
Chapter 301 Government Secret Agents

Chapter 301 Government Secret Agents

Chapter 301 Government Secret Agents

In the meantime, dozens of people gathered in a sizable field, and numerous soldiers were heavily guarding the surrounding area.

In front of them, there were several people who were looking at them seriously, and the blonde man suddenly said. "I didn't expect you to arrive in this city sooner, Han Xian." josei

"If your friend hadn't sent his subordinates to escort us, we wouldn't be here now." Han Xian replied as he glanced at Qin Gang. "So where is Chen Li now?"

"He's over there on the hill." Qin Gang replied by pointing towards the small hill. "That's why I ordered my men to escort you here, so we can attack him directly now."

However, Long Aotian immediately warned him. "You and your men can do anything to Chen Li, but you better not hurt the Dongfang Twins, for they are my future women."

"Wait a minute! Don't kill Chen Li straight away; I need to interrogate him first to find out my son's whereabouts." Jiang Li suddenly said to them.

Hearing her words, Han Xian and his men turned to her, but their expressions were like hungry wolves wanting to devour their prey, and Jiang Li instantly took several steps back, and her body trembled in fear.

Qin Hao immediately pulled his wife behind him, and Qin Wang also covered Jiang Li to protect his daughter-in-law from those savages.

Long Aotian shook his head and told them. "She is a member of the Jiang family, so you guys better not think anything bad about her, or else Grandpa Huang and Grandpa Jiang will punish you all severely."

Hearing Long Aotian mention those two names, Han Xian and his men immediately averted their gazes from Jiang Li, especially since those two old men could destroy them with just a single phone call.

Suddenly, a man dressed in black appeared in front of them out of nowhere, shocking them all. 'Crap! Why did he suddenly come here?'

"Good evening, Old Tianxie."

Mao Tianxie simply nodded and looked at Han Xian and his men. "The government doesn't care about your affairs regarding Chen Li, but I hope your actions will not cause chaos in this city. If that happens, my people will step in, and you know the consequences, right?"

"We understand."

Long Aotian then asked him. "Old Tianxie, please forgive me for being presumptuous, but can you tell me about the government's plans against the Long Feng Pavilion? I heard that Chen Wei'er and Xiao Xianglin have already united the four big gangs, and only the Kylin Gang is left now."

"You don't need to know about our plans regarding them, and we will take care of them ourselves." After he said that, Mao Tianxie instantly disappeared from before them, making them all heave a sigh of relief.

"Phew!" Qin Gang sighed as he patted his chest. "That old man is still as scary as ever; he can even appear and disappear as he pleases, but no one knows about his superpower."

"You better not talk about him, or you will suffer if he hears you." Long Aotian then turned to Han Xian. "You can lead your people to that hill now, and it would be great for us if you guys could get rid of him as soon as possible."

Han Xian only nodded at him, and he immediately ordered his people to move towards the small hill.

Besides, Qin Gang also led his subordinates towards there, and they followed behind Han Xian and the others.

"Let's go; we have to help them too." Qin Wang said this to his son as he walked away.

"Wife, you'd better wait for us here, and we'll be back soon after getting rid of Chen Li." Qin Hao then hurried to follow his father.

Jiang Li then turned to Long Aotian. "Aren't you going to join them?"

"Why should I join them?" Long Aotian asked back as he shrugged his shoulders. "I came here only to supervise them."

After he said that, Long Aotian turned to leave, and he waited for the results of their action elsewhere.

On the other hand, Jiang Li did not listen to her husband's words, and she immediately followed them.




On the roof of a tall building, Mao Tianxie stood there as his eyes continued to focus on the direction of the small hill, and five people dressed in black stood behind him.

Suddenly, one of them spoke to him. "Old Tianxie, I still can't believe Chen Zhen's son's change, especially since Chen Li didn't have any superpowers before. However, after he disappeared for a few months, he suddenly came back and became extremely powerful, and we couldn't even trace his actions."

"Not only you, You Shen." Mao Tianxie sighed softly. "Even I myself feel confused about how Chen Li could suddenly change drastically, especially since he didn't join the artificial superpower project."

