after seeing that.

'Ugh! Previously, I only caught a glimpse of it, but it was really big after seeing it up close!' Bei Yudie muttered in her heart as she removed the last cloth from her body, but she immediately covered her small breasts and pussy.

Even though she herself asked Chen Li to accompany her, Bei Yudie felt really embarrassed to be naked in front of him, and she also felt inferior because her breasts were smaller compared to Yun Qing or Su Mengyao, even though she was two years older than them.

Seeing that, Chen Li immediately took Bei Yudie under the shower and pulled her hand from her chest. "Why are you covering them?"

"My breasts are too small compared to theirs, right?" Bei Yudie asked with a sad look.

Hearing that, Chen Li squatted in front of Bei Yudie and held her breasts, causing her body to tremble slightly. "Why do you have to compare yourself to them? Honestly, your breasts aren't big, but they're not small either, and I really like them."

"Do you really like my breasts?" Bei Yudie asked in a low voice.

"Yes, I like them." Chen Li answered immediately as he nodded. "Moreover, you're still seventeen now, and they'll still continue to grow at least for another year or two, so you don't need to feel inferior to them."

Hearing Chen Li's answer, Bei Yudie felt relieved and smiled sweetly. She then turned on the shower, hugged his neck, and kissed his lips under the hot water.

Chen Li himself immediately kissed Bei Yudie back, and his hands started playing with her small breasts. Even though they were small, they were round and bouncy, and he seemed to really like them.

"Mhn~" Bei Yudie moaned softly when Chen Li squeezed her breasts, even more so when his fingers brushed her tiny pink cherries, and his action made her love juice leak out of her pussy.

Soon, Chen Li separated their lips and licked Bei Yudie's neck gently and slowly, and his hands continued to move actively on her chest.

"Ahh~ It's ticklish, Big Brother Chen." Bei Yudie continued to moan, but she did not stop Chen Li, and her body continued to writhe with pleasure from his stimulation.

As she enjoyed his action, Bei Yudie stretched her hands downwards and held his dick, which she held with both hands, but its size was still too big for her. "Mhn~ Big Brother Chen~ Your thing is really a monster."

"You can squeeze it harder." Chen Li whispered into Bei Yudie's ear before he moved towards her chest, and his tongue immediately licked every inch of her breasts, which made her squirm even more.

"Ahh~ Big Brother~ I feel really weird~" Bei Yudie moaned louder as soon as Chen Li put her nipple into his mouth, and his tongue danced around it and occasionally pressed it gently. "Mhn~ Something... something is coming out of my body~ Big Brother~"

'You don't need to hold it and just release it.' Chen Li said to her via voice transmission as he licked Bei Yudie's nipples more intensely, and both hands gently kneaded her soft mounds.

After all, Bei Yudie was still young and had never been intimate before, and Chen Li's action brought her to the first orgasm in her life.

Bei Yudie immediately hugged Chen Li tightly, and her body convulsed several times as her love juice flowed out of her body. "Ahh~ it's coming out~ Big Brother Chen~"

[Ding! You got 100 Yin Qi from Bei Yudie.]

Chen Li immediately stopped his actions and hugged Bei Yudie, and he gently rubbed her back while waiting for her to enjoy her first orgasm.

Before long, Bei Yudie had finished her orgasm, but she instantly slumped in Chen Li's arms, especially since her legs felt weak after she reached the peak of pleasure. "Hah... Big Brother... Hah... I feel really weird... Hah... but at the same time I also feel so comfortable." josei

"Haha." Chen Li laughed softly. "You've just had your first orgasm, so it's normal for you to feel weird, but you'll definitely feel good if you have multiple orgasms."

"En." A satisfied smile graced his face, and Bei Yudie then said to him. "Let me rest for a while, and I will satisfy you after this."

"You don't need to think about it." Chen Li lifted Bei Yudie to her feet and helped her to clean her body. "Let's take a shower first."

"En." Bei Yudie nodded and let Chen Li helping her, and her eyes looked at him lovingly.

- To Be Continued -

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