
Chapter 296 Michael Shock

Chapter 296 Michael Shock

Chapter 296 Michael Shock

'Not really.' Ni Chang answered by shaking her head. 'I heard from some of my friends that their first experience wasn't too painful, especially since their lover was quite experienced and patient, and they understood how to prepare their lover before doing it.'

'Then what about your first experience?'

Ni Chang smiled bitterly after hearing that. 'My first experience was truly a nightmare; my first lover did it straight away without foreplay, which caused me to feel unconscious because the pain was so excruciating. Even so, after we did it a few times, I became addicted to doing it, and the pleasure was great. However, I can't explain it to you, and you have to experience it yourself to know about it.'

After hearing that, Dongfang Hanyue smiled weirdly at the thought of herself doing it with Chen Li, and she thought in her mind. 'Since Little Chen has a lot of women now, and they always seem to enjoy having sex with him, so it shouldn't be painful if I do it with him, right?'

Ni Chang smiled in amusement at seeing Dongfang Hanyue like that, and she then patted her shoulder. 'Did you just imagine having sex with your lover? Have you ever seen his dick before?'

Instantly, Dongfang Hanyue's face turned bright red, and she answered her. 'I've seen his dick, but I won't tell you about it!'

'Cheapskate!' Ni Chang hit Dongfang Hanyue's shoulder lightly and muttered inwardly. 'Since you don't want to tell me, I'll find out about it myself!'

After the class was over, Dongfang Hanyue and Dongfang Hanxue immediately continued with their other classes, and Chen Li faithfully waited for them in the cafeteria as he continued to learn every method in the Golden Needle Acupuncture Technique.




Meanwhile, the two female angels were standing in front of Michael, who continued to watch them closely, and he then spoke to them with a serious look. "I didn't expect that you two would have been entangled by worldly emotions so quickly, and you two have violated our forbidden rules."

"Are you going to banish us from heaven?" Noelle asked with a complicated look.

Sylvia also asked him. "Are you also going to strip our angelic powers?" josei

They realized that they had violated Heaven's rules by doing such things with a human, but they really enjoyed their intimate relationship with Chen Li. Even so, they don't want to be expelled from heaven, especially since being an angel is their pride.

However, Michael's next words made them breathe a sigh of relief. "From the start, I was aware of the risks of sending you guys to Chen Li, so I will not punish you, nor will I strip you of your angelic power. Even so, you have to be careful with other angels, especially that temperamental woman. If she finds out everything, I'm sure she will immediately capture the two of you, and she will definitely descend to the human realm to attack him."

"Hehe." Noelle giggled at that. "If she dares to descend to the human realm and attack Chen Li, then she will definitely regret her actions."

Sylvia agreed with her friend. "Not only that fox woman, but there are several strong people besides Chen Li, and you can't imagine their strength. Even Feng Xian'er is like a wolf in sheep's clothing; she is very strong and cruel despite her calm demeanor. If that temperamental woman falls into their hands, she will surely think that hell is a better place."

"Oh?" Michael looked at them in surprise. "Are they really that great?"


After that, the two female angels exchanged glances and nodded to each other, and they immediately spread out their wings, which caused Michael to be extremely shocked.

"How is this possible?" Michael muttered in shock after he saw their wings. "How can you guys evolve this fast?"

After all, Sylvia and Noelle joined Chen Li and the others in seclusion, and they also continued to ingest his Yang Qi enhanced by the Yin-Yang Golden Pill for several days. In the end, they finally managed to evolve, as Sun Xing'er said before, and they have four wings now.

Noelle smiled in satisfaction after she saw Michael's shocked expression. "We can't explain the details to you, but we were able to evolve this quickly thanks to Chen Li.

"Unfortunately, we still need a long time to evolve to six wings, or else that temperamental woman won't be able to stop us." Sylia added as she sighed softly.