"Old Tianxie, you've listened to the wiretaps of Long Jiuxiao's conversation with Jiro, right? Do you think those cultivators are really real?" A woman in black asked him.

Hearing that, Mao Tianxie immediately turned to her. "Cultivators are real, Song Susu. Back then, a friend of mine and Liu Zhen discovered a mysterious ruin at the edge of our country, and he found a lot of evidence that showed their existence on earth in the past. However, he couldn't find any records about how to become a cultivator, and that place disappeared by itself after he came out of it. Since then, the government has been trying to find that place for years, but we still couldn't find it."

Another woman then said to him. "Old Tianxie, since you are sure that cultivators are real, then could it be that Jiro's guess about Chen Li being a cultivator is true? But how could he be one?"

Mao Tianxie sighed and shook his head at her. "I don't have the answer to your question, Ai Ling."

"In that case, why don't we make a move to capture Chen Li, Old Tianxie?" Another man asked.

Mao Tianxie turned to him with a raised eyebrow. "Did you forget that Xuanyuan Wan'er is on his side now, Bai Zhan?"

Before Bai Zhan could answer his question, the last man asked him. "Is Xuanyuan Wan'er so scary, Old Tianxie?"

"Dimwit!" The four people immediately cursed at the man.

"Haha." Mao Tianxie laughed before answering him. "Shao Yun! You are the youngest among them, and you also come from the village, so you probably don't know anything about Xuanyuan Wan'er. However, I can tell you that she is the oldest person in our country, and she is probably hundreds of years old now."

"Huh?" Not only Shao Yun, but the other four people were also shocked to hear that. "Are you kidding us? How could that woman be hundreds of years old?"

"Honestly, not many people know about Xuanyuan Wan'er's true identity, but there is a secret document about her that only certain people know about." The five people looked at Mao Tianxi in surprise. "Decades ago, the government tried to arrest her, but they were all killed by her, and no one has dared to bother her anymore since then. Anyway, I won't reveal too much about her, but she is very old and powerful; even my grandfather has heard of her name."


The five people gasped in shock after hearing that, and Song Susu asked him again. "Does that mean Xuanyuan Wan'er is a cultivator? I once read in a book that cultivators can live for a very long time, so I think she might be a cultivator, or else she can't possibly live for hundreds of years, right?"

"You're right about that." Mao Tianxie nodded to her. "Back then, we didn't know anything about cultivators, so no one thought that Xuanyuan Wan'er was a cultivator. However, after we listened to Long Jiuxiao's conversation with Jiro, plus all the evidence my friend found in that mysterious ruin, we came to the conclusion that she is indeed a cultivator, but we have no way to prove the truth."

They fell pensive after hearing that, and Ai Ling muttered to herself. "No wonder the government doesn't dare take any action against Xuanyuan Wan'er; she's surprisingly strong. Not to mention, Chen Wei'er and Xiao Xianglin are also by her side, and they're no less powerful than her."

"You are right; they are very strong, so we can't act rashly to deal with them." Mo Tianxi then turned towards the hill again. "The battle between them is about to begin, and we can use their battle to learn about Chen Li's true strength."

After hearing that, the five people also looked towards the hill using binoculars to observe their fight.




On the hill, Chen Li lifted the Dongfang Twins to their feet. "Let's go back; I want to train in the Tianyi Realm after this."

"Me too!" The Dongfang Twins exclaimed loudly.

However, when they had only walked a few steps, Chen Li suddenly stopped because he heard many heavy footsteps moving towards them quickly, and his expression turned ugly as soon as he saw the many red dots on his map.

"What's wrong, Little Chen?" Dongfang Hanxue asked him with a confused look.

However, Chen Li did not answer her question and hugged the two women, and he immediately took them using the Void Tunnel to avoid the many attacks that shot towards them.

*Boom... Boom...*

Instantly, all the attacks landed on the hill and ravaged the area; even the big banyan tree was destroyed as well.

- To Be Continued -

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