
Chapter 304 Killing The Qins

Chapter 304 Killing The Qins

Chapter 304 Killing The Qins


"Do you intend to stop me?" Chen Li asked as he sharply glared at Shu Yan.

Shu Yan sighed softly. "They are just ordinary people, so it is not appropriate for you as a cultivator to kill them."

"Even though they are ordinary humans, they are my enemies, and my enemies must die." Shu Yan wanted to interrupt him, but Chen Li hurriedly continued. "As cultivators, you are much more experienced than me, but your mindset is too naive. Their relatives will continue to look for trouble with me if I let them go, and I don't want to waste time with them, so I will clean them up."


"If you insist on stopping me, I will also consider you my enemy." Chen Li fiercely interrupted Shu Yan again and called Sun Xing'er out of Tianyi Realm. "Even though I can't kill you, Xing'er can kill you easily."

Shu Yan froze after she heard that, and Sun Xing'er said to her. "I know that your duty is to protect these mortals, but you should not interfere with my brother's affair. Moreover, you have acknowledged him as your Emperor, and as his subject, you must listen to his words."

Without saying anything else, Chen Li immediately flew away from the two women, and he immediately killed everyone who had relations with the people who attacked him before.

"Are you going to let him continue killing these mortals, Star Goddess?" Shu Yan asked with a frown as she continued to pay attention to Chen Li's actions using her senses.

However, five spirit women suddenly appeared in front of them, and Chen Meiyi said to her. "As Li'er said before, you are indeed too naive, Guardian. Even though they are mortals, enemies are still enemies, and we don't need to be merciful towards enemies. Isn't that also the case in the cultivation world?

"For your information, those traitors have already killed many members of your Shu Guardian Clan, and most of them were innocent people." Xiao Hei nonchalantly told her about the matter.

Shu Yan's expression became ugly after she heard that. She then clenched her fists tightly and asked. "Do you know where they are now? What is their condition?"

"Currently, the remaining members of your clan are hiding along with a few other loyal followers of Emperor Long in a distant realm, but their conditions are really bad, and there are only a few of them left." After all, Xiao Kong'er was the spirit of void, and she had already checked on Emperor Long's remaining followers, so she knew for sure about their situation and conditions. "However, I won't tell you their location now, and you can meet them again after Chen Li is ready to go to the Five Divine Heavens."

"I see." Shu Yan replied with an understanding nod.

Xiao Huoli then spoke to her. "Since you already know that Chen Li is the reincarnation of Emperor Long, you surely understand the cruelty of the enemies waiting for him in the Five Divine Heavens, don't you? For now, let him kill his enemies, including those closest to them. Even so, we will stop him if he starts killing people who are not his enemies, so you don't need to meddle with his affairs."

As for Xiao Jianyi, she didn't say anything to Shu Yan, but she smiled faintly, watching Chen Li carry out his actions.

Hearing that, Shu Yan breathed in the cold night air and nodded to them. "All right, I leave everything to you all."

After that, Shu Yang left them, but Sun Xing'er and the spirit women continued to monitor Chen Li with their senses.

Suddenly, Sun Xing'er asked them. "What do you think my brother will do to those two little children? Will he kill them too?"

"I don't think so." Chen Meiyi answered by shaking her head. "Even so, Li'er might do something to their mother, but I can't guess what he plans to do to Jiang Xiaorou."

"Do you think he will give the soul mark to Jiang Xiaorou, Big Sis Guang?" Xiao Huoli asked.

Chen Meiyi chuckled at that. "I'm sure he won't give it to her, but he might use Xiao Hei's devil mark on her."

"Humph! A stupid woman like her deserves to be enslaved!" Xiao Hei said as she snorted.

"Let's go back; let Little Master handle everything himself." After she said that, Xiao Kong'er immediately entered Tianyi Realm, and the others immediately followed suit.

. josei



After he killed them all, Chen Li immediately searched for the location of the Qin family members through his map, and he immediately used the Void Tunnel after he found them.