Michael nodded in agreement with Sylvia's words, but he continued to wonder about Chen Li, even though he had guessed that he was a cultivator in the legend, but he himself did not know for sure about the cultivator's abilities. 'It seems I have to descend to the human realm to meet him in person; only then will I be able to find out his true abilities.' "Anyway, you better not show your wings to others, or it will create chaos, understand?"

"I understand." They answered at the same time, and Noelle asked him. "Do you have any information about Erasmus and Nicolai? They must have realized that Maxwell was missing, right?"

"You're right about that; they were already aware of Maxwell's disappearance." Michael answered with a nod of agreement. "However, I have already taken precautions against them by spreading the news that he is in our hands, so they won't go to Chen Li's place."

"Huh?" They were surprised to hear that.

Michael shook his head and said to them. "All right, you don't need to think about them, and you should stay here for some time, especially since it's almost time for the meeting."





A few hours later, the Dongfang Twins rushed to meet Chen Li in the cafeteria, but Dongfang Hanxue frowned when she saw Ni Chang following them, and she asked her twin sister. 'Why is that greedy woman following us?'

'What else?' Dongfang Hanyue replied with a helpless shrug. 'You are aware of Ni Chang's persona, and Little Chen's good looks captivated her, leading her to want to know him.'

Hearing that, Dongfang Hanxue turned to her and coldly glared at her, but Ni Chang paid no mind to her and continued following them, annoying her greatly.

When they arrived there, the Dongfang Twins immediately went to order their favorite menu, and Ni Chang shamelessly sat in front of Chen Li. "Hey, handsome! May I get to know you?"

"Hmm?" Chen Li looked at her with raised eyebrows for a moment, but he immediately shook his head at her. "Sorry, I don't want to get to know you, so you can leave me now."

Ni Chang was dumbfounded to hear Chen Li's answer, especially since no man had ever rejected her before, and she wondered in her heart. 'Is he really their lover? Why do I feel that he is gay? My face is quite beautiful, and my appearance is also sexy, but he rejected me without a second thought.'

"You may be beautiful and sexy, and many men may like you, but I have no interest in you." Ni Chang immediately returned to her senses after she heard that, and Chen Li continued. "Moreover, I already have two lovers, and they are much better than you, who have been intimate with several men before."

Once again, Ni Chang was stunned after she heard Chen Li's words, especially since this was their first meeting, and she had not seen the Dongfang Twins talk to him, but he could tell about her relationships.

'Tch! I won't give up just like this! I will definitely make you submit to me later!' Ni Chang muttered angrily in her heart as she left Chen Li alone.

As they waited for their food, the Dongfang Twins immediately sat down on either side of Chen Li, and Dongfang Hanyue hugged his arm as she asked him. "Are you really not interested in Ni Chang?"

"Nope." Chen Li answered by shaking his head. "Even though I don't know her, I know that she is a greedy woman."

Dongfang Hanxue felt relieved after hearing that, and she told him. "Ni Chang is actually a good person if we are just friends with her, but her character is really bad as a lover. She hooks up with her ex-boyfriends for money, and she is willing to do anything to get it."

"That's why I'm not interested in her." Chen Li answered with a smile. "Honestly, I have no problem having a relationship with a woman who has slept with several men before, and I have even slept with three succubi. However, I hate women who use their bodies to earn money just to fulfill their hedonistic needs."

Dongfang Hanyue then said to him. "However, I'm sure Ni Chang won't give up, especially since she always gets every man she targets, and I'm sure she will definitely try to approach you again."

"Haha." Chen Li laughed at that. "Let her try, but I will never be interested in her, no matter how hard she tries."

After they waited for some time, the young woman delivered the Dongfang Twins' food, but Chen Li immediately restricted her movements and prevented them from eating their food.

"What happened, Little Chen? Why are you forbidding us from eating?" Dongfang Hanyue asked with raised eyebrows, and Dongfang Hanxue also looked at him with a confused look.

Chen Li shook his head at them, and he then asked the young woman. "Did Jiang Bai order you to mix that liquid into their food?"

- To Be Continued -

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