Sometime later, Chen Li had already exited the void, and he casually stood in a dark street in his human form, waiting for his other enemies to arrive, especially since his dragon transformation was too much of a burden on his body.

Before long, the Qin family's group had arrived at the street, and Qin Gang immediately stopped the car as soon as he saw Chen Li blocking their way. "Shit! How could he know that we would go through this way?"

"What should we do now, husband?" Jiang Xiaorou asked frantically as she hugged her two children.

On the other side, Qin Hao hugged Jiang Li, who was shaking vigorously.

"Turn around now!" Qin Wang shouted to his brother, especially since the previous horror scene was still vivid in his memory, and he certainly did not want to die in Chen Li's hands.

Just as Qin Gang was about to drive back, a small fireball shot towards them and destroyed the car's engine directly, which made them even more frightened.

"Do you think I will let you guys escape?" Chen Li coldly asked as he swung his hand forward, and a sword qi shot towards them.

"Get down!" Qin Gang shouted as he ducked to avoid it, and they also followed suit, but they were even more frightened after their car was split in half horizontally.

"Husband! Father! You must do something to stop that monster; I don't want to die!" Jiang Li said as she started crying.

Even so, Qin Hao and Qin Wang felt powerless to face Chen Li, especially after they witnessed the massacre he committed earlier with their own eyes.

"Tch! Even if I have to die, I will take him to die with? me."Qin Gang said as he got out of his car; he then immediately took out his gun and pointed it at Chen Li. "Bastard! I will kill you!"

*Bang... Bang...*

"What a fool!" Chen Li said softly as he grabbed all the bullets that were flying towards him, and he immediately threw them back at Qin Gang.

"Argh!" Qin Gang groaned in pain as the bullets penetrated his hands and feet, causing him to fall to the ground.

"Husband!" Jiang Xiaorou screamed in panic after seeing that, but she immediately turned to Chen Li and used her demon power on him.

"Do you really think your lowly illusions will work on me?" Jiang Xiaorou was truly shocked to hear that, but Chen Li suddenly stretched his right arm forward, and her eyes widened in shock as she and her two children flew into the midair. "Honestly, I wanted to kill you too, but those two little kids made me not have the heart to do it. Even so, I still won't forgive you for your evil plans against the Dongfang Twins, and you can watch me kill your family first."

"No! Stop! Don't kill them!" Jiang Xiaorou shouted at him, but Chen Li confined the three of them using the Void Prison.

Qin Gang looked at Chen Li as he broke out in a cold sweat, especially after he saw the golden gun in his hand aimed at him. "Please-"


Before he could beg him, Chen Li had shot his golden gun, causing Qin Gang'shead to explode from his fire qi bullet, and Jiang Li fainted after seeing that.

Without thinking twice, Chen Li directly shot Qin Wang in the head, and he suffered the same fate as his brother.


Chen Li turned to Qin Hao, who had already peed in his pants, especially since he felt the dreadful horror of their deaths. "Where were your guts earlier? Didn't you previously want to torture me and my entire family? Why are you acting like a scaredy cat now? Since they are dead, I will send you and your wife to meet them."

After he said that, Chen Li directly killed Qin Hao by exploding his head, and he did not spare Jiang Li, who was still unconscious.

On the other hand, Jiang Xiaorou hugged her two children tightly as her body trembled violently, and her eyes were full of tears after she witnessed the deaths of her family.

Chen Li immediately returned his golden gun to a necklace and put it on, and he then released Jiang Xiaorou and her two children.

"Kill me!" Jiang Xiaorou spoke weakly as she continued to cry.

"Heh!" Chen Li snorted and approached her, and he pressed her hand against Jiang Xiaorou's chest. "As I said before, I can't bear to kill you because of these two little kids, so I will let you live to take care of them, but you will be my slave forever."

Jiang Xiaorou didn't understand the meaning of Chen Li's words, but she had resigned herself to her fate, and her gaze went blank after he implanted the devil mark into her soul.

- To Be Continued -

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